Chapter Eight

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Mixed Emotions


Today has been awesome. Since my tiny, small, episode last week I feel refreshed and completely energized. Me and Silas have gotten slightly closer since we met. Thankfully, he never ended up mentioning the night I was in his room, and I have no intent on telling him.

He may be my friend, but I'm definitely not close enough with him to tell him what happened to me, or who I am. I haven't forgotten to take my meds since that day either. Partly because Theo made me set 3 cazillion alarms to go off in the morning telling me to take my meds.

On top of that, I get a morning call from him so that he can make sure I took it. It doesn't bother me too much, just a little. I love that he cares, but damn why does he care so much.

My phone begins the vibrate in my back pocket, right on time. "Yes Theo, I took my meds." I say instantly picking up the phone. "Um, wrong person?" Holy fucking shit, I'm done, its over. I'm gonna go kill my self now. Not literally

"Oh, hey Silas. Er, why did you call?" Oh god please ignore what I said about my meds. Oh lord, he probably thinks I'm depressed or crazy. "I was just seeing if you wanted to go explore the city more, there's another place I want to show you."

I only have 2 classes today, and the weather has been really nice for mid august. Plus it's always nice to have a distraction from reality. "Um sure whe-"

"I'm at your door right now" He interrupts. At the same time I hear a knock at the door. The fuck, is he really here? I went to open the door and only half way through opening it I realized I was only in plaid shorts and a T-shirt, with nothing under it.

His eyes widen slightly as he looks me up and down. This is really awkward. "Do you wanna come in for a sec, I have to change, but it won't be long." He nods still not looking at me at all.

I quickly put on some baggy jeans, a crop top, and a long cardigan. I left my hair down and lightly brushed through it. No make up for me today. I walk out of the room and see him examining the pictures on the wall.

I had put up some baby pictures of me, Liam and I, the whole fam, just me and my brothers ect. I sit on the ground and start to tie my shoe laces. "You have a big family" He states. "I would have figured Theo would've told you more."

"He never talked about his life back in Italy" Doesn't seem like he talks about anything. "Oh, where did you want to show me?" I attempt to change the subject, but there's still a lingering awkwardness in the room.

"It's a surprise, now come on" He drags me up right and out the door, yet I can't ignore the distinct shock he gives me, he's like the lightning bolt that's recharging me, making me feel alive.

We get to the parking lot and I can't help but look for his motorcycle, it's nowhere to be seen though. As if he's reading my thoughts he answers my questions. "My motorcycle is in the shop for repairs, so I have this."

He clicks a button on his keys and I hear a honk come from a car farley close to us. Locking my eyes on the beauty in front of us my jaw practically falls to the floor. A freaking 1969 Chevy Camaro convertible is sitting right there, like it's not the prettiest thing in the whole world.

"Oh my god, I think I just fell in love with your car." I gasp. He lets out a snort and drags me over to the car. This car has been my dream car for my whole life, I've fucking fantizied about this car, its been my favorite car for my whole existence."

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