Chapter Twenty-Seven

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A date


I'm flipping through the last few pages of 'it ends with us' by Colleen Hoover when I feel Silas shift next to me. To be honest I haven't really had time to read since the beginning of the year. It's just been so chaotic.

Tears are threatening to spill from my eyes. This book is so freaking sad. "Why are you crying?" Silas' concerned voice spills through my clogged ear drums, and I look down at his worried figure.

"This book," I croak. "It's so sad."

"Baby. Don't cry." He pulls me into his arms, and I bury my head into his chest. "Please don't cry over it Amada, it's not real." I feel his body vibrating from under me, so I lift my head confused. "Are you laughing?" I ask angrily.

He attempts to hide his laugh with a cough, but it's not really working. "Stop laughing at me." I pull away and cross my arms while tears stream down my face.

"Aw I'm so sorry. Really, please come here." He tugs me down into him, and I cry my heart out about a book. This is why I stopped reading.

I thought it was gonna be good.

"Why don't we go get some breakfast somewhere."

"Like a date." I whimper. "Yes, a date." He rubs my back soothingly while I finish my crying session. "I need to shower. I'm all sweating and gross from last night." I crinkle my nose in disgust at our dirty naked bodies tangled up in the bed sheets.

We infact got very little sleep last night. I slid off of his lap, and made my way to the bathroom when I heard Silas say, "Wanna save water?" I turn my head to look at him.

I give him a devilish look while saying, "You bet," and then disappearing through the doorway.

I can hear Silas shuffling off the bed moments later.

I feel his arms snake around me, and I squeal in delight when he lifts me off my feet. "Silas! What are you doing!" I wiggle around in his embrace. "Taking a shower." He whispers in my ear, and turns on the faucet.

I squeeze out of my clothes, and watch Silas do the same, before we are jumping in the shower. He picks up the shampoo bottle, and practically pours the whole thing on top of my head.

"I don't need that much." I giggle, when he smothers it all over my head. "You can never have enough." His fingers start to massage the soap into my scalp, and I let my eyes close at the feeling.

A small sigh falls from my lips as he continues to work through my hair. I then feel his lips come down onto my chin. He keeps his hand work going while his mouth roams my face with kisses.

He leans my head back and proceeds to rinse the soap out while attacking my neck with kisses. He finds a sweet spot, and starts sucking on it on top of still massaging my head.

I moan through the euphoric feeling. Once he's done, I open my eyes and pull his face down to mine to connect our lips together. His hands cup my ass while my hands roam all over his chest, and down his abs.

They then travel down to his very noticeable little guy sticking straight up. "Wanna go for round two." I whisper, out of breath as I cup his bulge, and run my hands down the length of it.

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