Cuddles x and x curiosity

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Alluka's POV:

As I carried around 8 bags shakily on my arms, them weighting my arms down, barely being able to cling the ladder to Gon-kun's room, then it shook under me and I squealed in anxiety. It steadied and I whined. Canary from under me, who was carrying another 8 bags, steadied me carefully by my hips with her hands gently, "Master Alluka- carefully get up, I can carry those bags if you want- a lady like yourself don't need to risk yourself!" She said  worriedly and I huffed, "Nooooo I got it! I'm not a sickly little girl who needs to be babied! I'm 13!" I complained, pushing over the hatch and pathetically squirming up into the room. With a longing heavy sigh, the bags fell from my arms and I glanced over at the bed. Big brother looked up at me with a smile as he snuggled on Gon-kun who didn't seem to notice I was back.

"Big brother!" I purr, leaping onto the bed between Gon-kun and him. Killua prominently cuddled me close, nuzzling my head. I giggled, then gon hugged on me too. We were all in a little warmth pocket, big brother and Gon-kun around me keeping me safe. I heard Canary also come up beside us, putting down the bags and sitting down softly onto the bed. "No room for me, hm?" She chuckled, and Killua hummed, "Sorry Canary, only my babies are allowed to cuddle right now~" he said playfully, ruffling gon's and I's hair. I chuckled lightly and hugged my big brother close. I saw Gon place a playful kiss ok big brothers cheek as he giggled. Look's like Gon feels.. better?

Canary chuckled to herself and got up to leave, "I'll be on my way, ok? My break I had from the family duties at home is over" she said more glumly, and I frowned. I don't like it when she has to go back to that place big brother took me from. And Kalluto-chan is still there... "Big brother, what about Kalluto?" I ask quietly, looking up at him. He gulped and looked down, ".. I can't go back, Alluka.." he said softly, almost grieving. Gon gently rubbed big brothers back in response from across me, but big brother still seemed off. I pouted, puffing my cheeks out softly, "But why? He's our little brother!" I said, and big brother chuckled softly, ".... Illumi is there. I can't." "But-" "Alluka dear that's enough" Gon interrupted me, comforting big brother. What did I do wrong..?

I whined softly, did I do something? My lip quivered, and tears dotted at the corners of my eyes. Big brother suddenly got worried and hugged me close, petting my head keeping me close. "Shhh... Princess I'm not upset at you...." he said softly as if it was a lullaby only meant to calm me down and only meant for my ears to hear it. I could tell Gon slightly backed off, sitting up and staring away. I whimpered softly, embracing my brother closely for comfort. He held me softly, and I calmed down quickly, enjoying the warmth from him.

"... I'm going to leave you guys be" Gon said quietly, getting up and left the room quietly with a muted thud as the hatch closed. Big brother quietly looked towards there, paused and looked at me while speaking softly, "... he's fine." He smiled restrainingly and looked towards the door. With a soft sigh, I nodded in response to my big brother. Gon-kun seems off, anxiety? No... probably not fear or anything... so why did he leave? If... Nanika was here, she would know... I frown at the thought of my sister. I push the thought of her to the side and looked at big brother's face. He light silver hair was in his face in strands, and with the back of my hand I brushed them away now able to see his whole face. Our eyes met and he sighed softly, "... Princess, I'll be back" he provided and kissed my forehead and left down the ladder.

Killua's POV:

I have a bad feeling about this, Gon seemed... Jealous? It was probably nothing but...  he still left in a rush. I peeked around the bakery, and sighed. I then heard slight movement within the closet, and paused. Oh. I slightly push open the door, and Gon was quietly sitting on the floor and peeked up at me. He just looked for a second and patted next to him, and I obliged and sat next to the boy. He looked back at his feet, and I placed my hand on his encouragingly. "What's up my beautiful Sunshine..?" I ask, honestly curious.

He shrugged and I rested my head on his shoulder softly, "you can talk to me, Gon" I say quietly, barely able to see anything infront of me since we were in the dark. Gon nodded slowly and exhaled heavily, ".... I guess... I want time alone. Your baby sister interrupted our cuddle time, and I wasn't ready..." he chuckled softly, and I looked at him, ".... Oh. Your affection starved I see-" I tried to tease, but Gon didn't seem like he was in the mood for it. My smile straightened awkwardly as I looked at the floor slanting my eyes slightly. "... you do seem down. Do you feel, well better..?" I asked, squeezing his hand with mine. He thought for a moment, "you know what... I could let off some steam. If your ok with it's that is-" he said, rubbing the back of his beneath his free hand and looked at me.

I nodded, "... Yeah. Well we are not obviously going to do you know what in a closet but.." I shifted to move over him, then positioned myself on his lap and sat there putting my arms around his shoulders, "... I also am curious for just a taste." He smiled softly and I leaned in for a soft sweet kiss. He kissed me back longingly and his hands went to my hips. The kiss deepened as his hands explored more of my back and soon thighs.

I can let myself indulge within what I want for a little, right?

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