Chapter Forty-One

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Cat Got Your Tongue?


You know the phrase 'cat got your tongue?' Meaning, like, your stuttering, or you simply can't speak. I never really understood it because, why does the cat have my tongue? Did he steal it? Or did I give it to him? Also why is it a cat? What if I wanna give my tongue to a dog? Or maybe a pig.

Well anyways I think all the animals got my tongue right now.

I swallow the last of the wine bottle I stole earlier, after me and Silas' fight, and set it down beside me. The night sky is illuminated with so much light, but so little. It almost makes me miss the city lights back in New York.

I lay down, flat on my back with my arms sprawled out above my head. I'm such a shitty person, who gets drunk on their boyfriend's birthday? Me, apparently. I would go and apologise to Silas, and try to make up to him, but I am so drunk right now I don't think I could even pronounce my name.

I've had way too much to drink, and it shows. "Anna." I murmur at the sky. "Why did you have to leave?" A tear rolls down my cheek as I continue to stare into the night sky. The moon is at one of its first cresent states, or maybe last one I don't know.

It's either the beginning or the end to a whole cycle of moons. I love the sky. If I ever had a daughter, I would definitely name her Luna. Which is just another word for the moon. I think it's a beautiful name.

Just like the moon. I hope Anna's up there somewhere, with the love of her life she told me about. I'm not sure if it's the wine, or my memories catching up with me, but I get a jolt of remembrance from faintly seeing someone in a dream.

Morgan, I saw Morgan, and she told me to tell my mom, and Scarlet that it wasn't their fault. Oh I gotta find them before I forget. I hop to my feet, a little too quickly, and immediately fall flat on my ass.

Wouldn't it be funny if I just rolled off this roof. I look over, at the edge, debating it. "Toni. Thank god, you missed the cake, no one knew where you were." I faintly hear footsteps walking towards me, so I jerk my head back over to Theo.

Wow, when did Theo get here. "Sup big brother." I slur, and give him a small wave. He stops mid track, and stares at me for a second. "Shit." He murmurs a couple more curse words that I can't make out, or just don't care to hear.

He walks over to me, and jolst me up by the armpits like a baby. "Oh Theo. I misssseeeddd you." I squished his cheeks as my eyes began to droop. I feel Theo's hand on my forehead, and lean into him immediately. I'm so hot, and he's so cold.

"Fuck, you are burning up. How much did you drink?" I open my eyes, to see his worried ones right up in my face. He's holding me up now, by my waist and supporting my back, because I keep trying to fall back down.

"2, 3..." I start. "2 3 what?" He looks over past me with so much concern written on his face. "Wine bottles." I giggle, and lean my head on his shoulder. "" My voice comes out slow, and for some reason I can't seem to speed it up.

"I gotttaa tell her something." He ignores me, but continues to stare at me. Everything starts spinning, and I feel myself beginning to lean into Theo more. "Dammit. You need water. Come on." I try to walk, but it's all coming in slow.

Everything seems like it's slowing down. Maybe the world decided to finally give me a break. "Jesus Crist. Why were you even drinking in the first place?" He wraps his arms under my knees and lifts me up like he's cradling a baby.

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