Chapter Four

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Dear Future Me


Walking into my American History class, I found myself sitting in the back corner again. I honestly didn't like having classes to myself. It made me antsy, and unfocused. After the bell rang, the teacher walked in and sat at his desk.

Everyone was making small talk in their own little groups, and looking at all of them being happy honestly made me jealous. Why do I have to be the one struggling? Why do I have to be the twin that's damaged and broken?

"Ok class, We're gonna be having a small project. It should only take a week but It's so we can all get to know each other a little better. You will be having a partner for it, and I will be choosing them." A collective sound of groans spread throughout the room.

Before he could start naming names the door opened rather quickly and a tall, maybe 6ft dude walked in. He was wearing sunglasses and a leather jacket. The more that I looked at him though the more I realized he wasn't just some dude. It was Silas, he wasn't in this class yesterday though.

His eyes grazed the room until they met mine and a sinister smirk curled onto his lips. "Nice of you to join us Perkins." Ah so it is the 'stay away from Silas Perkins'. He doesn't even spare the teacher a glance, he just stares at me like a predator stares at its prey.

It takes me a hot second to realize all the girls are gawking over him. Bashing their fake eyelashes and plumping their fake lips. Damn he's probably got more girls than Theo does, and that's saying something.

He slowly makes his way over to the empty seat next to me. Why does this have to be me? I don't want to get involved with him, and I shouldn't have to. The teacher clears his throat and begins the names.

I haven't heard my name for a long time, which is just starting to aggravate me even more. I was impatient, bouncing my leg up and down and clicking my pen in my hand. "Antoni Smith and.... Silas Perkins." Well, kill me now.

"Ok that's it, class is dismissed. I expect to see some progress on this in the next couple of days." The bell rings a second later after he speaks and everyone filled the halls.

I honestly didn't know if working with him was a bad thing or good thing. I know my brothers a jock who only fucks around. I mean his best friend has to be the same thing right? If not worse.

What confuses me more is that Maddie told me to stay away from him. What would he do though? My brother would beat him up if he fucked me over, so I don't get it.

Regardless I really don't wanna work with him on the project because I don't wanna tell him things about me. As much as I want to know about him I'd rather stay in the dark.

Too many people already know about my 'problem' here, and I'd like to keep it that way.

"So when do you wanna work on the project?" I jumped at the deep voice coming from behind me. "Jesus, you gotta stop doing that" I say to Silas holding my heart.

"We can do it at your room, or mine if that would make you more comfortable." I opened my mouth to speak, but closed it again when I realized I didn't know what I was gonna say.

He took this as an opportunity to speak again, "you've never been to New York right?" He asked.

I would've if I wasn't on 24/7 watch for my teenage years. I was actually pretty surprised that they were letting me come here alone. Yes Rowen, Theo, and Liam are here, but my parents aren't. Which is what leaves me to believe that there's another reason than academics that they sent me here.

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