Chapter Twenty

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There may or may not be some sexual content at the end. Also this one goes in depth with Toni's illness a lot more, like what she experienced just a little heads up. Enjoy!

Thanksgiving Aftermath


I hear a beeping. A Slow beep that's gradually getting faster. My eyelids open slowly, and I'm met with the brightness of a small room. Wait, where am I? I'm so confused. Then it hits me.

Theo seeing me and Silas
Silas attacking Theo
Me freaking out
What Theo called me-

I shoot upright in the small bed and wince at the tug on my arm. I look down to see an IV in my forearm. The monitor next to me is beeping like crazy now. A hospital, hospital, why the fuck am I in a hospital?

My eyes shoot to the left of me when I see my dad jolt awake from the chair. He takes one look at me and is instantly hugging me. "I screwed everything up dad" I cry into his chest. "Shh you did nothing wrong."

I pulled away from him and saw that he was the only one in here. "Where's Silas, I need- I need to talk to him." I croak out. "His parents thought it would be best if they left." My next question gets caught in my throat.

"Where's um, Theo" I whisper and I see his eyes flash in anger. "He's in another hospital room, your mothers with him." He grits. He sits in a chair right next to my bed and holds my hands in his.

"Antoni, you know that what he said was not true." But it was, it was all true. "No dad, he was right. I lied to him an-"

"No" My dad interjects. "Toni you are not a slut or crazy do you hear me?" I can only give him a nod because I don't hear him. After a few more seconds of silence more tears start streaming down my face.

"I love him dad" I whisper. "I love him more than anything in this world and I'm so scared. Theo hates me, but how do I just leave the person I love?" He pulls me into another hug. "You don't have to leave him."

"Am I being reckless?" I ask. "You know when I met your mother I thought the same thing." I furrow my eyebrows at him and wipe my wet cheeks. "I thought you guys have some undying love?" He laughs at that.

"Do you know how long it took us to figure that out?" He huffs out a breath of air, like he's replaying the memories. "I don't want to love him." I whisper again. I can't love him.

"God has a funny way with that doesn't he?" My dad laughs. The door creaks open and my mom's head pokes through the door. "Oh thank heavens." My mom launches herself on me within 2 seconds.

"I'm sorry I scared you guys, it's been getting too chaotic lately, then with the text threats." I breathe out. "About that, we couldn't find anything about it, but I have my guys working on it." My dad speaks, and I watch as his jaw ticks.

"Would have been better if we stayed at home, don't you think?" I joke, and they both roll their eyes at me. "How's Theo, Silas didn't mess him up too bad did he?" My mom lets out a long sigh.

"He'll live. Toni he really shouldn't have said those things to you-" My mom starts but I stop her. "It's fine, I was going behind his back anyway."

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