Happiness x and x accidents

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I layed in my bed detransformed, and breathed in deeply. ... guess Killua really did leave. It's not my fault though, he called me a pain in the ass.

I huffed to myself as I turned over in my bed, but then someone entered my room. I turned over to notice... Hannah? Oh boy-

Killua's POV:

.... Rejected by both of them. Hm. I thought atleast there may be a reason Ladybug went out of his way to say hi but... nobody really would to be honest. Not for me. Everyone only loves Cat Noir, not the man behind the mask. But... Atleast I know that... Gon loves me if I'm him. He still loves me somehow.... maybe... I... still have a chance with him.

I nod to myself, yeah... maybe... i... can hear him say he loves me... if that plan... backfires.... then... I'd have no reason to keep living. I wouldn't want to be rejected three times in the same day, neither the less from the only two boys that care about me. I love Gon. I still love him. I'll always love him. .... If he's happy then I'm happy. And if he doesn't want me then... I'll make sure nobody else will be burdened by the paperweight if my existence.

I nod to that too, keeping my walking across the sidewalks of paris steady. I wonder, does anyone in this whole place care about Killua Zoldyck? Hmmm... Probably not. If I'm just mooching off my best friend, then maybe he doesnt want me there either. But- I'll try one more time, because I love him. More then anything and everything. Except Alluka, shes my number one. But... she isnt going to be here.. for... l-long...

No- get out of that mindset! I slap myself across my face to focus. She wants me to be with Gon, she said that if she dies... that's her dying wish. I told Alluka about Gon every week for 9 years and counting, and she adores him. She also could tell I love him, so she said that if she ever died before I did, that she would want me to be with Gon. So, no matter what, I'll stay positive for her- to be a good big brother.

I pull a smile at the thought of her goofy giggling face, awe I love Alluka. I then nod, that settles it. Gon must be home by now, I'll go visit him! I almost excitedly walk back to his house to the bakery, where his Aunt Mito was attending and pulling fresh bread out of the oven. I walk over there and give her a warm smile, "Mito-san!" I greet, and she notices and smiled at me, "Killua! What a wonderful thing to see!" She put her bread on warming racks and approached me at the counter. She handed me a warm fresh crispy but small danish, aw that's too sweet of her- "Mito-San, I don't want to keep accepting these acts of kindness-" I say warmly, and she just smiled in the most pure motherly way, "No Killua, your the second child in this house. We all love you and your family at this point" I froze, but not with any negative emotions. Im... family? My lips trembled happily and the dam in my eyes flooded with tears of relief and happiness, she thinks of me as family. I open the gate to get behind the counter, and I asked, "Mito-San, do you know if Gons back in his room yet?" I ask, really in a honest genuine good mood.

"Oh- He's upstairs with his little friend" She smiled, and I nodded, "Canary?" She thought for a moment and shook her head, "No no, I think her name was.. Hannah?" Hannah? Who's that? Oh welp, I'll go check in on them to see if I can hang out too. I just hope Gon isnt mad at me for... anything. I nod gratefully at Mito, and walk over to the ladder to Gons room and to the top near the door that let's you in and out through the floor. But then, I heard something. I couldnt make it out, but for some reason it shot my good mood in the face. Then I realized, I heard noises.

I quickly opened the door, ready to attend to the situation, but the one I saw... shattered my world. Gon was on his bed with a girl on his lap, they were... making out. But.. She had her hand on his thighs, and she was getting dangerously close to his crotch. The... the fuck? Out of the corner of his eye, he managed to see my face. He then shot up and attempted to brush her off to get a good look at me better, a sense of blood chilling depression sunk into the deepest part of my body,  why do I feel so hurt? Betrayed? WORTHLESS?

"K-killua-!? W-what-" He gasped out in confusion and panic, and my legs just shook under me. He looked like he was uncomfortable with her but... It hurts seeing him like this. Shit. My heart began to speed up and fill my body with only the sound of its beating; it echoed in my hollow chest, for what felt like a millennia. Shit. Then, my head felt heavy but light at the same time, my legs buckling from under me, and gave out like my whole body is giving up. I'm loosing control. shit. Then my body began to fall off the ladder, and then I realized. Gon doesn't want me. Of course. SHIT.

Gon's POV:

I looked past Hannah, and did... Killua fall? I sat up quickly, obviously I'm shock he saw me and felt a deep sense of guilt rush over me and Hannah hmphed at me, "Leaving so soon? I thought you wanted me to do this. To get your mind off him?" She reminded me, but I still pushed her off and leaped off my bed. She gasped offended- "WOW Gon Freecss. You played me for this and now its all down the drain? I came here after you texted me that you and your best friend fought! I offered this and you said YES-" I couldn't care less of what she's saying, Killua saw us. Killua SAW US. Then, there was a loud, heartstopping thud and a crack.

I panicked and got my way up as fast as I could to my door and looked down, he... fell. Yeah he fell. His face was pale and he hit the back of his head on the counter near my door. A deep crimson blood was starting to sink into the wood, and my heart sank. No no no NO- I leaped down the stairs and landed on my feet, then approached Killuas limp body on the tiled floor, blood making a small puddle under his head. His white fluffy ivory hair began to get stained with blood. His own blood. My whole body started to shake, my mind went blurry. No he cant die.

I rushed over to his body and kneeled down lifting his unconsciousness into my arms, I lifted his head with my hand, and blood started to drop down my arm. A single plop sounded as his blood began to get mixed with tears. Then I realized, I'm sobbing. My voice began to rasp up, my body tensing, then it all was blurry. All I could hear was killua's name being screamed out at the top of my lungs, a heart shattering screech that felt like it was tearing my vocal cords apart. Then I heard and saw a glimpse of aunt Mito rushing to our aid, she looked heartbroken and worried, and tried to calm me down and take away my Killua.

I clenched Killua close, no no no no no no no- I cant loose him. I love him. DONT TAKE HIM AWAY FROM ME-

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