Realizations x and x revelations

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I looked at Killua quietly, just enjoying the view. He cleared his throat and looked away, intimidated by my eye contact. I chuckle, and I grabbed his hands and rubbed them gently, "Soooo- did you get me presents??" I question with a big smile, and he chuckled, "Of course"

"Was it good stuff? Or cheap stuff? How many presents?" I pestered him, and he just rolled his eyes playfully, "If I i say anything then it isnt a surprise then- so, what do you have planned for this special day?" "Other then being older then you?" I chuckled in response, and continued, "Maybe a date with my best friend?" A smile formed on my lips. Killua blushed darkly, "D-date-??" He stammered out, yanking his hands from mine nervously.

"Oh don't worry- it's just a platonic date like how I have with girls who ask me out! You can pick the place we go though!" I smile and tilt my head to the side. "That doesn't change the fact I've never been on a date before..." He murmured out to himself, hugging his arms close to his chest awkwardly. How is this little nervous boy a confident Model?

"Oh come on, I can teach you! If you ever go on a date, then you'll know what to do and hoe to act! Think of this as a tutorial! And a present to me, heh." I flash him a smirk, and he chuckled, "You know I'm not anywhere near popular.. Nobody would ask me on a date" I know nobody would ask him on a date. If they did, I might lose him. I don't want that.

"So- where to? You're paying for it- since it's my birthday! So pick someplace fancy!" I tease, and he chuckled, "Hm... maybe that one fancy restaurant that has a Michelin star rating?" He said, looking at me. I nodded, "Sounds good! Do you have something fancy to wear?" I question, and he chuckled, "Of course I do- but... it's at my house" he said quietly.

"Oh... well I don't want you back there. Your brother is a asshole and I dont trust him.." I say, protectively pulling him into a tight hug. He smiled solemnly and hugged me back, "... We could pick up matching suits at Louis Vuttion." I sighed and nodded, "You don't have to get me anything else... I was joking with asking for copious amounts of gifts." I say quietly.

"... But I want to spoil you. Your my best friend" he smiled, and enjoyed being a inch taller then me. I rolled my eyes and went on my tippy toes to gain height. I grunt superiorly. He chuckled and went on his own tippy toes to show me up. I whine, and get down. "Nooo faiirrr- I'm 16 and yet I'm shorter then a 15 year old!! I thought I'd be blessed with an inch overnight..." I whined. He chuckled, "Well- I'll be 16 too in two months so hah." He boasted, and I huffed and plopped onto my bed. "Oh don't be a sore loser-" he said, sitting next to me.

I'll show him sore loser- I flip over to sit onto his lap and lean close to his face teasingly gently putting my hands on his shoulders. He gulped and looked away, "H-hey not fair- get off..." he murmured. I just grinned, "Why should I get off? I have no reason to. And quite frankly I'm comfortable where I am." I laugh quietly. He whispered something to himself about me being stubborn as a mule, and tried to scoot me off. I'm not going to back down that easily- I'm not scared.

I gently push him down into the bed with my hands around his wrists hovering over him. His face overcame with a blush so full that his pale features were lost to the rose-tint. I lean down slowly near his ear, "... I may be a sore loser but that's more then what you are" I say in a low tone and I heard his breath quicken nervously under me. Did I go too far? I sit up nervously, "Did I..? I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable-" I apologize quietly, looking away at the wall with a silent wave of shame.

It took him a moment to get back his senses and he slowly sat up and pulled my face to look at him, " .... Gon. It's fine, just..." he paused, gently putting his forehead against mine, ".. just get ready ok?" He continued quietly and placed me off of him as he walked out. My body weighted down a bit, I feel like I pushed us too far... Not a good start for my 16th birthday. I didn't mean to... and he looked so embarrassed. Oh god I'm a bully aren't I? I just wanted to prove a point.. Not make him uncomfortable.

I take in deep breaths, more to punch out later... ok. I don't need these negative thoughts and feelings on my special day. I get up onto my feet and go down from my room to the front door where Killua was staring outside the window by the glass front door silently. I paused in my steps. Do I even desurve him? He's been nothing but forgiving, understanding and loving. I feel like just a hindrance and a burden to him. He looks like a angel. A being above me. In beauty, height, maturity. Like a true model. I clenched my fists lightly, why does a person like that let me do all I do? All I've done is hurt him.

He then turned around, his sunrise lit reflective sapphire eyes peered at me. Seemingly into the deeps of my soul. The morning light leaking from the window door shone on his now back to normal facial features. His gentle and content natural grin on his soft luscious lips. Ivory white hair like snow was illuminated by the Morning glow. It's like a fairy walked into the bakery and blessed me with its presence. I gulped as a single sigh came from my mouth. His beauty was almost intimidating in this situation. Why am I only seeing this now? I mean I've noticed him before but never to this extent. Like a new lense went through my eyes.

"Gon? Come on- the store is going to be overbooked to the brim of we don't go now." He reminded me with a smile, and my body finally had the courage to move again and I walked over to where he stood. As I looked at his face closer, I noticed that below it was just as stunning. His neck was perfect and smooth, shoulders straight, inhumanely perfect posture and almost feminine hips. He noticed me staring him down and cleared his throat and grabbed my wrist as he began to drag me out of the bakery, "Stop gawking- I feel like self-conscious when you do so, idiot." He commented, speeding us along across the now awakening streets of Paris. I gulped, matching his speed and sliding my slightly smaller hands into his, our palms grasping eachother perfectly.

... Hm. Maybe just looking at him is the perfect birthday present I've ever had.

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