Disgrace x and x regret

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".. Wait wait look he's awake again-" I heard a voice say quietly as I fazed back into consciousness, What? Who..

I slowly open my heavy weak eyes and a warm smile with a sad expression welcomed me. Wait.. Canary? "Hello there Master Killua. Nice nap?" She chuckled politely, and I tried to speak but was a bit too tired to do so, instead I nodded quietly and closed my eyes to rest a bit but stay awake.

"Big brother tried to leave, almost lost too much blood" Alluka explained to Canary, I assume. "Hm.. well he's a idiot for doing so, while he is in a cronic condition-" Canary replied, a bit forceful on the last part which was targeted at me. I just rolled my eyes and kept listening. "Well atleast he's alright, but where is Gon? Wouldn't he be the one here that would never leave?" Canary inquired at my sister, and there was a silence. If I did have enough energy to answer that question, I still couldn't.

"Gon in his own selfish way left Killua because he thought that its what's good for him" my little sister huffed frustrated, and Canary seemed confused, "Gon? No he would never just leave his best friend- I know him." She laughed awkwardly but Alluka sighed, "Canary-san I understand your protectiveness over Gon, I really do, but hes being... a jackass right now." I gasped quietly, if I could I would scold Alluka for her language- Who taught my baby sister to curse-!?

"... I'll talk to him. I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding" Canary said quietly, getting up and she left the room. I heard my sister sigh and she held my hand softly, "Big brother... I still want you and Gon to be together, but.. before that can you make sure he's not a bully anymore?" She said softly, and I did my best to nod. She sighed with a warm smile and rested her head on the bed next to me and dozed off. Me? Togeather with Gon? ... Maybe. But, I dont know if I can forget what he's done..

Canary's POV:

I'm sure it's just Gon having a hard time, his Aunt is getting sickly and his best friend almost died. I'm swear he's still the sweet loving boy I met 5 years ago, the one that loves his best friend with all his heart. I nod enthusiastically to myself as I walks out head high out of the hospital, my personal mission to find Gon.

I grab my phone now that I'm out of the building, and call his number. After a moment the call was rejected but I didnt give up. I used an app on my phone to track the IP address from where the call was rejected, and its 3 blocks away from here. Sweet, close to where I am. I pull up the coordinates on a digital map, and slowly make my way over to the location. After a few minutes, like 6, I look up at our final destination. Oh- It's my girlfriend Retz's apartment complex? Wait- isn't the new tenant of her room her old roommate, I think her name's Hannah? I'll check it out to see if she knows anything!

As I descend up across the all to familiar metal stairs, I tread my way to my girlfriend's old room. It was on the second floor, room 193 with a dark gray door and a soft yarn welcome mat underneath the door peaking out. I placed my feet upon the mat and gently knocked against the gray door, "Hello? Hannah? This is your old roommates girlfriend-" I introduce myself incase she may hear me. After no response, I press my ear to the door, and hear a slight noise that sounded like tv. Someone's home alright.

I sigh and kneel down to grab the also all too familiar apartment key that Retz kept under the mat because she is a klutz and always forgot things. Maybe this is breaking and entering, but maybe it's not? Who knows. I give that thought a shrug and insert the key into the keyhole and turn it right, a click sounded and the door slowly creaked open. I stepped inside and looked around. Same old apartment. I close the door behind me and start treading across the small hallway, "Hello? Sorry for coming in but I knocked-" I say, looking around. I peaked my head into the kitchen and it was empty of people, same with the living room and bathroom. So, the bedroom kt is it seems-

I slowly approach, hearing the movie more clearly now coming from the crack in the door. I take in a deep breath and open the door, "Hello sorry for breaking in but-" I froze. Wait what- I saw Hannah and... Gon cuddling under a blanket watching a movie? Wholesome but uh- No thanks. Hannah shot her eyes to me, "Wha- Wait are you-? How did-" she questioned, and I shrugged. Then Gon realized I was here and just looked at me silently. I decided that I need to be straight foward with this, alrighty.

"Gon- you realize that Killua is awake now right?" I say quietly, and he just shrugs and looks at the ground while Hannah pauses the movie. "Ok first of all, dont interrogate him and second of all- who cares about the white haired Hoe who tried to take my boyfriend away from me?" She said, obviously not having a good opinion about Killua. Gon didnt say anything to even defend Killua, why? "... Gon are you on something dude? Your being off.. We all know Killua means more to you then anything, first of all you make him feel depressed as fuck, second of all you reject him, third of all you leave him in the hospital before he even wakes up, and fourth of all you literally DEFRIENDED him- Like, you have some serious explaining to do, Gon Freecss." I huffed, and he looked uncomfortable, "Canary... I'm doing this for his sake, I love Killua so much but... I literally have a girlfriend and I'm only going to hurt him if I stay by his side." He said sadly, and I shook my head, "Since when does breaking the boys heart and abandoning him keep him from hurting? He literally wants to die, Gon. He wants to kill himself. Do you want him to die because of your selfishness?" I scold with half-open eyes, filled with dissatisfaction.

"I... w-what..?" He stammered out, rubbing his eyes and looking at me like I just punched his dog. "You heard me Gon. Now, are you going to let him do it or are you going to be there for him and fucking say sorry?" I say, backing up backwards towards the door to leave. He was completely silent for a second, and as I was about to accept that as an answer and leave, he interpreted and paused me, "W-WAIT- no... I don't.. I... I didnt know... Im sl sorry.." He sniffled out, tears streaming out of his eyes. A small smile formed on my lips, there is the sensitive kind boy I know.

"Come on Gon, he's not too far away now. Ok? You can say sorry and make up" I smile at him, and he nods and gets up. "Wait- so your leaving AGAIN? I'm not forgiving you this time Freecss" Hannah hissed, but Gon only flinched and followed me out of the room. I smacked his back playfully, and he chuckled quietly, a soft solem smile on his features.

"Come on.. let's save your boy" I giggle, and he nodded with a determined look on his face.

Around 8 minutes later, we both arrive into the hospital and see a emergency bedspread being rolled into Killua's room as quickly as they could, and we paused. What- after a second or two, Killua was rushed out on the bed into the opposite direction of the hall and Gon sprinted after them, "WAIT WHAT HAPPENED- WAIT-!" He screamed down the hall, worry and concern obvious in his terrified voice. My heart dulled as I run go the room Killua was taken out of, and I saw Alluka wailing and sobbing her eyes out being restrained by a nurse, "BIG BROTHER- BIG BROTHER NOOOO-" She screeched, trying her best to fight the poor nurses grip. All I could do is stand still.

What the fuck happened?

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