Making up x and x out

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"... Hey uh, let's move on" Canary chuckled sheepishly and cleared her throat, "Never have I ever dated anyone" Again, she put down a finger and Killua put one down too. What. I just end up nodding and looked at the ceiling to not show my boiling jealousy. "... How many other things have you done that you leave me out of, huh Killua?" I murmur to myself, and he sat up, "What's wrong with you. Huh? Why are you so bend up with me having a private life?" He said bitterly, and my heart trembled but I kept my face straight.

".... I'm your best friend. I want to know, I thought we talked about these things" I said quietly, keeping my composure. Killua rolled his eyes and replied a bit louder, "Oh yeah? Well, when were you going to tell me you were smashing face with Lukas in the bathroom? Huh?" He said accusingly, and my face turned towards him quickly with a expression of shock and utter confusion, "What-?" I say quietly, slightly offended.

"You heard me. I saw you guys making out." He said more vigorously. I gasped in a offended tone, but kept my cool, "Killua- He kissed me, I didnt kiss him." I paused, "But what does that have to so with anything-??" I slightly growl at the end of that sentence and our talking became more aggressive.

"Well maybe if you weren't such a flirt, I would have still be a virgin." He hissed at me with intense eyes. My mouth slightly opened in surprise, and my sensitive side wiggled it's way out. " .. I'm sorry" I said more quietly, and Killua just huffed and looked away. I heard him whisper under his breath, "slut"

... What did he... What? I tried to say something but nothing even dared to come out of my mouth, words stuck in my throat. My chest became more pressurized and tight, and my heart was starting to panic. Canary looked between the two of us with deep shock, and I shakily got up, "... I-im going to the bathroom" I said, making my way out of the bedroom silently.

Killua's POV:

He left, great. Maybe if he just saw I was interested in him before he went out and made out with random dudes, this wouldn't happen. I roll my eyes at his dramatic act of being the victim, and I looked at the bedsheets. He's so melodramatic, I'm not the one in the fault.

Then Canary looked at me speechless, eyes darting across my face trying to find any words at all, then after a minute she finally spoke, ".... Killua. That was..." "The truth?" I chime in, and she just shook her head slowly and her face grew more stern, "No, that was completely uncalled for and your being a total jackass." She accused, and I just scoffed, what does she know. I've known Gon for longer then her. "Yeah well he's a playboy and thats that." I scoff out, and she just shook her head again wordless, and just slowly got up and walked out of the room. What does she know.

It's his stupid fault I can't get over him, it's his fault Illumi did this to me.

Canary's POV:

I softly walk over to the bathroom, and pause at the door. I leaned my ear against the door and heard a muted sob. That poor boy. I quietly knocked, "... Hey Gon..?" I say in the best comforting voice I could manage, and I heard him shuffle in there and put on his best acting voice, "Y-yeah Canary?" He said in his usual voice, man hes good at masking.

"... You good in there?" I say quietly, and I heard him sniff. "... Yeah I'm fine. He was right, you know..." He replied glumly. I shook my head, "No- Gon your not a slut, your... Your his best friend. He just had something terrible happen to him and... and..." I went silent looking for a way to make Gon feel better while defending Killua; which was hard.

"... Its ok. Maybe I am just a slut. If Killua says so, then kts true" He said quietly, as if hes starting to accept it as a fact. "No- dont ever think that, Gon. You are a amazing boy and he is just being a little bitch." I say louder, not caring a lot defending Killua anymore. "He said that because he's upset for some dumb reason." He shuffled more, and opened the door. His face was a bit red and his hazel eyes were a little bit red. I sighed and put my hand on his cheek, and said softly, "Look, maybe you should leave him alone. He obviously can't say anything nice, so stay away from him right now, ok?" I advise him, and he reluctantly nodded. I pat his head and went downstairs out of the bakery. I hope Gon realizes Killua isnt good for him.

Gon's POV:

... "Slut" His word echoed through my head like a exho in a infinite tunnel, am I really that... bad? I gulp as i pass out of the bathroom doorframe and head towards my bedroom. I dont care what Canary says, Killua is my best friend and I love him. He must have had a reason so say that to me. I walked into my room to see Killua hiding under the covers of my bed, and I silently walked over to the covers and sat next to him. ".... Killu." I say calmly, and he stayed still, "What do you want?" He growled, his voice laced in poison, jaded with a bitter tone.

"... Killu we need to... to talk." I say, managing a slight smile. He sat up and looked at me, with a unamused face. "That's what you want? Well then, go back to your little boyfriend if you want praise that much, attention whore" he growled, and that stung through my whole soul. That comment almost made me break down, but I kept my composure barely. ".. K-killua I'm sorry, ok? I'm sorry..." I said quietly, looking down at the sheets with tears threatening to spill out of the sides of my eyes.

"... oh your going to cry? Emotional blackmail? How typical" He replied, and I winced. I'm sorry. "... What did I d-do wrong..." I said shaking slightly, my voice trembling with regret. He scoffed, "if your really sorry, prove it" He murmured, as if a challenge. Prove myself? .... Sure I can, I can do that. I quietly inhaled to calm myself down, and slowly leaned in and softly placed my lips on Killuas. He froze in absolute shock but slowly kissed back hesitantly. I lightly tried to pull away, but he placed his hand on the back of my head keeping me in the kiss. I whined slightly, not being able to take a breath. He noticed and let go, I pulled back and took a couple breaths and quietly looked into his eyes. Does... he like me back? Or.. is he just accepting my apology?

"..killua-" I quietly started to say, but he leaned back in and kissed me deeply, shuffling closer to be able to do so. How did we get here? He was mad at me and now... we are making out..?

Bittersweet | GonKilluWhere stories live. Discover now