Old times x and x new

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As I slowly woke up, Killua was still sleeping. I was cuddling his arm and he was close to falling off the beanbag. Oof-

I move him so he doesn't fall off, and cuddle his arm. A smile formed on my lips, and I just enjoyed this. Then Canary barged in, "CHILDREN ITS TIME FOR SCHOOL- ITS LITERALLY FRIDAY COME ON-" I jumped up as Killua awoken with a startle, "AH WHERES THE FIRE- oh it's just you, C a n a r y" He groaned, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. I giggled and kissed his cheek, got up and grabbed my school uniform.

I didn't look behind me but I knew that I made him blush. It seems like I still have my charm, I chuckle to myself as I go the the bathroom to change.

*timeskip to after school*

I clutched my backpack straps, nervous about how close Killua is walking to the road, balancing on the curb. "Killluuuaaa- your going to fall!" I whine, and he just chuckled, "No I'm not- unlike you I'm great at balance." He hummed, with a cat-like smile on his face. Seeing that brought a soft smile on mine too, is he back to normal?

We then both heard screams of people, huh? Oh wait- IT'S A AKUMA AGAIN- I cough to myself, check my ears, and try to scavenge my brain for an excuse to leave. But Killua finds one before me, "Hey Gon I forgot something at the Arcade- meet you at the house!" He said, running across the street out of view. PHEW- alrighty then, good. I rush over to the nearest port-a-potty, and transform. It felt a bit more.. off then normal. But maybe it's because Cat Noir hasn't been appearing for a whole month.

I sigh and emerge from out of the stink hole, and zipped up to the top of the nearest building to investigate. But then, I saw a familiar shadow peering down at the streets. Cat noir-? I quickly dash over, and see that it is in fact him! I smile brightly, and tackle him from behind. He almost lost his footing and was startled, "KITTY! YOUR HERE!" I exclaim happily, and he sighed, "Oh... uh hi Ladybug" He greeted, and I still clinged to him in joy. He chuckled awkwardly and nudged me off, "So uh... let's do our job." He said, as if he didn't know how to talk to me. What happened when he was on hiatus? It doesn't matter- He's back!

"What have you been doing? I've been alone for the last month?" I question, still paying attention to the villain below us who was occupied with chasing a squirrel- strange, but gave Chat and I a chance to talk. "..... Personal reasons. Almost died I guess" He shrugs, not having energy for me. I frowned a little, does he not like me anymore? What did I do wrong? I quietly backed off, excitement turned to a nervous anxiousness.

... This will be back to normal soon too, right?

After we got the job done, I put my fist out for a fist bump but he just looked down and nodded, "Good job. I'm uh not going to be on night patrol, sorry" That was all he said before the left. I slowly put my arm to my side, what did I do so wrong that my Partner dislikes me? Did something that bad happen while he was gone? What does he mean he almost died? Thousands of questions occupied my mind at once, my mind sounding like a loud lunchroom. I just let out a heavy sigh, the fog still in my head... trying to figure out what I did wrong.

I dont want Cat Noir to hate me. He is like my second best friend... Am I too energetic like Killua said that one night? "Bouncing off the walls"? ... Maybe. I shook that off with a grunt and zipped back to the roof of my home and hopped in threw the roof and plopped on my bed, my identity becoming separate from me as the small kwami looked at me quietly, "..Gon. I feel like we need to talk. As you are the current Ladybug miraculous holder..." She started, a nervous chuckle hinted in her pause.

Why do I feel like I'm being fired from a job? "... It seems.. you were... Akumatized last week and we haven't talked about that..." I raised my brow, "Huh? No way- I would remember that!" I exclaim, but she sighs, "Gon- this is just a matter of controlling your emotions better, is all- If you actually felt a more deeper powerful emotion, then..." She gulped and looked at me, "... your miraculous would be in more danger then last time, do you know how easy that one slip would let hawkmoth know YOU'RE Ladybug-?"

I shuffle to the side and look at the wall, "Tikki I'll be more careful, ok? Just... give me a break... my best friend I've known for 9 years was on his deathbed and almost died..." I choked quietly. She noticed she hit a nerve and went quiet. Then a knock at my door sounded and she hid my backpack. I sniffle, and walk over to the door and open it, "Hm?" I just say, and I didnt even notice who was at the door. "What do you need?" I ask again, not breaking my intense eye contact with my shoes.

But I was pulled into a hug, a soft pitying embrace. I then knew, oh its Killua. I hugged back, enjoying his touches and familiar smell. I was not at all trying to hide the fact I gently took in his scent, enjoying him. After a while of comfortable silence, he pulled away, "Are you ok?" He asked quietly, and I giggled, "I'm fine Killu- why ask..?" I say, calm now. "... No reason. You seemed down so I gave you comfort." He smiled kindly, and I embraced his cheeks, "Aw my bestie cares? How c u t e-" I tease and he huffed and removed my hands, "No squishing-" He whined, and I just stuck my tongue out at him playfully. He giggled in response.

"Oh- I came over after I found my jacket I left at the Arcade- its not here, I didnt bring it with me though heh-" he explained, still not noticing I'm holding both his hands. After a moment he squeaked and yanked his hands away. Cute. "Hey don't just hold my hands! Idiot" he huffed and looked away, a gentle blush scattering across his pale moonlit skin. I smile and lead him into my room and we sat on the bed.

"Excited for the party?" I ask, wanting to start a conversation, he nodded, "If you don't leave me for your date that is" he joked, and I smiled, it seems he's over the fact that I have a date today. "Aw dont worry, if I know us its probably going to be him that's the third wheel-" I giggle, and we just shared a laugh.

But behind his laughter I think I could see... dissapointment?

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