Chapter Thirty

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I'll tell u when to play the song.

The Mafia Gala


It has been 4 days since the dress insidiante. Which means it's December 24th. Which means it's Christmas Eve. Which also means its the mafia gala. The mafia gala that I decided I was not going to.

It's been a very slow depressing week that has consisted of dancing and FaceTimes with Silas. I told him I wasn't going, and after he tried to convince me to go he accepted my reasons and has only supported me.

The place that it's being held at is literally only 30 minutes away, but my parents have been gone all day setting it up, and making sure everything is perfect. I, on the other hand, have been laying in bed moping all day.

It's 5:30 when I look at the time, and hear a knock on my door. "Come in." I yell loud enough for whomever is at the door to hear. The door creaks open and I hear no voice, but footsteps towards my bed. Then I feel a hand on my back and instantly melt into their touch.

No, he can't be here.

"Hey Amada." Silas whispers and I'm turning around within seconds to jump into his arms. "Why are you here?" I ask confused, but still grateful. It can't be a good reason he's here, sitting on my bed hugging me back.

"I came to take you to the gala." I pull away abruptly and search his eyes. "Silas, I said-"

"You're not going. I know. But I'm here to change your mind." He stands up and walks over to the door while I sit still confused on my bed. The door opens and Sofia runs in the room with the all too familiar white bag in her hands.


"Sofia..." she lays it down, but doesn't unzip it. "Is that.." I grab my heart with my hand as tears threaten to spill from my eyes. "Your dress for the gala. Yes!" She squeals and I cringe at the high pitch noise. I look up at Silas who is smirking at the door.

"I'll be down stairs when you're ready, take your time amar." He exits the room and shuts the door quietly behind him. I start shaking my head partly to try and rid my tears and partly in disbelief. "My parents- said no- it was so much. Sofia!" I don't even know where to start.

"Before you freak out, your parents are on board, and we all pitched in on the price."

"No." My voice is holding so much disbelief. "Yes! Come on, we don't have much time." That's when I finally took Sofias outfit in. She's wearing her dress. It's black with one sleeve that's puffy, and a slit on her right leg. Her makeup and hair is done and she looks fucking stunning.

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