Messes x and x dresses

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We entered the build-a-bear, and I dragged Killua across the store staring at all the bears placed up high on the shelfs, labeled neatly and al perfect. One caught my eye though- a big fluffy frog build-a-bear with green fur and cute button eyes rested on the top of the shelf, and I squealed and hugged Killua tight and pointed at it rapidly, "Killua! That one! That one!" I said with a smile and he sighed, got the fluff-less shell of the bear and we headed over to the fluff machine.

Killua handed the frog to the lady working it, and while she was filling it up through a tube, she commented, "You guys a couple or something? We are having a discount now for couples!" She smiled. "Sorry we arn-" "Yes we are!" I interrupt Killua, and the lady nodded, "I'll add the 50% off discount then!" Killua then looked at me confusingly, at a loss to what I said, and I whispered, "For the discount- pretend you love me-" I smile, and he just sighed.

I held his hand for show, and the lady almost was done filling up the frog, "How long have you two been together?" She asked, and I was in thought.. how long, um... "two years." Killua answered for me. I guess that works. I nod at his awnser and the lady does too. Then she finished and handed me the frog, "Is it to your liking with the fluffiness and softness?" She asked, and I nodded and Killua grabbed one of those fabric hearts and the lady said, "Make a big old wish for your little buddy!" And I grabbed the heart from Killua and handed the lady the frog.

Hmmm.. what should I wish for? Maybe... Oh that the frog brings good luck! Yeah! I gently kiss the heart and place it inside the open hole in the back of the frog, and the lady sewed it closed. She smiled and handed it to us, "There you go!" I giggled and grabbed the frog, then Killua's hand as we walked over to the clothing aisle.

"So... are we a couple in this build-a-bear?" He joked, and I shrugged, "Think of the discounts! Just as long as we make it seem like it, then 50% off!" I hummed, picking out a shirt and put it over the frogs head and fit it. The shirt was black with a red health cross in the bottom and red words, "emotional support bear" I smile giddily and pick out a cute bear choker and place that on it too. Killua just watched me with a loving smile, and after a couple more things like small bracelets, we walked over to the naming station and signed in.

"Ok.. Owner is Gon Freecss... Name of bear is um... hm.. and the date is today!" I say, keeping the name a secret from Killua. He raised a brow, "What did you name the frog, Gon-?" He inquired, and I shrugged. He rolled his eyes, "tell me-" "alright alright Killua- I named the bear... Killua Freecss... In honor of our friendship-" I murmured at him and went to checkout. He just stood there, processing.

After a moment or two, he came to a realization, "WHAT-!??" I giggled at his reaction and the lady smiled at the counter, "Would you guys like to get matching rings? It's not Build-a-besr related but we are doing a collab with the Hot Topic nearby and couples can buy a set of non-toxic metal rings that have the words, 'together forever' etched into them on the inside side!" She smiled, and I gasped excitedly, "KILLUA COME HERE-" I squealed, and he rushed over. "LETS GET THE MATCHING THINGIES-" I smile at him, and he blushed a bit and nodded, "oh uh s-sure..." he gave in. Perks of having a rich best friend!

The lady gave me the rings, both plain silver smooth rings, and I took Killua's hand. "Will you, Killua, take this ring as a sign of my undying love?" I add in, since the lady is convinced we are a couple. Killua gulped and nodded, blushing more profusely. Wow he's great at acting like he likes me- Nice! I gently slid on the ring onto his right middle finger, and placed the other one on my left hand's identical finger.

After Killua bought the frog and I carried it, we walked out of the store still holding hands with the hands that have the rings. Now I have matching stuff! "Ok Killua- great acting! I'm impressed!" I giggled, and he looked at me, "Yeah... acting..." he chuckled awkwardly and I just hummed in the scoring of this amazing frog plush. "We should do this more often! Is there any more places with couple things? I heard the lady say that they are doing a couple discount thing with a collab with Hot topic or something? The discounts are calling to me-!" I say dramatically, falling backward with my hand on my forehead. Killua caught me and brought me back up with a relieved sigh, ".. Stop falling." He commented, and I chuckled, "I only do so because I know you will always catch me!"

He blushed and looked away, hands shoved into his hoodie pockets. I smiled at his disposition and we walked to a Hot Topic- oooooh! I dragged Killua into there by his arms, and there was so much merch! I went to search for my favorite anime: Hunter x Hunter! It's a show about a kid who's mission is to find his dad! He seems similar to me, which is why I love this show! Also the boy that looks like Killua is hot as fuck- I'm a certified simp at this point. The show should be called Haitus x Haitus because the writer Togashi is sick and we are stuck with no new episodes from the 2011 anime adaptation- But besides the point, I need merch.

I hum as I grab a HxH wallet, gloves, beanie, and a hoodie. I went to find Killua, who was by the actual fashion section looking at some cool clothes. I got an idea and smiled mischievously. I place down the stuff I intend to get, and stealthily make my way over to the side of the store with the maid dresses. Why? To see Killua SUFFER. I WILL GET HIM TO WEAR THIS- I SWEAR- ahem- I take it to Killua behind my back, and he was comparing a red and black striped pair of pants with small yellow stripes, suspenders and a cool leg pocket, and a half black and white plaid half black pair of Jean's. I hugged him from behind, and nuzzled his shoulder. He shivered and put the pants up, "What's up?" He questioned, and I unclinged and showed him the dress. He blinked. "For... Me? No fucking way"

I huffed- aw come on! "But Killuaaaa-" I whine, swaying the dress back and forth, "It would look cute on you!" I complement, and I know he has a weak spot compliments. He blushed and nodded, "O-ok.... Just this once.." he murmured embarrassed, and walked over to the changing stall. After a minute or two, I knocked at the door, "Helllloooo? Killua? Come on out- You cant just hide in there~" I tease, and a muted hiss came from inside the stall.

But then the lock undone, and I stepped back. The door opened and I saw him. My mouth opened wide and a blush crept across my face- Wow.

"S-so...? Do you like it? I'm not buying this... n-not in a million years..." He murmured to himself. Oh he doesn't need to. I'm buying it for him.

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