Tempting x and x time

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After a half hour of Killua and his sister just chatting away, he walks out to tuck her in the guest room, and comes back into my room. I could feel his eyes stare a hole into the back of my skull, but I didn't react.

He silently approached the bed and sat next to me, "So... how does it feel to be the last day of your life to be 15? Hm? Tomorrow your older... and well maybe even wiser.." he smiled softly, laying down next to me looking at the back of my head. I hmphed, and for his sake turned around to look into his eyes. A loving smile spread across his face softly as he put his palm on my cheek, "There he is... hi there" he chuckled softly, and a involuntary smile formed on my lips.

Why must he make me happy? Damn it- "Do you got a birthday wish already figured out for tomorrow?" He asked curiously, and I nodded slowly, "I guess so.. yeah. It's more of a want though heh.." I say, scooting a bit closer to his face and admire his features. "Care to give me a hint?" He chuckled, and I thought for a moment. Then I leaned in a bit more and gave him a quick but loving kiss on the cheek, then just clinged to his chest and cuddled him, "Well, all I could ever want is here in my arms..." I giggle, and he was mostly surprised but slowly cuddled me back with a bittersweet smile.

"Gon... you sure it's me and not unlimited orange juice you desire?" He jokes, and I place a gentle kiss on the exposed part of his chest. He whimpered slightly and I went back to cuddling him. I could feel him gulp quietly and hug me tighter, "W-well ok then..." he murmurs out, and we both try to get some rest.

The next day, I awake slowly, a big yawn sounding from my throat, a welcome to my new life as a 16 year old. I opened my eyes, hm- same room... different age. Heh. But then I realized, Killua left? I pout slightly, sitting up and fixing my bedhead with my fingers.

With a sigh, I slide off my bed onto my feet, and head over to the door and go downstairs to steal a warm bun. As usual, Aunt Mito was getting the bakery ready for a busy day, and I hugged her from behind lovingly, "Aunt Mito! Look, I'm 16 now!" I giggle, and she smiled and hugged me tightly, "Oh look at you! So old now! Might have to kick you out and you'd have to start paying taxes!" She joked around lovingly, and I whined with a smile, "I'm not THAT old-" I joked with a grin, and she just lovingly pet my hair. I hug her close, I love my aunt.

"Has Killua woken up yet?" I ask curiously, and Aunt Mito looked around, "hm? Killua was here? I haven't seen him-" she said slightly concerned. I pout, "Aw..." I uncling from my amazing aunt and steal a warm soft buttery bun, "I'm going to eat this!" I announce with a smile and she chuckled to herself and dismissed me with a wave. I climbed upstairs with the bun safely between my teeth. Then I saw Alluka on my floor reading a book- when did she-? Eh I don't know.

I eat my bun, and sit next to her while licking my fingers, "Hi Alluka! Is your brother just not here?" I question with a smile, and she shrugged, "Don't know- but happy birthday Gon-kun!" She giggled wholeheartedly, and I awe'd and pulled her into a hug, "Maybe I'll just get adopted into your family just to be related to you, you adorable little munchkin-" I said with a big smile.

Alluka giggled. "I mean you could just I dunno... marry big brother" She offered, and I shrugged, "Good point- b u t- Don't wanna." She was about to ask why, but i stopped her, "Because guess what? He...."i paused for dramatic affect, and Alluka leaned in curiously, ".... SLEEP FIGHTS-" I giggle, pulling Alluka close and tickling her sides. A whole swarm of giggles came from her, and she was overtaken by the all mighty tickling.

After a couple minutes of a tickle battle, Killua walks in with something behind his back. He saw Alluka and I playing around on the floor and smiled brightly, "Having fun without me hm?" He joked, and Alluka and I looked at him, "oh Hi Killu!" I greet, standing up and hugging him. He hugs back, and hands me a bouquet of... white roses? Aw- my heart melts at his gift, and I take it, almost crying from the amount of appreciation.

"Awe- Killua-" I say emotionally, and gave a slight tease of our lips touching then pulled away, "your too cute!" I giggle, and his face turned red a bit and he looked away while chuckling awkwardly, "Y-yeah..." Alluka watches all of this and gasps, "Kiss??" She smiles, getting up excitedly. Killua looked panicked, "N-no Alluka not like kiss kiss- It's just a us thing-" he said, trying to explain us. I nod at that, fair enough explanation. Alluka pouts, "Just admit your love already..." she grumbled and left the room.

Killua sighed heavily and looked at me then held my hands near his chest, "Besides my darling sisters inturption, I think you were doing something?" He teased. Wait since when does he have ANY flirting skills-?? This caught me off guard and I blushed, a gasp of realization came from his mouth, "Wait! I made you blush! HAH IT'S OPPOSITE DAY-" He declared victoriously, and I let him have this one. I chuckled at his proudness.

"The real question is are you ready to follow up on what you say?" I tease back, finally my mind clear. He chuckled nervously and looked away, "Maybe... BUT later- Today is your birthday, so that should wait!" He smiled thoughtfully, and I giggled.

I love how cute and awkward he is... But also when he gets a bit teasing. Not going to lie, that was kind of attractive. If he wasn't my best friend, then I would have gone further with him by now. He's just my best friend though and that's all he will ever be. But, it doesn't mean I don't find it attractive how he is.

It's even more tempting now but... Illumi said he'd kill me if I ever tried anything intimate with Killua. So... I'm not going to at all. For Killua's sake, and for mine.

Bittersweet | GonKilluWhere stories live. Discover now