Chapter Twenty-Eight

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A Little Tipsy


It's been about 1 and a half weeks since me and Silas really got the hang out. We've been bombarded with midterms, and Theo's been trying to explain to me what a mafia gala is. I made Theo break the news to my parent's that I knew about the mafia.

I think what bothered me more was the fact that I wasn't really bothered. The more I thought about it though, the more every little thing went together. All the work trips they went on, the fighting lessons my dad taught me.

It just makes sense, and I'm not surprised. My family is like mega rich, which probably had something to do with the mafia too. It always leads back to the mafia. My phone stalker had been MIA since Thanksgiving.

So either it really was just a little prank, or they got scared that my dad would kill them. Knowing what I know I think he would've. I'm just happy I get to see Sofia again. I got her number back at Thanksgiving, and we've been talking again.

Today is officially the first day of Christmas break, AKA December 19th. I have a flight back home tomorrow. Apparently the mafia gala is always held by different mafias, and this year's is ironically my familys.

I was super stressed out about midterms. I was all study mode which meant no boyfriend, or best friends were allowed in my little bubble. Silas did ask me to go to the mafia gala with him though.

Apparently it's informal to show up alone, without a date, but Silas wanted to go with no one else either. I don't know what I'm gonna wear though. I guess that will be something I get Sofia to help me with.  

Tonight we're all going out at this new club that Liam found the other day. I'm praying it's not a gay club. They thought it'd be good for us to celebrate midterms being over. Mainly because of how stressed a lot of us were over it.

I also found out that literally everyone is gonna be at the gala. Like Maddie, Austin, Silas, then my family. Plus everyone else at this school. It turns out that there are hundreds of mafias out there, but only 6 of them are actually the real deal, and those are the ones that are gonna be there.

If I remember right I think it was us, so Italian, Brazilian which is Silas', Mexican which is Maddie and Austin, Russian, German, and American. Plus like 3 runner ups that are just sending there Don which I learned meant leader or boss.

I'm improving.

"Are you ready?" Maddie calls from the hall while I'm mid pulling up my dress. "Yeah hold on, this dress is ridiculously small." She peeks her head in the door and sees me struggling, so she walks over and helps me pull it up. "Zip it up please." She does it in one quick movement, and I'm relaxing once it's on.

"What a pain." I mutter. We grab our heels and make our way to the door. "Dude your scars make you look so badass." The back of the dress has a little opening, plus my arms are on full display, but I think I actually like them. They show what I've been through. "Thanks." I blush, no one besides Silas has ever pointed them out, and I admire Maddie for that.

"Come on, they're probably waiting for us." We exit the dorm barefoot with our heels in our hands, and walk down the hall to the front entrance where an SUV is waiting for us. Everyone's pregaming when we hop into the back seat. Austin's driving, Liam's in shotgun, Rowen, Theo, and Silas are arguing about something in the back back, and me and Maddie are now sitting in the back.

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