Plans x and x demands

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I never intended to be attracted to my best friend, but it somehow just happened. And now I just want to see more of his body, to be able to touch it. Explore every part of him. But he doesn't let me. It's not my fault I find him hot, it's his fault. It's nothing much though since I'll get him soon.

That stupid boy he met, I saw him. I had someone follow Killua and him, to the cafe nearby. For three hours, those idiots talked. I saw the boy named Ciel slowly make him comfortable, trying to take him from me. No shit I'm not going to let that slide. I'm not crazy enough to hurt him, no- that boy is just living life and doesn't desurve to get hurt. But... don't mean I cant break his heart. The plan? Simple: break down Killua's final walls, seduce him, film it, and post it online for the boy to see. Simple, and isn't directed at him obviously so there would be no way to connect my actions with his mental state.

Just scare him off, is my plan. And get what I want with Killua as a bonus. I won't hurt Killua of course, just... pleasure him. I just need to make him not hold logic to his actions for one night... hmm if I am able to get him to drink enough... yeah that's a great idea! Then afterwards, he won't remember and I'll delete the video! Nobody except that disgusting boy will suffer! My lips twisted pleasurably into a smile, as I hugged my best friend close. "Hey Killu, I have a plan for tonight- do you want to help me host a party today?" I ask, nuzzling up against him. He thought for a moment, "hmm... sure! Seems fun" he nuzzled back, and I giggled. This idiot is falling for it.

"So- like around 7?" I ponder, and Killua yawned, "Yeah sure- I just need time to sleep before then. As long as your with me it'll be fine" he said, hugging me feeling safe. "Awe... so cute" I smile, hugging him back closely in a loving embrace. I pull the blanket over us and yawn, "Now, let's rest for a little... it's only 2pm" I coo, snuggling against Killua as he pet my head softly, "I love you.." he yawned, drifting off. I paused. "... I love you too Killua" I say finally, holding him softly. My mind wandered everywhere other then sleep, too active to rest. He's sleeping now...  he's a deep sleeper... maybe... I could... my hands drifted towards his thighs.

Before I could do as I planned, Alluka walked in and pouted, "Sleeping still? Lazy- but I can't blame" she giggled and plopped down on the other side of Killua and cuddled him too. I looked over at her, a slight stink eye. But, I also have to love Alluka since she is the key to his happiness aka: his pants. So, she's my little sister too now. I always wanted a sibling. "Quiet, ok Alluka? Sleepy time" I smile, and she giggled more softly, " 'kay!" I pat her head from across Killua and went back to cuddles. I closed my eyes, content with the brilliancy of my plan.

Now I just need the boy's profile name and Huntergram profile to private message... for that I need Killua's phone. It would be awfully suspicious if I just look through his phone in broad daylight with his very perspective sister next to him. I need a diversion to send her away for enough time to go through Killua's property. I hum when I realize- I can set a fake goose chase! I pull out my phone and text Canary that Killua doesn't feel good and that Alluka and him were supposed to go to the mall and that she would be so disappointed if someone didn't take her, and Canary would tell Alluka to come with her to the mall: therefore getting rid of the two that would gain suspicion of my plans. With those two out of the way, as long as Killua doesn't wake up going through his phone is going to be uninterrupted and be successful.

I nod at my quickly formed plan, and commence it.

Me: Hi canary! Killua isn't doing so well and, he promise that him and Alluka would go to the mall... and well she would be heartbroken if she didn't, so could you take her instead? 🥺🥺🥺

Canary 💅: oh sure- when?

Me: as soon as possible, the best deals are around this time in the fashion mall 😄😗
Canary 💅: oh ok, I'll grab her and we'll go over. Thank you :)

Me: just use actual emojis- 😞

I closed the my phone, and soon enough Canary walked in and gently shook Alluka awake, "Master Alluka- wanna go to the mall?" She squealed quietly in excitement, "Wow- yeah! New clothes!" She cheered, and they left the room quietly. A laugh escaped my mouth, people are just like puppets; pull a few strings and they will dance for you! People are so fun to play with. I pulled out Killua's phone from the side of the table, and use his right thumb's fingerprint to unlock his phone. It flashed to his homescreen, it was an picture of me him and Alluka. How cute- our wonderful family.

I looked over through his contacts, then look at to what he labeled me as- oh, "my light 💛"? I wonder why I'm that to him. Probably just some meaningless nickname. I smile at that regardless and pet killua's head in his sleep for such a sweet thought to out a heart in my contact. I then was about to go off topic and go through his gallery, but a message popped up on the top of the screen:

Ginger 😎: hey Kill! Is it ok if I call you Kill? It's me- Ciel! Heh well anyways, how are you? 😄

Hmm, he already gave him a nickname. It usually takes him a few weeks to give his friends nicknames, it took Kurapika 4 weeks and Leorio 7. So how come within a day that stupid boy had a nickname? My hand clenched harder on his phone, jealousy boiling slightly. Whatever, soon enough he'll be so infatuated with me that this fool wouldn't even exist to him.

Soon enough, I'll take Killua for my own

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