Chapter Twenty-One

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Bath Me To Heath


It's been approximately 10 minutes since we had sex. We as in me and Silas. It's weird to think I had sex with Silas. Like I know him so well, but a lot of people don't, and those people say things like 'omg he's so scary' when he's really not.

I took a quick shower, of which I kept Silas out of. It is now 4:30. I really don't wanna go to that session. It's gonna be so awkward. When I told Silas everything that was the first time I had told anyone that much about what it was like.

My parents don't even know that the hospital I was in was abusive.

I just felt like he would understand as weird as that is. God I love him so much. "What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" Silas comes up behind me and wraps his hands around my stomach.

I'm in the bathroom drying my hair with a towel. I watch in the mirror as he lowers his head and just lays a small kiss on my collarbone.

The collarbone that is scattered with hickeys. I was already gonna wear a turtleneck with a shirt over it, so I'm not really affected. "That I have to go to a therapist appointment in about 5 minutes."

"I should get going then huh?" He laughs and starts to exit when I call out his name to stop. "Wait- I kinda need a drive there. If you can't or don't want to it's fine but-"

"Of course I'll drive you. How could I give up an offer to  spend more time with my favorite person."

My heart.

"I'm your favorite person?" I can literally feel the tears caught in my throat. "I'm yours aren't I?" He asks jokingly.

"Yeah." I laugh.

I quickly pull up some straight jeans, and get into my turtle neck with the T-shirt over it. I left my hair down.

I spot his car in the parking lot and sprint over to it. "I'm hurt that you like my car more than me." He playfully puts a hand over his heart as if I hurt his feelings.

"Don't sweat it." I say as we get in. I pull the location up on my phone and plug my phone into the car so it tells us where to go.

"Once I can drive. The first thing I wanna learn is stick shift." I say, eyeing the stick in the middle of the car. "You mean you wanna drive this baby?" He questions with a little pat to the stick.

"Yep" I say whole popping the p. As soon as we pulled out he intertwined our fingers together and sat our hands in my lap. I played with the rings on his finger while he tapped the steering wheel to the beat of the music.

"So I was thinking." Silas starts. "Since everyone knows about us. We should make it official." My eyes slowly trail up his arm to his face and he takes a quick glance over at my silent face.

"Make what official?" I say, dumbfounded. I know what he means. I just wanna mess with him. "Our relationship."

"Keep talking." He laughs lightly as he pulls up to a red light. Once the cars stopped he turned to look at me. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He said with an eye roll.

"That depends. Will you be my boyfriend?" This is fun. "Toni.." He groans. I laugh lightly and give his hand a little squeeze. "It would be my pleasure." I say in a fake British accent. "As would mine." He copies, and lays a small kiss on my cheek before the light turns green.

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