Chapter Thirty-Five

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Sweet Dreams


I wake up in a field of flowers. I don't know where I am. The sun looks pretty as it rises over my head, and the flowers are blooming at the moment. I'm physically watching the flowers bloom.

I'm so confused. What's happening? "I was wondering when you'd wake up." I jump forward at the stranger's voice. There's another person sitting next to me. I feel fine. I feel better than fine. Nothing hurts anymore. I can move my arm, and there's no stab wound in my stomach.

Silas. I was with him wasn't I? Even better, there are no voices. My head is the clearest it's been in, well, ever. I hear absolutely nothing and I feel so good, but a weird feeling bubbles in my stomach that I shouldn't be here. Wherever here is. "Where am I? Who are you?"

It's a woman sitting next to me. She has long blonde hair and brown eyes. She looks young. Younger than me, maybe 18? "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." She laughs. "I'm Morgan." My eyebrows furrow at her name. Morgan, why do I know a Morgan?

"Wait?" I start but shake my head. "Am I..." I trail off looking back at the sky. "Dead?" She asks. I nod my head but she only laughs. "Almost. Not quit though. It's not your time honey."

"Then we're am I?" I ask again. "It's kinda like a little space between life and death. You're still alive. In fact, you're in surgery right now. Silas found you and took you to the hospital just in time to save your life. If you try to cross over this field you can't." She shakes her head with her words.

"Come on, let's take a walk." She stands up to which I grab her hand nervously and follow her. "How are you here?" I ask. Isn't she supposed to be dead? "I was stabbed, just like you. Only I didn't make it. It completely destroyed your mother, but she learned to move on." That still doesn't answer my question, but for some reason I feel like we have time to talk.

"I don't know how I'm here truthfully. I was dead, on the other side. I guess the universe wanted me to talk to you before you go back because I just magically appeared here." She shrugs as we continue walking. "This is freaky. It's like a dream."

"I guess you could call it that." She agrees. "'re the famous Morgan? They named my middle name after you ya know." She nods along with a smile on her face. "I've been with them and you for your whole lives, you just couldn't see me." She explains. "As funny as it sounds, I actually am married and have kids. I guess my body just doesn't change. It kinda is like a dream."

That is really freaky. "They all lied to me. I don't know what to do. I didn't really ever have a chance to process it all until I was being held captive. I don't know who to trust anymore. I feel fine now, but the minute I go back I know my Schizophrenia is coming with me." Maybe she's supposed to be my guardian angel or something.

"They were really trying to protect you. What they did wasn't ok, but don't you see where they're coming from? I mean put yourself in their shoes and think of what you would've done. If you had a daughter who had the chance to live a semi-normal life wouldn't you want her to have it?" She does make a good point.

"Yeah I guess." We walked around a small pond with flowers pooling in it. God there are so many flowers. "Why are there flowers?" She shrugs again. "I think your brain is trying to make you feel comfortable and happy." This is definitely making me happy.

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