Threats x and x hits

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"Killua- no, stop exasperating yourself-" Canary nagged as she rushed over to my side and took Gon away from me and layed me back on the bedspread. I whined quietly and just sighed at the release of tension in my body. Maybe I do need to just... turn off for a while. I close my eyes with tire and begin to drift off.

Canary's POV:

A couple doctors rush in, asking what happened and I just shrugged and lifted Gon into my shoulder and carried him out as the doctors tended to Killua. I carry a heavy Gon on my back all the way to the room, and gently place him on the bed. I sigh, slightly crushed from his deadweight and mentally exhausted from all this stress.

Why does everything have to be so... stressful? I groan to myself and sit down in one of the two seats and rub my thumbs against my forehead in circles, ugh. Alluka gently sat next to me with a more sad expression, "... I'm worried for big brother." She whined softly and I hugged her close, "Shh it will all be fine Master Alluka..." I whisper to her, and suddenly see a tall figure walk inside the room. What is this, a fucking free for all-?

His long jet black hair and pupiless eyes accompanied his almost emotionless face. Oh great. Illumi. I rolled my eyes and kept Alluka close to me, not trusting him near Alluka. "What are you here for, master Illumi" I ask with a bitter but polite tone, and he just stood there, "I'm here to check up on Killua." He simply stated. I groaned, oh my god why is he so obsessed with Killua-

"He's in the emergency room. Wait like the rest of us" I say, stroking Alluka's hair to occupy myself. ".. Oh. Ok. But may i ask what it is doing here?" He tilted his head to the side slightly, and I covered Allukas ears, "You call your precious baby sister it one more time and I'll make sure that your friend Hisoka can't come over." He was about to say something but I interjected, "I have my ways, Illumi." I huffed. He shrugged and took a seat next to me.

I scoot my chair to the right away from his, and tell Alluka to go grab some candy for when her brothers better. As she leaves, I death glare Illumi, "So- mind telling me why a few days ago your little brother was literally a sobbing mess at the bakery and Gon had to comfort him?" I growl, and he rolls his eyes, ".. Well first of all it's not your business as your only a butler. And second of all, I just did whatever I did to.. lets say..." he quietly checked his nails, "... show him that his homosexual tendencies have consequences in the real world and it would only hurt him." I just stared at him, then connected the dots and mortification and disgust washed upon my face, what the actual fuck?

"... So you did you.. rape him or molest him..?" I said, about to literally throw hands with this man. He shook his head slowly, "The one that isn't as bad. But both just makes it sound like incest. I was only teaching him that being 'gay' is.. just not something he would benefit from. It doesn't hurt for him to be healthily scared of intimacy." He dismissed as if it's a fun life lesson. I growled to myself, holding in a blistering and sweltering rage, "You fucker-" I hiss at him, and he looks at me unfazed. "That didnt stop him from loving men! You just emotionally and physically traumatized him for the rest of his life!" I exclaimed as if I could get the concept of this through Illumi's thick wig.

He shrugged me off again, "I'm a good older brother. I'm just teaching my prodigy younger brother how the world works and molding him into a great heir for the perfect Zoldyck model to replace mother." He explained as if that solved it all. Lord give me strength- I inhale deeply and exhale through my nose, "If your going to be here, dont utter a single foul word to Killua or else I'll call security on you and tell the police what you've done." I say sternly and leave the room to calm down.

I can't believe that Illumi used to be my fashion idol.

Illumi's POV:

I sat there in the small chair, a but uncomfortable. Looks like I'm alone. Oh wait- the problem is here. I glance over at the sleeping green-ish black haired boy snoozing away with scabbed and bruised knuckles. What did the idiot do? Assault the hospital? This is why Kill shouldn't have friends. Bad examples.

I roll my eyes and walk over to the bathroom, grab a disposable paper cut filled with icy cold water, and ascend back to the room. I approached the sleeping mistake, and poured the icy water all over his face. He shot up gasping and wincing at the sudden awaken, and whined as he realized he was soaked. Such a poor sight to see. A soaked dog.

He then made eye contact with me, eyes turning from confused to realization, to resentment. "You- you hurt my BEST FRIEND-!" He growled, hm it seems Killua has a guard dog. Should I put him down? Hmmm... not yet. "I taught him a lesson" I simply said, and Gon growled irritatedly, "well do it again and I'll tear your wig off and feed it to your dog Mike-" he hissed bitterly, and I shrugged.

"Do you wish to fight, child?" I ask, and he was about to lose his shit, "Don't talk to me like I'm inferior to you- I'm your brother's closest friend. He wouldn't forgive you if you hurt me, little bitch. And if you hurt him-" he said aggressively, I could almost smell the bloodlust coming from his clenched jaw. Oh so very scary, a protective mut. "Why don't you just be what your good for, go to a dog pound" I said, getting up to walk away. But he held me back aggressively with a tightly clutched hold on my wrist, "What did you say, fuckboy?" He said sternly but I could tell he was almost snapped. Almost there.

"Oh nothing, I was off to call the wild animal patrollers to come put you down" I said, unfazed by his blood vessel bursting grip. That was it, he jumped on me with intent to do serious harm, but I did him one more and turned him around with his momentum, and threw him across the room into a wall, where he cracked it with a thud as his whole back impacted it. A sharp gasp of air sounded with blood choking from out his mouth, and small quiet groans of pain escaped his tightly closed teeth. He slumped to the ground. Trying to get up weakly stammering. I just approached him slowly and held his neck to the wall, earning a gasp from him.

"Gon Freecss. Just know if you ever attempt to be intimate with my brother, I'll make it my mission to end your life."

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