Chapter Thirty-One

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Where's Toni?


"Hey, have you seen Toni?" I ask Grayson. Toni's dad. She said she was going to get some air 20 minutes ago and I haven't seen her since. I'm starting to get a little worried. "No. Why?" He seems to grow more anxious by the second. "She said she was gonna get some air, but I haven't seen her since and it's been 20 minutes." He furrowed his eyebrows.

"I'll take a look around. Send some people to look too. Don't worry kid, we'll find her." He offers me a kind smile, but I can see the anxiety creeping into his blood. When he calls for backup I even over hear him even say, "find my fucking daughter or all of you will be dead."

Now my anxiety is creeping in. I go around to all the balconies and check, but they're all empty. God dammit where is she? I walk down every hallway, look through every bathroom and find nothing.

Until I get to the far back area of the building and see a small shattered serije on the ground. The farther I walk the more I notice how the carpet is ruffled and then I see a tiny shoe. The fucking heels Toni was wearing.

I instantly pull my phone out and pocket and order a search party of my men for Toni. I race to the front of the building but see nothing. There's no traces of struggle or anybody being here.

My heart feels like it's been ripped out of my body and stuffed back in. Then ripped out again. I won't believe she's gone. She's not gone until I see proof. No she's strong, she's not gonna die. God who the fuck took her. Who would have the balls to take her.

That's when I see Sarah walking back into the party ruffling her hair and straightening her dress. No fucking way. She's never come to one of these events before. I slame her into the nearest wall and trap her arms to her side. "What did you do?" Fear ignites in her eyes. I see it, and I see her try and cover it up.

"I don't kn-know what you're talking a-about." She stutters on her words, and takes in uneven breaths. I lift her off the wall only to re-shove her into it. "Where is she?" I growl. "W-who?"

"Don't play fucking games with me Sarah. Now tell me what you did to Toni." Her bottom lip starts to tremble, but I could care so much less. "I didn't- it- I didn't have a c-choice." A few tears fell from her eyes. "What do you mean you didn't have a choice?! What did you do!!" I can feel my mind slowly losing its sanity. I can feel myself slowly going crazy. I can feel all the anger, fear, so much emotion surfacing to the top like a dead whale.

She breaks out into huge sobs and drops her head. "My dad. H-he made me do it. I didn't realize it was gonna knock her out. A-and then they took her a-away." I pick up her head to see if her eyes are lying, but either she's a really good liar or she's telling the truth.

I think I'm more scared of the truth. How the hell did I just go from dancing and having the time of my life to having my girlfriend get kidnapped. I slam the closest thing I see into the ground. "Fuck!!" I scream while gripping my hair.

When I look up Sarah is gone. There's no trace of her. Grayson, I need to get back to Grayson. As I'm walking back to our table I attempt to clear my head so I can focus on getting Toni back. God this is all my fault. I helped to convince her to come. She could be safe at home right now.


He spots me before I spot him. "Silas. I was looking for you." I don't acknowledge him for a minute while I search the room again. Toni's mom, Lily is standing glued to Graysons side. Rowen and Theo are talking to some guys in black, and Sofias family are all talking on the phone. "S-she was kidnapped. They-there was a serije in the hallway a-and her shoes." I've never stuttered in my life.

Not when my dad would hit me. Not when he would yell at me. I'm so filled with rage, I need to punch something. "It's gonna be ok. We're gonna find her." Grayson pulls me into his arms which is weird at first but I soon grow comfortable with it.

I know he's freaking out just as much as I am, if not more, but he's trying. "It was my fault. I shouldn't have let her come here." A few stray tears fall from my face, but I keep them hidden. "It's ok kid, no one here is at fault except for those bastards who took her." He snarls at the last part and eventually releases me from the hug.

My jacket got lost somewhere so I'm just standing here in dress pants and a white button up. I look disheveled. God I just hope Toni's ok. "Come on, come back to my house and we can figure this out." Grayson and Lily start walking out, and I go to follow them but a hand on my shoulder pulls me back. "Where do you think you're going?" My dad growls from behind me.

"I'm going to find my girlfriend." He holds me back again, and that's when I lose it. I turn out and throw my right fist flying at his face. "Was it you?!" I scream, grabbing the attention of some other people. "Did you take her?!!" I knock him to the ground and start beating him in.

His face swings right, then left, then right, and I just keep going. All of a sudden someone is grabbing me by the waist and lifting me off of him while I'm still fighting against him. "Breath kid. It wasn't him, ok? You need to chill out. Look at him. He's already unconscious." I see Graysons hand point to my father and it looks like he's not even alive.

When I stop struggling he lets go off my waist and pulls me by the arm, gentler than I've ever been manhandled, to their car outside. Me and Grayson are getting driven in a separate car then Lily and everyone else. "Why are we driving separately?" I look out the window at the unfamiliar surroundings.

"Do you love Toni?" He asked suddenly. "More than anything." He nods then continues. "I don't wanna worry her mom anymore then we need to. My old buddy James is driving the car for us." The man in the front seat sends a wave through the mirror, and then looks back at the road. We stay silent for a few minutes before he speaks again.

His voice is soft and low when he says. "You know, I didn't have the best dad either."

"Didn't?" He laughs while shaking his head. "He...switched sides on us, kidnapped Lily and tortured her. I'm sure you can assume how much longer he lasted after that." His laughing dies down, and I can tell he's looking at me. "Does your dad..." I give him one sharp nod of my head and he instantly shuts up.

"Look, kid, if you ever need a place to stay. You or your sister. My house is always open." He gives me a light pat on my back, and I almost wanna cry. I've never had a father figure in my life and I've barely ever even met the guy, yet he's being so kind. "Why are you being so nice to me? I figured you would've wanted to stay away from your daughter."

"I thought about it, but I saw the way you defend her, protect her, care for her. I saw you guys dancing and I swear I saw a little bit of me in you. I know you're gonna marry her one day. Hell, I'd give you my blessing now." I laugh at that. "Thank you, sir, that means a lot."

"Please, call me Grayson."

"Thank you, Grayson."

AN: This was a really short one, but I just wanted to show a little bit of Grayson and Silas before we get to the drama drama.

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