Hugs x and x high-strung

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As I walked on my way back to the bakery, I kicked a stone across the concrete, pretending it was a soccer ball, "... there goes Killua Zoldyck, he has the ball... he winds up..." I aimed and reeled my foot back, "... he hits.." I kicked the pebble across and it hit the handle of the bakery door, "... and he scores!" I cheer, shooting my fists into the air, "and the crowd goes wild!" I made cheering noises with my mouth as if there was in fact a audience to my amazing athletic kicking of that rock. I hummed constently and entered the bakery. Mito was by the front wiping down the glass with a white rag and windex, humming quietly. I smiled and approached her, "Hi!" I greeted her happily, and she smiled, "Hello Killua! Your back from your blind date?" She hummed, and I was surprised on to how Gon's aunt knew, "Oh, well... yeah. How do you..?" I start, confused beyond reasonable doubt.

"I know plenty," she smiled motherly, then took a glance up in the direction of Gon's room, "... And Gon was anxious about it so I heard him yelling up there a bit ago.. Go ahead and check up on him, hm?" She said softly, and I nodded. What's up with Gon? I hop over the gate with a gentle hum of a tune in my head, and climb the latter upstairs. I peeked my head in and Gon was talking to Canary. I overheard them quietly, interested.

"... Seriously you have to stop being SO stuck up, like he isnt your DAMN PROPERTY- LET THE BOY GO OUT-" "... Canary you don't understand. He's mine. I don't like to share, but I do with you and his sister. That's all whom I'm up for sharing him with." The two bickered, and I pouted, this is about me? Right when my mood rose... ".. I'll try to be more... trusting, ok..? I care about Killua so much and..." Gon sulked, "... I don't want to loose my best friend..." canary sighed, "... I understand but like... why is he wearing that dumb hoodie that's way too high above his neck? Care to explain?" "O-oh uh... I may have got a bit carried away this morning..." "on what?" Canary said interrogatively, and Gon whined, ".... Nothing bad..."

I exhaled slowly and opened the door fully, entering the room. They both looked at me, and Gon perked up, "Killua-...!" He whined, running towards me and hugging my chest to his tightly, "Oi too tight again-" I warned him, but embraced him closely still. He sniffled, seemingly worked up about something. ".... Killu I didn't like that you went out on a date. I like you single.." he complained, pulling back to look into my eyes. I kissed him on the nose, "I'm already in love with you, idiot" I smiled, and pet his head reassuringly. He smiled back and choked back his doubt, "... Ok!" He hugged me close again, and I rubbed his back with a smile. Canary walked to us, ".... Killua. At this point... you should go home. I won't force you yet, but..." she inhaled sharply, "... Gon literally got so posessive over you he barely let you leave!" "He felt threatened, that's all" I defend, standing up for him. Maybe a bit of me did so because I felt guilty. I made him feel that way, it's my fault.

".... Ok." Canary concluded, leaving the room quietly, braving one last sentence in her leave, "... If he breaks your heart, it's on you" she parted, leaving out of earshot. I froze at her claim, and Gon noticed my sudden stiffness, "... Killua you know I'll never hurt you, right?" he said softly, looking up at my eyes with his pure ones. I gulped, "I trust you, with my heart" I declared, pulling him into a quick kiss. He paused after and looked to the floor. "... How was your date" he said softly, and my expression softened, "Oh! I met this boy named Ciel, he has the most beautiful fair skin, autumn ginger hair shaved at the sides of his head into a 2-1 shave, hair tucked into a high rise ponytail, eyes soft and gentle but also send off a protective aura, he's basically a saint..." I unintentionally swooned at the mention fo the boy, and Gon flinched. He took a while to respond.

".... is he hotter then me?" He asked quietly, and I thought for a moment, ".... No, but he's still really hot" I said, more cautious due to his tone. He hugged my tighter, "... Do you like him...?" "Well yeah- he's so cool and... well... he's like you..." I said, trying to calm him down. It didn't seem to work, "... I see. Maybe..." he said, pulling away to look at me with semi-serious face, "... maybe I can show you what your missing...?" He offered, and I blushed, "What-? I- how?" I wandered off with my speech, and Gon just lead me to the bed and sat me down. "... please promise you won't leave me first, please.." he said, voice slightly cracking. I gulped, the sight of him like this made my heart hurt, "... I'll never leave you." I said, hugging his waist close. He sighed in relief and held my hips close, "... I'll make you feel wonderful, Killu. I promise" he said more quietly, leaning down near my ears.

"... I- Gon what..." I said quietly, not wanting to have anything with this right now, ".. Gon no I'm not in the mood, ok?" I said, turning my head away. He paused, "... A-alright... ok..." he whined, hugging me close, "... You never let me.." he complained childlike, and I sighed, "... cuddles." I said, scooting higher onto the bed and layed down. Gon sighed lightly and cuddled up close to me. I kissed his hand and held him close, while he rested his head on my chest. Why can't he just be content with this? Being able to be so close?

Gon's POV:

I wanted to show Killua that he doesn't have to replace me, but.. he doesn't want my intimacy. Why? It would make him feel good... and I'd show him that he belongs to me and only me. But instead, I got cuddles when I want to be in his pants. I sighed, and embraced him anyways. I love him too much to make him upset, so I'll go along for now but later... I won't be able to stop myself.

"Killu what else do you have to do today?" I ask quietly, smelling him softly. I love his scent. "Oh, hang out with Alluka." He mentioned, even though today was Monday, we had no school today. I nodded, "... Your sure busy" I joked lightheartedly, and he chuckled.

"Gon your so cute.." he purred, enjoying our cuddles. I'm not entirely cute, some call me a monster.

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