Pranks x and x thanks

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".... I'd never hurt him" I say to myself, and Canary sighed, "Huh... fine fine fine whatever" she said begrudgingly, giving us our drinks. Killua silently sipped on his chocolate mocha  cappuccino with extra whip cream and a bit of alcohol. "Wait- there's alcohol in there-?" I question Killua, who shrugs, "Yeah. I have to treat myself sometimes" he shrugs off, and I sigh. So he gets alcohol and I don't? Wow. Almost feels like this is political with the amount of social unrest I'm seeing. "Can I have a sip then?" I plead, only getting a orange juice from starbucks. Canary ships her strawberry milkshake as Killua rolls his eyes to my question, "No" "awe come on Killu-" I plead more, giving him puppy dog eyes. He took another sip, ignoring me. Oh this little bitch-

Out of spite I lean in and kiss him, out of surprise he opens his mouth slightly and I take a taste. I pull back and smile, "mmm yum-" Killua just sat there in silence, processing. Then he squealed and slapped me, "HEY I WAS DRINKING SOMETHING- DON'T JUST TASTE IT-" he hissed, and I whined, "Ow Killua- that hurt" "it should!" He huffed, drinking more of his drink. I roll my eyes mockingly, and sigh. After a minute, Killua gets up, "Ugh I have to go to the bathroom... my lactose intolerance-" he says quietly and hustles to the bathroom. The room was in silence.

"... he's gone for a bit" Canary concluded. I nodded, then got an idea, "Wait Canary- how about we pull a prank on Killua-??" "Oh? How so" she intrigued, interested in my evil plan. I snicker, and whisper to her, "Let's add more alcohol to his drink! Then we can make him do embarrassing things and post it on social media!" I smile, and Canary nodded, "Nothing too mean though- right?" She confirmed, and of course I nodded back, "Yep!" Canary stealthily wandered downstairs, grabbed some aged wine Aunt Mito drinks, and brought it upstairs. We snicker mischievously as we pour a bit into Killua's drink. But as Canary poured, she accidentally put a bit more then what would make him a bit tipsy. Shit- "U-uh-" she stuttered, and there was the sound of Killua getting ready to come out of the bathroom.

I screech in panic and hide the bottle under my bed, and place Killua's drink where it was, "We should just confess what we did as a prank-" Canary said quietly, and I shook my head, "No no it's fine- just a bit more then planned is all" I smile anxiously, and Killua walks in. Both Canary and I flash Killua innocent grins as she quickly sits next to me on the bed, and he raises a brow, "What did you two do...?" "Oh nothing Killu! Come here!" I coo at him, grabby hands deployed. He obliges and sat on my lap facing me. I smiled and placed my hands on his hips and hugged on him. He sighs and hugs me back and gently pets my head. Canary snickers, "Maybe you guys are cute..!" She smiled, and Killua hissed at her in embarrassment. Her and I just laughed in response. "What- don't laugh at me Gon!" He whined at me, and I just choked it down but only to a slight grin. "... I hate you, Freecss" he declared, blushing frustratingly and looked away from me. I chuckled and booped his nose with my finger, "Cute!" I coo, and he just murmurs to himself in a flustered mess and looks away.

Distraction has worked- I'm a  genius! Ahem- I hand Killua the drink, "You sure I can't have some?" "Nope, all mine" he chuckled and took the drink from me. I reminded him about it and placed the idea of drinking it into his unconcious. And people call me a idiot. I just smiled as he took a few drinks and went back to cuddling on me. Aw- cute. Canary sat up, "So- how about we play a game? Like- Monopoly? Play something with cards?" She offered, going through under the bed filled with all the board games I own. I just hummed, not responding and just enjoying some quality cuddles from Killua.

"Hey- come on we have to do something" Canary sighed, and I pouted, "You pick! I'm busy" she stood quiet, "... hasn't Killua been a bit quiet?" She said cautiously, and I tilted my head and looked at him. Oh- he was dozing away slightly on my shoulder. I smiled and layed him down, "Looks like his reaction to the drink was sleep- pff" I smirked, and got on the floor and helped Canary search for a game. "Uh... how about Charades?we don't need to pick a actual board game" I said, scooting out and sighing, my boardgame were all boring. Canary shrugged and joined me. I looked over at Killua, just dozing off lightly. I smiled and curled up next to him, hugging him close and spooned him. He's taller then me, but it doesn't matter, I want hugs.

Canary observed us and sighed, "Ok... you two are too cute. I'm just going to pop some popcorn and we'll watch a movie" she announced, moving downstairs to do so. I chuckled to myself and shifted my chin into the creak of Killua's neck. I inhaled some of his scent, I wish this could last forever. Just cuddles. Me and him. I closed my eyes and began to doze off myself. But a few minutes later I felt Killua shift, and flipped over. I yawned, awe I wanted to sleep- I opened my eyes to look at him, and I smiled, "Did the literal 5 minutes you were out satisfy your sleep?" I joked, and he just was quiet and pulled me close until our foreheads touched. I was a little confused but I guess he wants to cuddle- I put my arms around his waist and hug on him embracing him lovingly.

"... Gon. I don't want cuddles" he said quietly, pushing me away slightly and looked into my eyes. I was confused, wait does he wanna... "Killua are you good?" I ask with a awkward chuckle, and he just looked into my eyes with his pale face lightly glistening with pink. Oh. He's drunk. "Ah- ok uh... the jig is up. Canary and I slipped some wine in your drink- whoops-?" I chuckle, looking away quietly. "... Why? Idiot" be muttered, seems like his brain is half asleep or something. He seemed to doze off again and closed his eyes. Never heard of a tired drunk- huh.

I sighed quietly and kissed his forehead, "Take a nap if you wanna. We don't need to cuddle" I said quietly. He quietly nodded and dozed off. I want hugs though... I quietly stared at his tired face, and brushed my palm on his cheek, and he was breathing softly. ... He don't notice, right? I slowly leaned in towards his peaceful face, and softly placed my lips upon his. I pulled away quietly, he's too cute... I smiled and pet his hair, careful not to wake him. He shuffled quietly, and I softly chuckled. "... I love you Killu" I whispered to him in his sleep, I don't actually want to tell him but... he's sleeping.

And soon enough, Canary came back and saw Killua sleeping. We watched the movie quietly, me cling to Killua the whole time. He shuffled around a few times, eventually resting his head in my lap as a pillow. I gently stroked his head. After the movie finished, I slowly drifted off.

This was a good birthday

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