Leaving x and x griefing

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"... Alluka." I start, and she looked at me, "Yes Gon-kun?" She replied, and I resumed, "..... Killua and I are complicated. I love him, yes but I dont want to hurt your big brother" She shuffled, and looked at the ground with a soft smile, "Don't worry, he will ways forgive you, but.." she paused, looking at me, "I won't" I gulped at that, jeez Killua's sister is scary.

"So... do you actually think he loves me?" I question, drawing my attention back to the unconscious model. "Yep- unconditionally. But, I'm the one he loves the most" She giggled, and swayed her feet back and forth. I sighed deeply, yeah yeah dont need to remind me how inferior I am to you, Alluka.

"So, how did you excape your family to get here?" I am curiously, and she shrugged, "Our butler Canary took me here-" I smiled at that, thanks Canary. "..... Gon.. you know I'm sick right? It's a weird condition, undiagnosed but very lethal.." She said quietly, a bit sadly. I looked at her, ".. he said your dying, yes.." I replied, and she nodded, "... The mean doctors told big brother I'll be gone in a week... he said that he will stay with me the whole time" She smiled glumly, and I sighed. This innocent girl is the one Killua loves above all, and he's going to loose her soon. Hes going through unimaginable pain, and I'm only adding onto it.

It's my reason he is here, it's my fault. So, I need to fix it. "Alluka, stay here with him. I'm leaving." I say quietly, getting up. She looked at me confusingly, "Huh? But-" "Alluka, tell Killua I love him but we can't be friends anymore." I say, and walk out the room. Alluka froze there silently. I love him so much, so if you love someone you have to let them go.

Alluka's POV:

... What? Did Gon-kun just... de-friend big brother? No, he.. must be joking. He's the only thing keeping big brother sane currently- and he's going to abandon him? I burrow my brows, Gon's being a big old meanie-! I puff out my cheeks in protest and cross my arms, Big brother is all wrong about Gon! He doesnt desurve big brothers love!

But then I noticed big brother stirring, and I smile brightly and switch seats to get closer. After a moment or so, he moved his head and gently fluttered his eyes open to look at me, "... Princess?" He said tired, and I giggled, "Big brother-!" I say, crawling onto the hospital bed and hugging my brother close, and he smiled and pet my head, "What are you doing here, my angel?" He said softly, and I rest my head on his chest, "Canary-san said I should visit you, so she snuck me out! Hehe!" I giggle, and a soft chuckle came out of his mouth, "All for little old me?" He smiled softly, then stopped, ".. Wait where's Gon?" He asked, lifting his head to look at the door. I pause, Gons being a big old jerk and I dont need big brother any more sad, "He went to the bathroom" I said, not liking lieing to my favorite sibling.

"Oh..." he tilted his head to look out of the hospital window on the other side of him. He began to stroke my hair slowly, ".. Hey princess, do you think.. that.. he.. has a girlfriend..?" He said with a sadness in his voice, I can't lie about this... "... He does, big brother. I'm sorry" I clung to him close, "I'm sorry, sorry sorry I know how much you love him-" "Alluka. Its fine, my princess. I'll always love him, but... atleast...." He paused, I could tell that he was holding back tears, "... Atleast he is still my best friend."

I began to cry from guilt, "I LIED BIG BROTHER- HE L-LEFT AND SAID HE DOESNT WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH YOU ANYMORE-" I sniffled into his shoulder, and he was just silent. ".... O-oh.." Was all he could say, while facing away from me but I could still tell tears silently streamed down his face. I sniff my nose, and look at big brother; he looks hurt. Again. I swear... Gon Freecss, before I die you will regret making my big brother hurt.

Gon's POV:

Mmm I must have left without telling Hannah- I'll just call her. I pull out my phone infront of outside of the hospital, and dial her number, ".. Hi Gon" She said from the other side of the line, "Hi hannah- sorry I left so quickly..." "No its fine, I get it your little friend was in danger so you left your girlfriend after you shove her off impolitely-" She said sarcastically, and I laughed anxiously, "Sorry- But Killua's more important then you." She groaned from frustration from the other side, "You know what- come over to your house. I'll have a surprise for you since your little boyfriend interrupted our little session." I gulped, I'm not in the mood but.. maybe it will take my mind off of this all, "Ok" I reply, and she hangs up. I slowly lean against the hospital wall and slide down onto my bottom.

Maybe after this, I'll just sleepover at her house for a bit... I need a way out of being yelled at by Canary. I dont want anyone else to hate me. I'm doing what's best for the boy I love, and for myself. I need away from all this... stuff. I love you Killua, but your not worth this. I'm sorry but this "Slut" is moving on.

Killua's POV:

... If my baby sister wasn't curled up in my arms, I would have ended myself in the bathroom by now. But... her time is limited. I want all the time I have left to be with her... and maybe Gon if... no, no I can't think like that, he left for good... My heart broke at that, he abandoned me.

My best friend. Who I love. And known for 9 years. The one that loves frogs, orange juice, making dorky faces, hates math, loves fishing, loses all Arcade games, made me feel loved and wanted, now wants nothing to do with me and left. Now I know I'm truly useless, a toy left without a owner. And it doesnt help that my head hurts like fuck, throbbing loudly and feeling warm and ugh.

.. wonder why he left. Is it because I'm that much of a burden, or does he have an actual reason? Wait... maybe he will come back. .... yeah. Yeah-! Not all hope is lost, He will come back. Because he cares about me. I turned around and hugged my baby sister close, and nuzzled her head, "Don't be mad at Gon, alright Alluka? He didn't mean it. I've known him for 9 years, he cant just leave me" I smile softly, and she went quiet.

"Big brother... he's not good for you. He has a girlfriend, he abandoned you- Big brother you desurve more"

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