Denial x and x Final

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Gon's POV:

Killua has been gone for a couple hours... I'm worried. Then, downstairs I heard a knock from the door, and rushed to it as fast as my feet could carry me, Killua-? I swung open the door in anticipation and frowned at who was in the door- It's just Canary. I let her inside with a worried expression, "What's up? I thought you had your job today?" I asked, and she looked all around, avoiding looking at me. Her lip curled up and trembled, quaking slightly, my hand softly on her shoulder, "Canary? What's wrong?" I ask softly, and she gulped thickly and met our eyes. Her brown pupils quivered in anxiety.

".... I-it's master Killua... he's... he... I..." she choked out, guiltily sniffling and I stiffened. Killua? "What about him?" I ask urgently and she gasps a bit more, ".... I w-was cleaning, and master Kalluto called me... the... the sight... I..." she said, choking on a gasp. I gave her a serious look and she shook her head feverishly, ".... Y-you shouldn't know more..." she said glumly, and I was silent, "You will tell me what happened to my  best friend. Now" I coo, my overprotectiveness rearing its malicious head. Canary shook and looked at me with shaking eyes, then sighed heavily, calming down slightly, "... He... someone pushed him and he... his head..." she paused and stared into my eyes, into my soul, "... was cracked to the side." I stood stiff, unable to process that. "... say... that again?" I ask, I must have heard her wrong.

".... HE'S DEAD-! THE PERSONAL MEDICAL TEAM GOT TO HIM BUT ITS A LOW CHANCE HE'S ALIVE" She yells hysterically, and I showed no emotion. The light dimmed from my eyes, ".... liar. He wouldn't die like that" I mutter out, and Canary choked back tears that already slid down her skin, "HE'S DEAD GON, YOUR BEST FRIEND IS DEAD-" She laughed, hysterically clenching her shoulders and breaking down into a sob. She tried to speak more but too much screams of complete dispondense leaked out of her mouth it sounded like wails of nothingness. Heart quenching screams of loosing a friend and the trauma of seeing it. My body tuned her out, mind going blank. My body feels numb, weird.

My mouth was slightly open, as I took cold, simple breaths. He's not dead, right? He couldn't be. I look over at Canary bawling on the floor, why is she crying? He's not dead. He's fine.  Killua is going to come back any second now. Any second. I shift my blank gaze over to the front door, staring at it. I didn't even realize it, but tears streamed down my numb cheeks. I could taste the saltiness of it as some ran by my lips. Why am I crying? He's fine. I stared more, and Canary stopped her wails and sniffled, composing herself and she rubbed her eyes dry and gazed upon the door too. "..... He's not coming." She said sorrowfully. I kept staring. He will.

Suddenly, the door flung open. My eyes opened slightly wider in anticipation. See? He's back- he's... not here. Alluka fell from her weak legs to her knees on the floor, tears streaming from her now pinkened face, snot from her nose as sweat mixed together down her chin. Why is she here and not him? She wails out, shaking uncontrollably, gasping for air, "B-BIG...  B-BROTHER... HE... h-he...  he.... I... I saw him... he.... I... I-iilumi... took me... I...  ran..." she wailed out, and Canary quickly enveloped her in a quick embrace, "... Master Alluka...!" Canary gasped, and Alluka sobbed and hugged Canary tight. I looked back at the door.

Where is Killua? Here is his sister. Where is he? He shouldn't have been far behind her. Wait. If... Alluka is here alone.... something did happen to Killua. My eyes opened wider, my body, I cant feel it. I can only feel my heart, its so...  so... fast... my head hurts by the ear-bursting echo of beating in my head, growing louder and louder: violenter and violenter. He's.... he's dead...? It's... it's all my fault... If... we didn't do what we did... he wouldn't have died... he only died because of ME.... I KILLED KILLUA... more tears streamed down my face, eyes growing red and blurry from the floodgates rumbling out of my eyes. My fists tightened painfully till my knuckles were white and I stood up. I didn't know how I'm up, due to me not feeling my legs. Killua... It's my fault... wait.

My head snapped up, looking at the front door. WAIT- I DIDN'T KILL HIM- ..... HE DID. I took one heavy brooding step. THAT.. Another step towards the door. SICK. I was close enough to opened it, and I put my hand firmly on the knob. BASTARD. I walked out, the harsh violent wind slashed out attacks of air outside, and dust attacked from around. I took slow, heavy steps. Then, quickened powerful steps. Soon enough, I was full sprint and a gritting scowl grew violently on my face, my cheeks hurting. THAT SICK FUCK OF KILLUA'S BROTHER KILLED HIM- HE'S THE ONE TO BLAME..-!! NOT M E-!!!

Nobody was on the streets. They were vacant, soul-less. Why did such a person like Killua deserve such a fate? My beautiful... kind... talented........ Killua Zoldyck. The model, yoyo tournament champion, violinist, fencer, thespian, chess player, chocolate addict, strong willed student council treasurer.


???'s POV:

The dark, dim corner of stone harbored a small puddle of water. It leaked from a pin-sized hole, from outside. A single drop of liquid raced down the provided water slide along the moist stones, and slid down to a small, protruding rusty piece of metal bended to be a tap, and hung on for a slop second before free falling through a few centimeters until it quietly collided with the body of water as ripples burst through it, eventually calming down.

Eyes blink open, subjected to total darkness. Darkened pale blue eyes staring at the only dimly visible stone floors. Rusty tight clamps were bound around his wrists, thick chains holding him up a feet above ground. His feet dangled barely, bruised and beaten. His chest expanded slowly, then collapsed. He blinked hesitantly. He can't move his neck. It hurts.. his neck was held up by medical stuff, why isn't he dead? His arms feel brittle and weak, strained from holding him up for god knows how long.

Then, the slightly blue hue'd dim light flickered on, a snap of a switch echo'd through the mostly vacant void of stone. He couldn't look up to see, but a clack of heels treaded slowly in his direction. A strange muffled clap, against stone. One, after another. Then, he saw the heels in front of him. Despite his total fatigue, he widened his eyes. The more taller, thiner male smiled plainly, irises eyes growing in sight of the pathetic boy. The man ran his pale but elegant hands threw his atral but now blue- Illuminated long silky black hair. A dark, twisted laughter erupted from his throat, "Oh my my my, Kill it seems that your finally home..."

".... your big brother dearly missed you" He purred, prancing his finger along the boys chest to the lower abdomen. The smile grew slightly more as he purred slightly, "... it seems last time it wasn't enough, hm? You still have homosexual desires...." he grabbed at the boys waistband and slipped his thumb under it.

"That won't do, will it-?"

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