Unfortunate x and x scared

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Alluka's POV:

I pouted softly, it has been a few minutes since big brother left with Gon-kun... I sigh, and scoot off the bed, shuffling my feet across the floor and descend down the stairs, it slightly creaking under my feet from my weight. Around a third step down, I hum and drop onto the floor with my feet thudding softly onto the wooden floor. Something eerie feels like it happened here... I don't like eerie. I instead shuffled off across the hall quickly, not wanting anything to do with that weird deja vu by the stairs.

I then looked around the barn kitchen, not even Gon's auntie is out- oh it's closed today for the holiday. I sigh, I'm a dummy- oh well they left the bakery. I sigh and drop my shoulders from a shrug when my ears pick up some disturbance slightly as I paused. Huh? I wander towards the closet door and hum to myself slightly in curiosity. Is there a kitty in there-? I giggled at that possibility, and reached for the door handle. I opened the door slightly peeking in, and holy shit.

The two boys suddely turn around toward my intrusion and I gulped. Gon was kneeling in between big brother's legs, hands peeking into big brothers shirt. Big brother screeched and threw a broom at me, to of which I snap out of my shock and hit away. A look of knowing but disgust grew into my face, "EWWW- NO TOUCHY TOUCHY- JESUS CHRIST-" I slammed the door on them and briskly ran out the bakery- WHO SAID THEY COULD ALL BE LIKE THAT- just ew-

Killua's POV:

SHIT I KNEW THIS WAS A BAD IDEA- from the state I'm in now, she must at least know where this was going... UGH DAMN IT- I hit my tightly wound fist against the wall I'm against, and Gon gulps in embarrassment, "... I'm sorry Killua- I didn't mean for her to-" "Look- this is why we don't do this stuff. I'm a big brother. Alluka lives here too. AND MOST OF ALL WHAT KIND OF CLOSET DOESN'T LOCK-" I rant out, pushing him off and pace around in a circle in the closet.

".... Killua I'm sorry" he repeated quietly, and I sighed, "Well if your so sorry then how do we explain all of that to her?" I offer, my ring finger and thumb squeezing the bridge of my nose in frustration as my other arm crossed my abdomen. He whined softly and got up, "Well... uh..." "So we are stuck without a plan? Great." I grumble, and open the door. I glance around to see if alluka is there, turns out she isn't. She probably headed up to our room. I sighed heavily.

".... I swear. If you even the slightest bit traumatized her-" I mutter, leaving out to near the ladder. Gon held my arm back with his hand, and I begrudgingly looked back at him. He slanted his eyes shamefully and looked at the ground, "... You know I wasn't my best self lately, right...? I... I don't know what came over me, and... my head wasn't in the right space..." I raise an eye brow to his explanation and seeming apology, he continued, "... I do really... really.. love yo-" I pause him, pressing my finger on his lips. "Not now. Don't say it. I'm mad at you, don't make me happy" I say, and detach his hand from its hold on mine. For a moment we stood in silence, and I climbed the ladder quietly. A small smile crept onto my face, despite my mood. He was going to say he loves me. I shake my head then, trying to hide my fanboying as I enter the room. I peek around, and nobody was there.

I lifted myself inside, and checked the bathroom door. Open. A feeling of dread set in as I frantically throw open the bed sheets to reveal emptiness. No slumbering little princess. No little girl reading a book waiting for her brother. Where is she. My eyes grow more serious and a slight fear grew but I pushed it down, no she's fine. I hastily climb back down the ladder and pass by Gon on my way out of the bakery. "Wait- Killua-" he called out, but I don't give a damn. I rush out of the door, scanning all over the visible city from the door. No, no NO- Canary isn't here, she couldn't have taken her anywhere- she knows being out here alone is forbidden- Not with Illumi.... Illumi. My heart grew cold and still, my body freezing up to the mortification taking its unbearable hold on my body.

"ILLUMI YOU FUCKING BASTARD-" I scream from the top of my lungs in an unbridled rage, the fear in my body directly morphed into pure rage and adrenaline as I sprinted across the sidewalk as fast as I possibly can- IF THAT LITTLE BITCH SO MUCH AS TOUCHES HER- I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD- I clench my teeth so hard, my gums bleed from the tension my body is in. I push past a good dozen people as I bolt by, all of them complaining and upset. Their whines didn't register in my brain, it was hardwired on the primordial instinct of a somewhat motherly instinct- I need to save my baby sister. A stoplight dared to glow green in front of me, and I spat at it and didn't decrease my speed as I ran through traffic, a car almost hit me but I skimmed over it and landed running on my feet.

My heart's beat was so quick and my lungs were on absolute fire from all the rawness of taking in the bare minimum it could need for all this energy I'm burning. Wait- there it is. My house. Across the corner of the street, was our huge penthouse with at least 10 stories above. No, I can't climb them. Damn it... I need to go inside. My brain didn't even realize the danger in that place, only that the most important thing in my entire LIFE was in danger and if I die protecting her from him then so be it as long as she can escape.

I don't want him to hurt her like he did to me.

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