Consent x and x rules

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I could... maybe... no, he would check and see. I sighed quietly, deciding against telling the boy on Killua's phone to never contact him again. That's possessive, I'm not possessive. So, instead I just note his number on a small slip of paper and stick it in the back cover of my phone for safe keeping. A hum escaped my lips, as I placed Killua's phone back to where it was. I trust my best friend enough to not go through his gallery, it's probably filled with pictures of his sister and I anyways. Speaking of the devil, Killua shuffled next to me and I softened quietly, you know what... I want him to be happy. He will be happy with me, not with that little bitch he went on a date with. I don't like that he clicked with the 'Ciel' boy, it really pisses me off. But... he says he loves me. He holds me close. That's all I need, him.

I lay down and hold him close, hugging my beloved by his waist and slowly becoming drunk off his intoxicating scent. He sleepily hugged me back, and shuffled his face into the crack of my neck. I smiled softly and enjoyed the one I love's embrace. In around an hour, he shuffled and awoken again, a quiet yawn coming out of his mouth as he realizes we are cuddling. He jolts slightly, "MY GOD WHO GAVE YOU PERMISSION TO BE SO CLOSE TO ME-" he hissed, face glowing a sudden red. I was unfazed and coo'd inti his ear, "Your too cute to not cuddle"

He sighed and pushed me off, getting a whine from me, "Awe Killu why are you so aggressive now? Not that I'm complaining" I inquire, determination rushing through my mind as I cling to his waist still. "... N-no reason" he muttered, prying me off. I whined again at when he did, and I sighed, "... You said you loved me before you slept, what's so different now?"

He just huffs and looked at the floor, "... I'm mad at you, I had a dream and well... It just... replayed what happened this morning to the worst level, and the thing is..." he tightened his fists but then let them go with a burdened exhale as his blue eyes met mine, ".... you can't boss me around Gon. I'm not just a rag-doll. And even in whatever the fuck we are-, there needs to be CONSENT. Ok-?? And there wasn't any this morning- talking to someone made me realize that what you did was wrong- I wont stand for it anymore. We need to establish rules and boundaries" he declared, and I was in awe of him standing up for himself.

I thought to myself, well if I go along with this.. then it'll be easier to get him to trust me later today at the party. I smiled softly and patted the spot next to me, "Killua, I agree... we do need to talk" I say, looking at the floor and kicking my feet. He takes the bait and hesitantly sits next to me, and I looked into his eyes, "ok... so what are you ok with?" He started quietly, and I thought as I put my hand gently over his, "well: hugs, cuddles, kissing, making out, etcetera etcetera etcetera- you know?" I coo'd, and I intertwined our fingers and squeezed his palm lovingly. He blushed slightly and nodded, "Ok... what are you not ok with?" He asked, rubbing my hand with his thumb gently, and I thought. "... nothing really. As long as it's you, I don't care even if you hurt me" I said softly, and I meant it.

".... I'd never hurt you." He started, choking up slighty as his greatest fear. ".... well for me though, I'm good with kisses and hugs and cuddles like you said, but nothing too intimate still." He said, and then saw the look of skepticism on my face and continued, "... I uh well... maybe we could like... go a bit farther..?" He said more questionably, trying to please me with his answer. I nodded, that's good enough to start. "... and well I don't like being pushed around or made to do stuff so... I doubt you'd do that but I'm putting it out there" he finished quietly, resting his head on my shoulder softly.

"Ok, so how about public affection?" I ask, leaning my head on his gently with a loving smile, and he hummed quietly, "Oh- well hand holding is fine- of course..." he chuckled, and I did so too. "... but I dont want people to say we are dating, so..." he said, growing more quiet, "... so no kisses. Sadly" he complained. "Awe- does my bestie want kisses?" I teased, and he blushed and took his head off my shoulder with a huff and looked away bitterly, "N-no! No I don't want kisses!" He protested like a 7 year old, and I chuckled with an idea popping into my mind. I used my finger to turn Killua's chin around to face me and I leaned in, less then a centimeter away from his pale pink lips, "Oh.. really~?" I said seductively, and he gulped, "I-I uh-... G-gon don't say it like that you i-idiot" he complained, not moving though, just avoiding eyes contact flusteredly.

I chuckled and gave him a quick peck on the lips and pulled him into a hug, "Awe my Killu is so cute~!" I coo, and he is really adorable. Especially his reactions to my flirting. He sighed and hugged me back, "... I'm not cute" he whined, and I just giggled, "Hey Killua- I love you~!" I coo again, and he whispered, "... I love you too.." awe- so tsundere and adorable. I almost feel dread for what I'm going to use him for tonight. But, I can't forget my plans now... I'm taking his virginity tonight, no if's ands or buts about it. I'm going to be nice about it though, and I'll make sure its consental.

I love him, afterall. He is the reason I live and the anchor of my sanity

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