Chapter Thirty-Two

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My head is pounding. It's like my first hang over times a million. My eyes stay shut as I start to hear and feel my surroundings. My cheek is pressed to something cold and hard. My hands are tied behind my back, and my feet are tied together.

That's when I realize my eyes actually have been open, but I can't see anything but blackness. I try to blink and focus my eyes, but it doesn't seem to be working. I soon realize the cold substance my face is on is the ground. I'm laying on my back on the ground of what feels like concrete.

My brain is in panic mode. My body is in fight or flight and right now I'm really just trying to get out of here. I don't know what happened. My head hurts. I know that.

The last thing I remember are 2 guys coming and taking me away. I tried so hard, but the tiredness consumed me too quickly.

God that was hard drugs.

I hear whispers. I hear so many whispers and I can't breathe. Air will not cooperate with what I am telling it to do. It's cutting tiny blades down my throat and through my lungs. My ribs are separating from each other and I can't get them back together.

Silas. I need Silas and he's not here. I'm not here. Where am I? I sit up instantly and feel a tug on my arms coming from the ceiling. Then there's a loud noise and it's rising me to my feet. It pulls me up and lifts my arms up into the air until I'm screaming for it to stop. For the pain in my shoulders to disappear.

I hear a small pop from my left shoulder and it's extending way more than I think it should. I scream. Loudly, but all I can see is darkness and I don't think anyone can hear me. My feet are still chained when they lift off the ground and I feel my arms attempting to hold all my weight. I try to reach the floor, something that will take the hang off of my body, but I don't find any.

The machine stops with a groan. I'm still barely breathing. I'm still wishing I'm going to wake up and Silas will be there sitting right next to me. He'll comfort me while I cry about my nightmare.

My beautiful dirty dress weighs even more weight on me. "Good, you're awake. I was wondering if you'd ever wake up." I hear a deep voice say, but the voice sounds so familiar. I just can't place my finger on it.

I don't have a face to put the voice to either. "What do you want from me?" I rasp. "Oh I don't want anything from you. It's simply a piece of a plan for revenge." Then he laughs and oh my god I know that laugh. I know that laugh because it's the same one that was scaring me half to death when I was alone in the woods.

"It was you."

"Good. You're good at games." The lights turn bright and I have to close my eyes for a minute before I can open them. When I do I see a clear box up high with a guy standing by a speaker. "Hello. I don't believe I've ever introduced myself. I'm Leon." He walks down a set of stairs and enters the room I'm in. "What do you mean revenge?" There's someone standing behind him.

No there isn't. "Who's that?" I ask. He looks behind him and furrows his eyebrows. "Ahh how could I forget. Schizophrenia is a crazy thing isn't it?" His head twerks to the side and the other guy disappears.

God I haven't imagined people in a long time. Wait, how did he know? "Who are you?" I feel something on my arms, and when I look up I see blood dripping down my wrist. "Now why would I ruin the fun and spoil the best part?" He laughs loudly and throws his head back like it's hilarious.

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