Timing x and x Torture

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Killua's POV:

I sit down finally on my bed, after a night's worth of superhero stuff I finally had the time to sit down- but since I barely use this bed, it was stiff and uncomfortable. I shifted around and sighed as I decided the floor is more comfortable. As I move, I feel my thighs complain; damn it I shouldn't have tried to do those many flips, sure I'm naturally incredibly flexible but I pulled a muscle yesterday after my dance lessons when Retz tripped me infront of the other dancers, while we were doing warm ups.

I'm used to being harassed and shamed, but I'm way more flexible and swift then Retz could ever be- shes just bitter over when I outshined her last week. And shes in a bad mood because she has to move away from her girlfriend, but before that Retz was my only friend in dance class. I'll miss her, she's just being a little bitch right now. Another annoying this is that due to the "incident" everyone knows I'm gay now, and that doesn't stop girls trying to get my family's money through me. I would just disappear if I could, but my mom has my little sister and little brother.... I'm trapped.

A creak sounded near my door and I look up, the door knob opened slowly, but I already knew who it was.

"Hey there mini-Illumi!" Hisoka coo'd at me while walking into my room, damn it how can that playboy pick locks- oh well, hes harmless just a pain in the ass.

I growl at him, "Go bother your fiancee, not me-" He smiled and strutted over near me and fell onto his back on my bed with a dramatic disposition, "You break my heart Killboy- stop being sooo mean" He hummed to annoy me, and damn it's working.

"Alll I want is to see my favorite soon to be step-brother!" He purred, getting onto his stomach and scooting over near the edge of the bed to look at me. I roll my eyes and get up, attempting to leave but he grabbed my wrist from behind and I felt my heart drop and my face grow even paler in mortification, reminded of how Illumi handles me. "Oh- no fruit, I'm not going to do that to you, I'm just asking where your extra toilet paper is" He purred, somehow enjoying my reaction. The feeling in my chest didnt release, but I managed to murmur, "... Under the sink in my bathroom, faggot."

He smiled and chuckled, "Your just as fruity as I am, Killboy." He got up and let go of me and headed out of my room, and I lightly sit on my bed. Hisoka isnt a bad person, he never hurt me, not like my brother. Honestly he's just annoying, but hes the closest thing in this family to a family friend. I found out about myself talking to him, and he knows about my situation obviously. But... it's like hes the annoying brother I dont have. I have three, but Illumi is... manipulating and controlling. Milluki is just, well abusive and my little brother Kalluto is always just... gone. Hisoka atleast is not mentally or physically hurting me, so hes the only one I slightly trust. Illumi is just a prick, and everytime he tries to talk to me or touch me, I fight. But sometimes he touches to much, and that makes me very.... confused.

But then I heard my door open again, and I knew exactly entered. Him. "Hey there Kill. Want to hang out with your brother?"

"... no. Go away you idiot" I hiss at him and hes unfazed and locked the door behind him, "you dont really get a choice, Kill. Now, be quiet." What?

Gon's POV:
Today is busy in the bakery today- aunt Mito has been getting sick lately so I've been having to work in here more, well atleast I can talk to my friends if they stop by! I heard the bell of the door open, and I saw a girl walk in- Oh its Canary! She's my friend, and works as a bodyguard for Killua's family!

"Hi Gon" She smiled as she approached the counter, and I smile back friendly, "Hi Canary! What can I get you?" I hum at her and she shrugs, "Dunno, but my girlfriend's moving to the US tomorrow and I've been dreading it... Gon I dont know if I can do a long distance relationship-!" She whined and I nodded and reached for a raspberry Danish from the heating rack and hand it to her, "Here, for your nerves" I smile warmly, and she nods and bites into the warm crust.

"Its just that I'm going to miss her and her and I feel so apart- oh shit this is good food!" She hums as she eats the danish I handed her. I giggle, "Your favorite! You literally don't order anything else" I tease at her and she snorts through eating, and I chuckle with her. "You just understand me like nobody else Gon-" She said playfully and I roll my eyes with a smile, "I've known you for 5 years and you haven't ordered anything else then those danishes and a cinnamon latte. Like, I have to make an entire different danish then is in the menu for you-"

"Ok ok- but where is my latte then, hm?" She smirked and I sigh, "Are you going to finally pay for your food or are you just here to mooch off of my kindness?" I inquire at her and she gasps dramatically, "Oh no you saw right threw me- my tax evasion is uncovered-! But atlast, I'm poor as a snail and cant afford your Michelin star level pasteries-" I giggle, "So you plan to pay your Bill's will complements?" She shrugs, "Its been working for the past 5 years-"

Pff- I wonder how Killua's doing, I should visit him soon-

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