Authors Note/ Charater Asthetics

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Authors Note:

I've honestly been thinking none stop about this book and what to put in it! I'm sooo excited to start writing it.

This is in fact a sequel for my other book deal, if you don't wanna get the other book spoiled don't read this, just go hop off and read Deal, then come back. (Deals in editing at the moment.)

Just so you know, the other book was a lot more mafia then this one. I mean yes it's still a mafia book but it's not gonna be always about the mafia it's gonna be more about there story.

The main character Toni does have schizophrenia, I am trying to do my research on it so I don't do the wrong thing. If I do or somethings not right PLEASE tell me so I can fix it.

Im gonna really try and make this the best book it can be. That being said I'm gonna write it slowly so I'm not sure how often I will write the chapters.

Thank you for 2k reads!! - July 23 2022

I didn't even see 5k, thank you for 6k!!! - October 9th 2022

Best Christmas present ever, but hit 10.5, I'm gonna cry - December 7th 2022

Best ratings:
#1 in schizophrenia 04/27/22
#2 in schizophrenia 08/10/22
#3 in alcohol 11/13/22
#6 in mentalabuse 07/13/22


Antoni Smith-also known as Toni-looks to have a perfect life. From the outside, she's reckless, sarcastic, and bubbly all at once. She does what she wants and doesn't care what other people think of her. On the inside though, she's trapped. From hospital rooms, to dancing on the hot pavement her life has been hell. She deserves happiness. Slight problem, Toni doesn't think so. She made a promise to herself to never let anyone see the darkest parts of her. Her darkest secret, ever. It just never occurred to her that her family may have a twisted secret of their own.

The bad boy, the trouble maker, some might even prefer the devil. In this cause though, it's Toni's older brothers best friend. Silas Perkins does what he wants when he wants to. Even from a young age Silas has been dealing with emotional and physical trauma that he has shoved down to a part of him that no can reach. He doesn't believe anyone will ever love him, or that he could possible love anyone. That is until he stumbles upon a small brunette with the same broken look in her eyes as him.

So what happens when little miss perfect and the devil get sent to the same rich kid school in New York for a year? What happens when the devil starts making countless promises he can't keep. Or can he?

Two broken people trying to fix each other isn't always been the smooth yellow brick road it presumes to be. Although it's not a secret that both of their lives have always been bumpy.


Trigger Warning:
- mention of self harm/self harm
- schizophrenia
- drugs/alcohol
- physical and mental abuse
- mature content
- harsh language
- killing, gore, blood ect.

Disclaimer! On most(not all) of the chapters with any of the TW or heavy subjects there will not be a warning, so you are being warned now! Thank you, and enjoy!


Tropes in this book:
- Brothers best friend
- Guy falls first
- Forbidden Love
- Secret Love
- Emotional scar
- Dark past


Important Dates:
Starred writing - February 5th 2022
Finished writing- July 12th 2022
Fully posted - August 3rd 2022
Fully edited-


Character Asthetics!

Main characters-

Antoni Morgan Smith
19 going on 20
Deep brown hair right below her breast, blueish grey eyes. The rest you can imagine for yourself.

Silas Gio PerkinsBrazilian 226'2Light blonde curly hair, fire hazel eyes

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Silas Gio Perkins
Light blonde curly hair, fire hazel eyes. You can imagine the rest for yourself.

The rest-

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The rest-

Maddie Ann Sawyer
-short blue/black hair
-brown eyes
-wild and heavily inappropriate
-Maddie is Toni's roommate
-Straight as a line

Liam Bentley Sherbert
-green eyes/black hair
-slightly dark skin
-Scarlet and James' kid
-he's sweet and supportive but has an inner dark side

Theo Jo Smith
-over Protective brother
-brown hair/hazel eyes
-Silas's best friend ever since he started at Rockford
-Toni's older brother

Rowen Kean Smith
-red head with green eyes
-Toni's twin brother(order by 7 minutes)
-19 going on 20
-always there for Toni and helps her with her "episodes"

Austin Pedro Luis
-brown eyes with brown hair man bun
-Liam's Boyfriend
-Fun, protective friend

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