Cuddles x and x compromises

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*time skip*

Gon's POV:

After 6 days, Killua was dismissed out of the hospital with some medications for his newly diagnosed depression, some for his headaches he gets now and then because of the aftereffects of the fall, and some meds for painkilling. Killua didn't seem interested in his medications, uneager to take them. I had to stay by his side for the past 6 days straight to make sure he was mentally strong.

"... Goooonnnn I dont wanna-" He whined, and I pouted, "No Killua you have to-" I say sternly, and he just huffed and hugged my pillow on my bed with his face shoved into the plush to shield his mouth from my forcing his daily meds. I sigh and give up for now, placing the meds to the side and I curled up next to Killua, "I'm unarmed" I giggle, and he looked up from the pillow. He sighed and let the pillow out of his clutch and instead hugged on me.

Awe how cute. Only the last day or so has he been giving me affection again. I missed this. I gently stroke his fluffy hair, and he smiled. He rarely smiles now, Canary tells me. But he always does around me so I dont know if she's overexaggerating. "Hey Gon, uh... there is a party coming up soon and.. I was wondering if you would.. want to go with me?" He said quietly, oh he wants to spend time together- "Sure Killu! When?" I asked with a smile, and he looked at me, "Well uh.. around tomorrow at like 8pm.." He murmured, and my expression dimmed, "Sorry Killua, I can't I have to go on a date tomorrow with a new person- this time a boy." I say awkwardly, and he just huffed jealously.

"... You could just take your little boyfriend with you to the party, I'd love to be a third wheel.." He murmured to himself, and I smiled, "Wait that's a great idea! Thank you Killua!" I say, I didnt have plans with my date but now I do! Killua is the best wingman. He looked at me offended and dumbfounded, then scowled and rolled his eyes as he went back to hugging my chest. Awe, he's a little jealous boy, "Don't worry Killu, I won't be to handy with him. But I can't promise something won't happen!" I chuckle, "I'm too charming!" He just laughed quietly and rested his head on my chest too. Dang he's cuddly today.

"Your extra clingy there, Killua" I point out, and he just was quiet, "... I missed you. Kind of. Don't get full of yourself." I rolled my eyes at his comment: such a tsundere. "Oh did my 'Lua miss me?" I tease, not having done so in a while. He blushed, "HEY STOP GIVING ME NICKNAMES-" He huffed and looked away. "Oh you know I'm playing with you, silly." I giggle.

Killua's POV:

I know he's just playing around, but.. for some sappy reason I feel like we are actually a couple. Even though him and Hannah broke up, he wants to be in a relationship so he found a nice guy in our high school that plays basketball... I think his names Kiru. He looks cute, sure but... he's especially flirty and I've seen him flirt with girls while he was in a relationship. I'm scared he will hurt Gon.. I'd prefer it if he just love me back so I can protect him...

"Gon, you sure you want to take that jock to a party?" I said, looking up into his hazel eyes. He just smiled and bumped his forehead against mine gently as a sign of affection, "Don't worry Killu, your my number one guest!" He giggled, and I sighed. This is good enough for me for the meantime. I have other things in my mind too, like the pressure lifted from my shoulders when I heard that Alluka had overcome her sickness after a very high fever and now... will be able to live her life as a growing young lady. She still doesn't trust Gon though and when she's around, she gets overprotective of me and swats Gon away if he tries to give me attention. Speaking of her, Alluka walked in and gave stink eye to Gon, who sighed, "Why do you hate meeeee- Allluuukkkaaa-" He whined, hugging me close because he didn't want her stealing me. Who's clingy now-

"I want my turn with big brother, Gon-kun-" She said as kind of a polite order, but Gon playfully stuck out his tongue at her and she gasped, "How dare- move aside I'm coming in" she declared as she plopped onto the bed and squeezed between Gon and me. Gon whined in disapproval and used grabby hands in my direction, oh my fucking god hes adorable- Anyways, I held my hand out for him to grab but Alluka took it instead, "He had you for the last 2 hours, now its my turn" she smiled happily, excited to spend all the time she could with me.

They are both adorable- if these two teamed up and asked me anything, I'd have to say yes- I just smiled brightly and hugged them both tightly, and Gon gasped, "Killua that's too TIGHT-" He whined, and I didn't listen. "Love hurts" I said matter of factly and Alluka just giggled in agreement. "No fair dont gang up against meeee-" Gon whined, then squirmed his way out and sat up, "Alright, how about Killua sits in my lap, and you can cuddle him. Deal?" He offered to Alluka.

What the fuck, am I some rental property? Alluka nodded and Gon hoisted me onto his lap and I squeaked in embarrassment and blushed. He just giggled at my response and held my waist close to him, moving under me to get comfortable. And it just to happened that where's he's comfortable is the least comfortable position for me, and my blush intensified as I just cuddled Alluka close, "Allukasaveyourbigbrother-" I asked her, and she giggled, "Your own fault!"

I whined as Gon also laughed and gently just hugged me close. I hate these two, but I love them so much.

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