Friends x or x more

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... As I took my stroll, my mind kept going back to Gon. I shouldn't have let him done that to me. But... I did. I.... was too scared to upset him. That's just dumb... he's my best friend, he would never hurt me. But still, my mind was questioning why it was such a coward... such a damn coward. ".... He doesn't have a right to put his hands on me." I murmur to myself, but then sigh. .... I probably just deserved it. Like all my other punishments from my family, I bet I deserved what he did.... somehow.

A bitter taste like lead was left on my tongue, and I shivered. I'm not going to let him do it again, though. He marked me enough. I huffed as I concluded, looking up from the floor as I walked. But then, I smashed against a person, I fell onto my butt, scraping my thighs, "OW-" I complained, groaning from my poor thighs rubbing against the cold hard concrete. I grumbled and looked up, "Watch where your-..." I paused, words stuck in my throat as my eyes were stuck on the boy I bumped into, his glasses were knocked onto the floor, fair pale freckled skin adorned his face, with dark hazel eyes and a beautiful ginger hair, kept in a undercut with a ponytail keeping the hair up. I gasped quietly, my lungs not working suddenly. He struggled to get situated, charmingly.

"I... um.... I...." I stuttered, as the boy picked up his glasses from the floor and stood up- offering his hand for me to grab. I gulped silently and took it, he pulled my up with a strong grip. He pulled a smile at me, bright and confident, "Oh- sorry! I wasn't looking where I was walking!" He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck with his freckled hands, smaller then mine I found out. A small blush covered my pale cheeks as I gulped, "... I-it's fine." I muttered out, lost in his half emerald half caramel eyes. Such a beautiful creature shouldn't exist-

"Oh uh- I was on my way to meet someone" he mentioned, clearing his throat. I was still admiring his face when he lifted a brow. I snapped out of my daydreaming and squeaked, "AHH SORRY- I uh- I have to go- bye!" I chuckled panicky, hurrying on past him before I could make a even bigger fool out of myself. Shit. Shit SHIT- I have places to be! No time to gawk at handsome men! I gulped out of breath as my legs halted, put of stamina. I leaned against the brick wall as I caught my breathing into its rhythm, god... If I wasn't in love with Gon that boy would be cute enough for me.

I gulped quietly and wandered around, dang it I went the wrong way- I'm back near the bakery... a dumbfounded sigh excaped my thin lips as I desperately jog back around to go to the cafe. I shivered from the sudden chill from the air conditioning as I opened the door, and walked over to a booth, shivering still as I sat down on the chilled leather seat. After a little of waiting for whomever Canary asked to wait for me, I was about to get up not wanting to waste my time but then, somebody suddenly sat down at my table. I sighed, "Oh there you are-" I started, looking at the person. I froze. Wait- it's the cute boy-! He smiled with a chuckle, "Oh! So your the one I'm in a date with? Guess I'm lucky!" He teased naively, why is he being so nice to me? I choked on my words, damn it why him...

"... H-hi again.. uh... my names Killua." I said meekly, embarrassed from our prior interaction, damn this is awkward. He just laughed, "Awe it's fine- don't be shy! My name is Ciel, Ciel Castellano. I'm part Greek, irish and French! How cool, right?" He said with a grin, beaming softly at me. "I like your name, Killua!" He complimented as well, and I blushed and looked away, "... Y-yeah you too.... just order something" I said hesitantly. "Ok! I'll get you a smoothie, since your cute" he hummed, calling over the waiter. Before I could complain, the lady walked over with a clipboard, "What would you like?" Whe said placidly, looking at us. Ciel scanned the menu, "I'd like a ice cream sundae and... my date here would like a smoothie!" He said, and I nodded quietly, warming up to the gradually. He seems... nice.

"Ok, coming right up" she smiled and left, leaving me alone with mr.perfect. "I recognize you, now that I heard your name- your a model, right?" He said curiously, leaning in closer for my response. I relaxed a bit, "Yeah, I model.... family business" "Zoldycks, right?" "Uhuh" "wow that's soooo cool!" "I guess it is, isn't it? I don't like modeling much. Though" "awe why not? I'm a huge fan! I design clothes, and I must say I'd kill for you to model for me!" "O-oh well maybe" "so what are your other hobbies?" "Well.."

For the next three hours, we just grew more comfortable and chatted about our lives. Something about him made me feel right at home, peaceful. Maybe it is because he reminds me of Gon. Soon enough though, I get a text. "... so what happened after you tripped down the stairs in the art museum??" He whined, absorbed into my story completely, on the literal edge of his seat in anticipation. I chuckled and checked my phone, taking a sip of my smoothie.

My light: your not back yet, do you need me to pick you up? I'm worried 😞

I paused to stare at his text. I don't want him to ruin this.

Me: I'm fine, I'm hanging out with my date at the cafe. Dont worry, idiot 😗♡

My light: your on your date still? It's been three hours

Me: yeah? I'm having fun

He stopped responding, and I sighed. It's just a date. "Who texted you?" Ciel inquired, eating his icecream inquisitively, and I smiled, "It was just my friend. He was wondering why I wasn't back yet." "Oh. Am I keeping you too long-?" He worried quietly, putting down his metal spoon. I shook my head, "No no- your fine!" I handed him my phone on a new contact page, "Here, put your number in." I smiled, and Ciel gladly did so. I got up and waved goodbye, "thanks for the food! Text me soon!" I cheered at him, and he chuckled, "Yeah! At 3am!" He joked, and I laughed as I left the cafe.

Wow... I haven't felt so alive for a long time now.

Bittersweet | GonKilluWhere stories live. Discover now