Sparring x and x alarming

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Gon's POV:

I grinned stupidly, in complete awe of Killua's present. He really had that watch for all this time to repair it...? My heart fluttered, and I just hugged him again tightly. Maybe I am loved, atleast for now. Killua chuckled and pet my head softly. I hummed quietly, and put on Ging's old watch on my right wrist. I missed the coldness of this watch on my wrist... I appreciate Killua so much right now. Ah- wait- I grab my shirt and wring it out again till it's dry, and put it on. I clear my throat, "Thanks, even though I've said it more then enough!" I grinned, and Killua looked at me softly with a warm smile, "Come on, wanna practice together?" He asked, getting into a stretch of his shoulders. I brightened up, "YEAH- and I'll beat you this time!" I exclaimed, and he just chuckled in response.

We both got ready with prep, I wrapped bandages around my wrists and slid on the same pair of gloves I used to take out my feelings. I paused for a second, staring at the floor. I'm grateful for Killua. My mind was in some pretty dark places untill he got ahold of me on the phone. I was about to do something stupid, but as soon as I saw his message ping on my phone the daze fell off my mind. And after he announced he was going to being me something, I replaced the emptiness with excitement of him coming to see me. I began exercising to keep my mind off the still lingering feeling of rejection, but as soon as he gave me the present I felt like that's all that I needed. He saved me. Like always. A smile drew onto my face again as Killua was all ready and was boxing the air. Pff- I chuckled at him, and he turned to me, "eh? What? You ready?"

"Yeah yeah- let's do this" I still chuckle, but hold it down. We both grinned as we got into positions, and put our fists up. It's been a while since we sparred, about a year or two. As I saw that we began to pace around eachother eyes locked. I studied his body movements and saw he was leading with his right foot and he cranked his left arm. I blocked to my left but didn't see the right hook to my side, I grunted- wow he's quick. But I'm also quick! After a while of intense sparring and blocking, we were both sweating and panting softly. My heart was in my throat but the boxers high was making a fog in my mind.

Killua chuckled out of breath and put his fists down and sat onto the bench nearby. I sat next to him with a smile, catching my breath as I stared at him. His chest lightly went up and down, white hair slightly wet from his efforts, drops of sweat caressing his pale cheeks down his neck. Of course we were both equal in our sparring, but we were only boxing. In anything else he would have beat me. And in the back of my mind I think: I bet he didn't even go for the kill with me. A light chuckle escaped my mouth and Killua glanced over at me.

"Hm?" He inquired, looking all over my face. I scooted closer and wrapped my arm around his shoulder, "Let's get cleaned up!" I smiled brightly and he chuckled in response, "Yeah ok" We got up to the locker room, and got ready for showers. All this gross sweat made me smelly, huh? I sigh quietly to myself still with a light smirk present. I place down my watch in my locker, and close it. I glanced over to the right of me and saw Killua lift his shirt off to get ready. Ah I'm not ready for his abs- I impishly look away, a awkward giggle from my throat. I focused on taking my own shirt off, then I couldn't help myself. I'm going to hell for this- welp. My eyes glanced over at Killua again, and he was down to his shorts. A bright brush spread across my face as I look in his majestic abs- damn that man works out. He noticed my staring and raised a brow, to which I whimper and look away sheepishly- shit I was caught-

I heard a quiet chuckle from next to me as I hurried to get ready. I cleared my throat as I walked to the showers and my feet scaled across the cold moist tile. I shiver quietly, then turned on the water. I winced at the high temperature and turned it down until it was just pleasantly warm. I hummed as I washed up, and finished up. I wrapped my personal towel across my waist and dried my hair with my hand towel. As I got back to my locker, Killua was already done in his clothes drying his fluffy white hair in one hand and phone in another hand. His eyes were glued on his phone, and I chuckled. I opened my locker and took my clothes and put them on quietly. As I was done, I looked at my locker in confusion. Wait- where's my... I look around panicked, and Killua took notice, "What's wrong?" He said concerned putting his phone away. I gulped, where is my watch?

Instead of responding, I kneeled to the floor to see if it fell. My heart sunk as it was still nowhere in sight, and I was getting antsy. But then I saw a couple boys around 19 walking by and my eyes were caught on a familiar shine of silver... MY WATCH- My body moved on it's own towards my only memory left, and the boy looked at me confused. As I grabbed for my watch, the boy understood and put his arm above his head, "Oh your the little kid that left his watch out? Well its mine now, ask daddy to buy you another one~" he teased, and my teeth gritted tightly. "GIVE ME MY FUCKING WATCH-" I yell at him, and reach for it again, the boy pushed me against a locker with his hand against my neck. I gasped for air, my neck was always sensitive-

As the boys grip tightened around my neck, I weakly grabbed for my watch but my vision blurred as my head went fuzzy. I could only barely hear one of the boys exclaim in surprise and then I was out. My mind went dark and body limp, choking.

....What's happening...?

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