Trapped x and x grasped

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As soon as I noticed though, it was gone. "... Yeah... but... it's still your guy's date.... I dont want to be a... interruption" He said quietly with meekness. I nodded, "Understandable- you can just bring someone else- you can bring a date too!" I smiled at my clever solution, and he just sighed, "I don't LIKE anyone, Gon..." He grumbled, and I rolled my eyes, "Doesn't mean you can't finally say yes to one of those girls begging to go on one damn date- it doesn't matter your sexual orientation, it's just a date Killua" I said matter of factly, and I noticed he murmured something, ".... I'd just rather go on a date... with you.."

He does realize that it's a double date right? Whatever. "Keep those thoughts in your head, Killua-" I remind him, and he squeaked knowing I heard him. He blushed and looked away fearfully, maybe he's just nervous to find a date? Yeah- "Ask out that one girl.. uh what's her name..." I said, deeply searching through my mind profiles, "Oh! How about Bisky? It would be like a parent chaperone, so boom! Platonic date! She's only 17!" I smirked, in a way keeping my best friend away from any thirsty women who might hurt him.

He rolled his eyes, "That old hag? Whatever..." He sighed, obstinately pulling up her number and texting her. I giggled and looked st my own phone, bringing up Kiru's number:

Hey there date! Ready for some parting? 😩💅

Oh hi Gon- yeah I'm ready, going to being some q u a l I t y alcohol to spice it up 🍾😌

Wait, alcohol? Arnt we all minors? 😅

Oh don't be a baby, if your going to be my date then you need to accept my drinking habits and have a couple yourself 🍾😔

Ok ok whatever you say- drink on! I'll be bringing my bestie with me by the way ☺️

Oh wait- Zoldyck? Dude- do you want the party to get boring-? Any Zoldyck is bad news and are real jerks 🙄

I pause, no-? Killua isnt a jerk- he's my best friend

That's a bit harsh, Kiru- I'll see you there at 8 right? 🙃

As long as your little buddy keeps his grubby hands to himself 😒

I swear- I take a deep controlling breath and close my phone, placing it down and I hugged Killua close, "He doesn't like yooouuuu-" I whined, and he put down his own phone and pat my head while resting his other hand on my back, "I don't care what that dude thinks." Killua remarked, and I still whined and hugged on him, "But he needs to like you-..." I murmur.

*At the party at 8pm*

I carefully stepped out of the uber car, and Killua stepped out from behind me too and we surveyed the party house. Flashing lights were blaring from inside, leaking out threw the windows covered by useless baby blue curtains dragging down to the tiled floor. Killua clung to my arm as we walked near, the music becoming more audible and sensational. Soon we walked inside, the full potential of teen-pop music blaring across bluetooth speakers, drunk teenagers making out on the couches, others messing around with... questionable substances, and a group of boys playing beer pong in the kitchen.

I looked over at Killua, the lights flashing all across his pale skin, a overstimulated look upon his face, anxious due to the loud sounds and bright lights. Oh dear- I pulled the two of us threw the crowds of drunks and to the kitchen, where in the midst of beer pongers was my date- Kiru Matsuka. The lights flashed onto his tones muscles, released and exposed by his red tank top that perfectly displayed his physique. I blushed a bit, damn it that's my type. Then he noticed me and pulled a smile and walked close, Killua in response hides behind me.

"Hi there pretty boy" Kiru welcomes, the smell of light lavenderness rested in his breath. I smile and nod, looking down at the floor meekly, my lord I'm intimidated- He just chuckled and pulled my chin up to meet his eyes, and my face darkened a bit in response and I squeaked quietly, "Oh don't be shy, play with me and the boys!" He said cheerfully, and I nodded slightly in shock. He put his tones arm around my shoulder and walked me over to the kitchen counter to the game- I've never had alchohol before...

Killua's POV:

... great mr.jock already charmed him. And now he left me. In this crowd. Alone. I whine in uneasiness, eyes darting across at all the faces of people having fun and dancing. Why is this so overwhelmingly vibrant-!? Their faces slightly blurred and my head hurt from the music and the flashing. That's it- I have to leave somewhere!

I quietly dash upstairs, across across the stairs that creaked softly under my sneakers. I then entered the first empty room, and sat on the bed- whoo... Maybe I should take my meds... oh wait they're at home... damn it... I sigh heavily, like a is mist trapped in my lungs. I hope Gon's atleast having a good time... he found his boyfriend.

I mock the dude with my lips, "oh look at me- I'm strong and cool!" Whatever. I sigh and lay down on the bed, but then a boy suddenly walked into the room and shut it behind him, and noticed me. We stared at eachother for a moment and we both screamed in reaction and he fell back into the door, "AHHH- oh it's just a boy-" He calmed down slightly with a awkward chuckle, approaching me with his hand extended, "Hi! What are you hiding from?" He smile brightly, and I shrugged, "Dunno... just dont like it here" I reply, and he sat next to me.

His breath smelled like alcohol as he looked at me, and I shivered- growing up in a toxic household makes some things smell unpleasant. He softly put his hand onto my thigh, "Want to have some fun?" I froze- what do I do-? This never- what would Gon do- uh.... I just stayed silent, hoping he would take the hint and stop. But instead he pushes me onto the bed and mounted on top of me, forcefully pinning my wrists above me onto the mattress below, and a sense of helplessness and fear rushed over my body as my teeth clenched in alarm, "h-hey hands off!" I growl, not able to be as aggressive as I want to.

"Woah- feisty, I like that" he smiled, leaning down and forcing me into a kiss, I couldn't breath, no no no not again- my breathing began to labor, and I struggled from under him trying to kick but fear rendered my legs useless- I'm so fucking scared- I couldn't even breath at this point, and only then he pulled back and began to move to my neck.


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