Shock x and x falling

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The person was persistent, now aggressively shaking the door knob. I gulped down thickly, and just as I was about to move, a voice sounded on the other side, "... Damn it- I left my adult mag in there..." a awkward voice muffled, and my heart lightened slightly, thank fucking god it's only piggy- I take this sudden release of fear to silently leap into the shower and close the curtain. I heard Milluki fiddle with the knob more, and got it open. I sighed, of course.... he always pick-locked our parents safe for money for his immature pervy interests.

I gagged at that thought and a disgusted shiver sent itself crawling down my spine. The door clicked and he walked in, I could see the darkened outline of his grotesque self going up to the sink's cabinet and ruffling through it, "... Damn it- don't tell me dad already-... UGH-" he whined pathetically and stomped out of the room like a 3 year old on his temper tantrum over spilled anime collection. Ok ok, a three year old wouldn't be interested in such weird stuff but eh its piggy so- I sigh as I hear him depart to his room on the far right, and I come out of the shower and tip toe out of the bathroom. I look around then passed, wait why was Milluki in Illumi's room-? I shrugged at that, and inhaled deeply paired with an exhale. Ok. I am here for a reason, in and out.

I hyped myself up and bounced up and down my feet slightly, come on come on! Where is that energy! Ah whatever- I'm just annoyed now that I saw the bane of my existence. I sigh annoyed, and walk over to where I was going to go to: my bedroom. It was marked up by black markers on the door, the door right next to the bathroom. "Bitchboy" "Second mistake" "Milluki was here" the last one made me grunt, damn it this is why I left. With a heavy breath, I open the door and inside is the room. A shock of realization shot through my body, as my feet began to shake. Oh right... the sight of my bed, still unmade sheets all array. My heart stopped. Flashbacks erupted violently into my head, making me feel inestimable amounts of dread and sickness.

I hiccups a few times and covered my mouth, feeling deathly nauseous. I can't be in this room ever again. I gulp, and close the door quickly. But then as my eyes opened to the floor, a pair of cheap sandles with hole-y silver (once white) socks. Wait- my eyes regretfully trailed up, and those dumb short tan shorts with a lilac dress shirt outstretched around his figure. Just GREAT- A growl escaped my lips as I made eye contact with him, his slanted thin eyes staring at me in surprise with his mouth agate for bugs to fly into. He closed his mouth, cleared his throat, and smirked at me deviously, "Why hello there Killua- I guess the lambs always go to the slaughter house eventually, hm?" He teased darkly, and my eyes grew cold. I hate this bitch. "Go away fatty, the farm wants you back." I comment, walking past him uncaringly.

He growled and turned around to grab my arm firmly, "HEY LISTEN TO ME- I WAS BORN BEFORE YOU- LITTLE UNGRATEFUL SLUT-" He screamed at me, and I was unfazed and looked at him, "... Get your greasy mitts off of me, fattso" I said calmly, and he didn't take it lightly, "JUST BECAUSE YOU WERE FAVORED AS THE FAVORITE KID DOESN'T MEAN ANYONE LIKES YOU- THE ONLY REASON YOUR STILL ALIVE IS THAT ILLUMI WAS WAITING FOR A CHANCE- dumb enough.." he hmphed at me and I paused. Illumi? I ripped my arm away from Milluki, and took two steps back. "... w-where is that sick bastard" I choke out, and he paused for a second and laughed at my reaction, "OH SHIT- What did he do to make you scared of him, hmm? All he said to ME is that your a weak little slut who secretly likes cock, am I right?" He said with a annoying sing-song voice. I flinched, body feeling despondent and cold.

I didn't respond to him, shame and guilt made me stiff and still. He chuckled, "Oh so IS RIGHT- I always knew you were MESSED UP- pff you little freak! I bet you were out there longing for more so you came back! WOW YOU ARE A LITTLE SLUT-" he cackled, amused. I shook quietly, he shouldn't be getting to me. He shouldn't have this power on me, it's this subject. My feet shook under me, as I hesitantly took one more step back, and Milluki stopped laughing and looked at me. "Oh- maybe I'll never have to see your gay-ass little face if we just... redo an old little accident~!" He said with a smirk, and pushed me. I had no time to react, body still in shock and paralyzed from what he said, It took me a second to realize I'm falling more the I should. Oh. I'm falling down the stairs. I chuckle to myself  for a split second I felt relieved. Maybe it will end me this time, then I won't have to suffer through those memories.

I could tell, the end of the stairs were coming up. I didn't even had time to stop chuckling to myself as a loud, bloodcurdeling crack sounded, and I blacked out.

Kalluto's POV:

I can't believe big brother Killua is here... wow. I thought he gave up on this family. I was still in shock of seeing my big brother, a warmth filled my chest as a giddy smile crept across my face, maybe he will take me with him out of here-! I gasped and shook my head, no mum would no let him leave! I sighed softly, and picked up the laundry hamper and began to walk towards the stairs. I dropped the basket again, my face lost all color as a loud gasp escaped my lips. My pupils shrank darkly, and my arms up to my fingers trembled as I saw it.

Breathe trembled out of my windpipe, as I fell to my legs as I stared at him. My big brother. What's wrong with big brother... why is his head in that direction...

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