Thoughts x and x what-not's

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He rested softly in my arms, and the heavy burden of what we have done weighed down on my conciousness... We are just friends... If he was sober he wouldn't have... I just stared at the bleak white ceiling of the room, Gon cuddling me while admiring my face with a soft grin: sweet and innocent. How could that beautiful fragile creature... know how to French kiss? Oh right, all the dates he's been on... makes sense..

That's right, he's on a date with that boy... Kiru. I scowled at the thought of that scumbag, he bullied me when we were 7 or so... it's been 8 years since he has been doing so. Gon of course has no clue that I'm being bullied, he's under the impression that I have friends at school, I wouldn't want him to know that some of the bruises I obtain over the school week aren't all from home... Ignorance is bliss, isn't it?

I wonder... How far would we have gone if I didn't stop him? Would it just be that far, or.... Would he wanted to have done something more severe? No, I think the first option is the best... for my mental sake that is. If Gon Freecss gave me a chance and dated me... I'd give him the best day he'd ever had. It's cheesy, but I have the perfect date: Trip to the mall to shop for some clothes togeather, head to the beach, then to the arcade for fun, and go to one of those fancy French restaurants for dinner... and I'd walk him home... and give him a gentle kiss farewell... My lips involuntarily smiled at that thought, I could feel myself becoming giddy at that childish dream.

He always goes on dates... but would never with me. As reality settled in, my heart dimmed, he couldn't possibly find me as infatuating as I find him. It's a one-sided crush, and that's all it will ever be... But.. I gaze down at the boy staring up at me with twinkling brown eyes. He smiled at the eye contact and bumped out heads togeather affectionately. I laugh at that, this is fine enough for me.. for now, Atleast...

"Hey Killua, I want more kisses" Gon said and I hummed, "... No Gon. You had enough of me" I replied quietly, and he pouted. He didnt reply though, just cuddled softly on my chest, using his finger to trace shapes onto my abdomen. "What are you doing there, hm?" I ask, lifting my head up a bit. He shrugged, "Your body is so beautiful Killua... It's a shame you wont let me do anything..." he sighed dramatically.

I was speechless, and instead just grabbed his right hand and planted a gentle reserved kiss onto it. Gon looked at me expectantly, but my eyes slanted. I shouldn't. He's never gone that far, he wouldn't know anything and I'd hurt him. I concluded I'd just take a nap, so I pulled Gon close for a hug and he returned it. "Sleep, Gon." I said quietly, closing my eyes. How long will this insufferable party last? Bisky locked us in here...

Bisky's POV:

As I finished beating the absolute shit out of the jock boy, I started to head back upstairs and straighten my dress. Nobody deserves my students. You may be asking why I call those two that, well I've been teaching him for 5 years about dance and yoga- both of them remarkable for their age, even though I'm also myself only 17.

I unlock the door of the room I've locked them in for safety reasons, and I saw them cuddling on the bed- Awe I didn't expect that- so wholesome! I awe'd to myself and walked over there, grabbed a cup of kool-aid, and threw it over the boys. They both sprung up- soaking in the red drink. Killua snapped his face in my direction and growled, "Look what you did, you old hag!" He hissed, and I smacked him across his face, never learns to respect his teacher huh?

"I could have locked you guys in here for literally forever- I live here." I exclaim, and Killua just grumbled. Gon yawned and whined, "Why am I all wet- ewww it's all sticky with my clothes noww-" Gon complained, getting up from off the bed with the kool-aid dripping from his now soaked shirt. Killua stifled a chuckle, "Wet dog- pff-" Gon didn't seem to hear though and walked over to the room's bathroom and shut the door loudly.

"IM GOING TO TAKE A SHOWER WITH YOUR STRAWBEREY SHAMPOO-" Gon shouted from inside, as if that would make me feel bad. I have unlimited shampoo- that fool. I chuckle evilly to myself, and I looked at Killua, "You should join him- don't you guys bathe together? Shoo shoo-" I said, pushing him off the bed and herding him to the bathroom door and shoved him inside.

"H E Y- ugh whatever" I heard him complain, but I just chuckled. Idiots.

After a while of me sitting on the newly washed sheets of the bed, Gon and Killua walk out of the bathroom in towels, "Hey do you have some clothes?" Killua asked, while Gon seemed unsure of how to tie his towel around him correctly. I shrugged, "Maybe- if you'd like dresses" I admit, and Killua scowled, "Hey we are not going out there in towels-" I shrugged again, "Fine fine- I have a couple tank tops and some shorts." I say as I excuse myself to fetch the clothes. I get them from my roommates room, and hurry back. I hand the boys the clothes and Gon smiled, "Thanks Bisky!" He thanked, and I nodded. The boys went back into the bathroom and got changed.

As they got out, Gon was trying to dry Killua's hair with a towel, and Killua was struggling and claiming he gots it. I chuckled, these two are really perfect for eachother. The best two students I've ever had.

Bittersweet | GonKilluWhere stories live. Discover now