Arcade x and x disarray

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Ok you may be asking why I'm hiding in Gon's closet. It's a logical reason, I'm hiding from him and my sister. Why? Wouldn't you like to know.

After a bit of just cuddles and occasional squeaks from from me when Gon shifted his lap under me, Alluka finally had an idea, "HOW ABOUT BROTHER HIDES AND WHOEVER FINDS HIM GETS PLAY TIME-" She smiled, and Gon agreed, "Good idea!" And I just looked between them, STOP BIDDING ME OFF- THIS ISN'T THE AUCTION-

So, now I hiding in a closet. With a knife. Why? Ok I dont have an actual reason for the knife i just feel more safe. I heard quiet muted creaking of floorboards, giving away that one of them is near. Gon never opens his closet, if he did he might find the actually fashionable clothes I leave in there for him to notice. I burn his other clothes. And yet he saved one set of the disgrace of fashion somewhere I couldn't find and wears it. I swear if I have to tear the clothes from his body I will- they need to join the burn pile like the other fashion mistakes.

Then the doors swung open, and both Alluka and Gon said, "Boo!" Then they looked at eachother and Gon pouted, "Heeeyyyyy- I saw him first!" Alluka shook her head, "Nooooo I did! Big brother is mine!" "Nooooo mine-" At this point I just set the knife down and simply walked past the two bickering children. Yes I'm calling Gon a child, even though he's older then me. Speaking of which, his birthday is coming up in 3 days... I need a big surprise for him. I just don't know what.

After a minute, they realize I was gone and rushed after me, "Killuaaaa noooo-" Gon whined as he cling to me from behind, hands grasping my waist and chin resting on my shoulder. This would be more cute if I wasn't a inch taller then him. Alluka complained and hugged me from the front, "My big brother not yoursss-" "Well he's my best friend" "Well he loves me-" "you're mean Alluka- he loves me too because I'm his bestie"

I swear my head is going to explode because of there two... u g h. Then Canary walked through the door and looked at the three of us confused, she pointed at Gon, then Alluka, then at me, then shrugged. "WAIT CANARY HELP ME-" I complain, and she sighs and walks over to the choking embrace these two trapped me in. They both hugged me more tighter in a possessive matter. "Guys he doesn't want to be swarmed with love every second- just give him some alone time. Gon, you haven't called Kurapika for a while, have you?" Canary reminded.

Oh that's right. Kurapika is in college and is going to go into the academy of Law Enforcement and try to become a Private Investigator- he never is free though, but when we were around 12 and so we made friends with Kurapika and Leorio, who is himself off to medical school to get a doctorate degree. Man, I don't think he wants to be bothered either. But neither the less, Gon smiled and plopped onto his bed, pulling out his phone and ringing up his favorite blond adult. It was left on dialtone but he kept calling, and calling... and calling. Alright that's enough. I take Alluka by the hand and leave the the room, Gon not noticing.

"Where are we going, big brother?" She asked with a bright smile, and I thought for a moment. We could just go on a walk- oooh how about the arcade! Yeah. That sounds fun. Get some time in with my sister before the party tomorrow. "Want to eat greasy pizza and shove tokens into slots to play old games?" I say as if I'm trying to sell a product, my face acting dramatic and with a old tiny accent. She giggled and nodded, so we made our way there.

At the arcade, we played around 30 games each and Alluka got 10 high scores- don't worry though because those were the games Gon beaten, so my high scores weren't written over. I laughed evilly to myself at that, and after we ate a supreme pizza that wasn't as greasy as usual, we began to head home. It was around 7pm when we went back to Gon's house. Sheesh, a long time went by when I was having fun with my sister-

But then Gon saw me and rushed to me, hugging me tightly- did he miss me that much? I sighed and hugged him back, and he whimpered, "Killua where were you! I thought you got kidnapped for 6 hours!!" He whined, and I was confused, "I was at the Arcade with my little sister? Why would I be kidnapped?" He huffed, "I called you like- 20 times, Killua!" I checked my pockets for my phone and pulled up the lockscreen- holy shit he did call 20 times.

"I- well I'm sorry? My phone was off and it was muted-" I explained, but he just kept clinging to me, "I don't want to loose you again." He whispered, and I understood why he was so paranoid. Oh. "Look, I'm sorry ok? I didn't mean to scare you or anything but- look, how about the three of us watch a movie?" He thought for a moment, "... The two of us. You had 6 hours with her" Jealous much? "Fine then, the two of us since your a clingy baby" I sigh, brushing him off and heading upstairs to his room.

Gon's POV:

... I'm not trying to be clingy, I was honestly worried about him and thought something happened.. Like if he was hit by a car... or Illumi kidnapped him... I just want him to myself so I can protect him. He almost died, I need him safe and happy. I wouldnt even go to the party tomorrow, but since he brought it up I will. Maybe some drinks will clear my mind... besides that, I make my way to the ladder to my room and Alluka stops me, "Gon-kun, I beat your high scores!" She giggled proudly, and I just nodded and went upstairs. I'm not in the mood, sorry Alluka dear.

Killua was already on the beanbag, browsing through netflix. I gently sat next to him and leaned on his shoulder, "You good? I'm trying to find a comedy that isnt trash" He said, looking through all the comedy movies. I don't even care about the movie, I just want him.

That's all I've ever wanted, just him to myself.

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