Pushing x and x hurting

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Killua's POV:

I didn't want to wake up, sleep had a clutch on me and I wasn't about to loose that. But, my head hurt and prevented me from doing so. A tired pained groan escaped my lips, wincing at the throbbing of my forehead. Ack- why does it hurt so much-? It's almost like I got hangover or something... I barely had any wine in my cappuccino. I swear. I groaned tiredly as I sat up, eyes tired and in discomfort. Sitting up so quickly also made me slightly light headed, mind growing light and foggy.

A muted sigh exited my soft pink lips, as I grabbed the sheet over me and lifted it off. I shifted to move off the bed, but an arm suddenly wrapped around my waist. "... Don't leave Killu..." Gon said, half asleep. I looked over silently at the boy, confused. I sighed and layed back down, giving in to his persistent clinginess. As soon as I layed back onto the bed, he pulled me close into a hug and intertwined our legs under the blanket. I gulped quietly, and gently hugged on him back.

I stared at his sleeping face, still seemed the same. No matter that he just turned 16 and now its the day after. A caring sigh came after my hand, petting his head delicately. ".... Morning. I need to go with Alluka" I said softly to him, petting his cheek softly. He shifted and held me tighter, ignoring my claim of having to leave. This is cute but... he has to stop. ".... Gon" I calmly reminded, petting his back, "I need to get ready" no response from the black haired boy, the spiky hair on his head in a bedhead, face hidden in my chest. Seriously? I was growing rather frustrated at him, "... Gon I have to go" I reminded more strictly, and he held me closer. Does he think he's actually accomplishing something-?

".... Killu don't ruin this" he muttered, drunk on sleep. He pulled me closer, hugging my waist, "Don't leave me" he said softly. I paused and looked at him. .... I have to go. "... Gon. I have to go" I coo softly, pitifully stroking his jet black locks of hair. He then inhaled sharply, "I said DON'T LEAVE ME-... Ok..?" He said, hugging me tighter. I gasped quietly and gulped. ".... I know about the dumb blind date. You don't need it. All you need is me" he said posessively, eyes looking up into mine with a persistent determination. What..?

"... But Gon, I-" I tried to get it out, but I stuttered by the sudden clinginess of him. He slowly sat up and held into my arm, still looking at me sternly, "Don't leave my side. You belong here, belong next to me" he said, a smile pulling itself on his face. I started to get chills from the uncomfortable aura accumulating around us. I... can't say no to him... but I have to.

".... Gon. I have to leave. Alluka needs me. And I have to go to that blind date, Canary will be pissed off if I don't. I swear I don't give a shit about anybody else other then you... I already confused my devotion for you" I said quietly, my free hand cupping his face looking at him. He sighed heavily and leaned in and kissed me. I kissed him back, as a farewell. I pulled back, but he kept being persistent. "... I need to leave.." I said, in between struggling to breath and trying to escape his loving grip.

He pulled away for a second, ".... You're mine, got it? Only mine" he said softly, eyes filled with a foreign expression. It scared me. "... G-gon, I have to..." I started, but he then pinned me to the bed and crept on top of me, leaning down, "Just be quiet, Killu. I can make it worth your while. Just... don't... leave me..." He said solemnly, and my breath heated up from our position, my face flushing as a result. "... Your too close" I said sheepishly, squirming from under the boy I love. He instead lowered down and began to place kisses on my higher to lower neck, his tender plush lips against my pale sensitive skin. I silently whimpered, too scared to tell him to stop.

I feel helpless again, I told him to stop- why is he doing this? "... G-gon get off.." I said weakly, body still tired and energy deprived from whatever happened to me last night. He lifted up his head to look at me, quietly breathing warmly on my neck, sending sensations to places they shouldn't be sent to. "... I'm going to make sure your date knows your taken" "what-?" I questioned, but I was answered as he forcefully attacked my neck with his lips, I gasped at the warm moistness and new pleasure from the pressure he's taking out on that spot. A mew escaped my lips as he bit sorely at that spot on my neck, making it turn slowly into a bruise. He seemed to be enjoying making me squirm, because he smiled in pride ot his craftmanship. I could only whimper, unable to stop him now. He pulled back to breath shortly and went back to attack another spot on my neck, earning a noise of surprise from me. I didn't ask him to do this.

After a little of silent struggling, he placed a couple more steany kisses around my collarbone and looked at me softly, "See Killu? It wasn't the end of the world!" He smiled, and I just stayed silent, face flushed and breathing slightly erratic, "... Why... didn't you let me leave..?" I asked quietly, looking into his eyes, "... My neck hurts, Gon..." I complain, hand feeling up the raw bruises on my neck from where he nipped. Only a smile was a response from the boy, proud of his work. ".... I h-have to leave now..." I said, and he got off me with a content hum, "Make sure to show off your new marks, ok?" he purred, and I was quiet. ".... I'll be back later" was all I replied, everything aching but mostly my head.

As I changed out of my old clothes and put new ones on over myself, I felt Gon stare at me as I did so. I ignored it, and wore a pair of jeans with rips on the bottom near my knees, and a light pale blue hoodie reminiscent of my old one from my childhood. "You look nice" Gon commented lovingly, and I looked at him with a confused but equalingly adoring smile. He had a rough day last night, his watch got stolen and I had to take it back for him. He just needed an outlet for his feelings im...  fine with being that outlet.

I slowly made my way out of the room, to downstairs where Alluka and Canary were chatting while eating pastries. I approached them with a silent smile, "Hi guys" I welcomed, and Canary eye'd me, "You don't look too good, Killua" she commented, nothing a mean way but in a slightly concerned one. Canary would be pissed if I said what Gon did, I don't want any drama. "... Didn't sleep well last night" I commented, walking past the girls out of the bakery. The cold embraced around my body, a sharp contrast to the warmth of another person. I shivered, and decided to take a walk. My eyes connected to the sidewalk silently as I thought.

Why did Gon choose to do that to me..?

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