Drunk x and x tipsy

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Small whimpers of fear and uncomfortableness made it's way out of my throat, the boy was still handling my neck, to which I hated every second. Why does this happen to me?

Then as he tried to take off my shirt, I crossed my arms around my torso in a attempt to stop him. "Silly, I wont be able to go any lower if you don't let me-" he was interrupted by the door opening and Gon walked and paused once he saw my situation. I tried to scream for help to him, but my vocal cords froze up. The boy looked over at him too, making eye contact.

".... Killua? Oh well I um..." He said awkwardly, coughing to himself and looking away, "... You do you I guess... have fun..!" He smiled nervously and walked back out the door. ".... Gon wait w-wait n-no dont leave-!" I croaked out, afraid of being abandoned again. The boy just shrugged and returned to look at me, "Poor pretty boy, your boyfriend doesn't care-" He teased, and I was about to punch this bitch in the face.

My fear turning into a bitter anger at someone, I dont know who it was directed st though, "... GET OFF YOU FAGGOT-" I growl, finding the aggression I usually sport and thank god for that because he let go of my hands and I shoved him off of me, running out of the room and closing the door on him, locking it with my nails in the slot.

My breath was scattered, adrenaline filled and my heart beating like a crazed drum in my throat that felt hot and raspy, humid in a bad way. All my energy was wasted on escaping from that, so I slowly sunk down against the door and cradled myself while I stifled a sob, nobody was watching me and I didnt have the energy to keep in the tears either so instead I weeped into my arms, my tears soaking into the wooden tiles below, Gon saw that-

What if he misunderstands?

Gon's POV:

The alcohol must have made me seen things because what I saw... couldn't be right. I sit on the couch, feeling a bit tired but Kiru walks over with a another drink, "Here, you look confused about something. Drink your problems away" he offered, and I whined, "I can't- I shouldn't have alcohol and I've never been intoxicated before and I dont trust.. drunk.. people" he rolled his eyes, "Come on, it's just one more Gon" I whimpered and sighed, fine- maybe it will take my mind of Killua.

I sip the drink, and a unusual and unpleasant bitterness came gushing into my mouth, carbonation too was foaming slighty in the beer, I resist the urge to spit it out and instead gulp and the aftertaste in my mouth felt.. toxic. "Drink all of it, it will taste good soon I'm sure-" Kiru chuckled and sat next to me, and against my better judgement I took a other gulp. Ugh this thing tastes like shit- but.. my head is starting to feel a bit foggy, what was I worried about...?

After a few more drinks, my whole mind was fuzzy and a warm feeling in my stomach was there, this isnt too bad- I giggled at nothing, and Kiru took that as the perfect time to make a move, "Oh you have the giggles, hm?" He chuckled, and I nodded, "Hmmmm I feel funny-" I dazed slightly, closing my eyes and leaning into the couch cushions. "Don't worry, I'll take care of you" he smiled.

Biskey's POV:

I yawn, now just able to get to the party- I hope Gon and Killua are holding up. As I walked inside, the usual sights were blaring and flashing. I'm used to this though, you can call me the queen of parties and men-

As I look around, I can't spot them- huh. Then after a while, I head upstairs and check the bathroom, to which I see Killua curled up in the tub. I was about to say hi but I noticed he jolted in alarm once I was in here, what happened to him? "Jeez Killua- Jumpy much?" I joke around, and cleared my throat, "But seriously, you good? Is this place just too much for you?" I ask more quietly, and he slowly nodded. I nod back and help him out of the tub, "Do you know where Gon is?" I question, and Killua looked hurt by the mention, worried, "... I d-dont know.." He said softly, and I raised a brow.

"What do you mean- you know what-" I sigh, grabbing Killua by the wrist and leading him out of the bathroom to a empty bedroom and put him in there. He looked confused, "You stay here until I find Gon, ok?" I explain, and he nodded silently and layed on the floor. I chuckled at his childlike behaviors, and make my way out. I crept downstairs, and made my way near the kitchen, to where I saw a real sight-

Gon was making out with a jock boy on the couch, on the boy's lap. Really? Ah well this is interesting- but my gossiping isn't important right now, I walk over there and tap Gon on the shoulder, to which he stops and looks at me and beams, "Hiiiiiiiii Bissskkkeeyyyyy!" He drew out with a soft voice. Wait- is that alcohol I smell? HEY WHO GAVE MY STUDENT BEER- "Gon we are leaving- you are going to be yelled at later" I say with burrowed eyebrows and he looked confused so I yanked him off the boy and lead him upstairs.

"Ooooh where are we going? Pretty pretty pony land?" He giggled, oh my god he progressed into a 3 year old. I sigh and open the door in left the other boy in, he was still on the floor staring at the ceiling. I rolled my eyes and yeeted Gon in there, "I dont have time for you two- just make sure you keep him in here, ok Killua-?" I comment, then lock them in there and walk away whistling.

Killua's POV:

Eh? Oh wait shit- Gon was on the floor, literally thrown in here. I quietly sat up and approached him, ".... You good?" I ask, and he sat up too with a whine, but then realized I was here and smiled brightly, "KILLU!" He exclaimed happily, tackling me into a hug, and I gasped in surprise, did someone get him drunk or shit? oh wait. Damn it- THAT WAS THE PRICKS IDEA THE WHOLE TIME-

As I cursed out the dude in my head, Gon just went into clingy mode and clinged to me. I snapped out of it and sighed, sitting up and he still clung to me, "... Gon. Your drunk. Off" I say, trying to pry him off, and he just whined and hugged me tighter, "Noooooo I dont want my Killu to leave! Minnnneeee-" My heart almost skipped a beat, and I blushed a bit, "... Ok maybe some hugs." I say, giving in to his clinginess. "Yay! I love yooouuuu!" He giggled, and I whimpered.

He's just drunk. He knows nothing of how he feels.

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