Chapter Forty-Two

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The End To A New Beginning


It's really quiet. Oddly quiet in my home when I walk inside. I woke up, and Silas was still sleeping so I snuck out, because even men need their beauty rest. It broke my heart in pieces to see him fall apart like that.

I look around the house, and see no one. In the kitchen the cake sits, about half of it left. I look around again and spot the clock on the stove. It reads 6:30am. Oh, well that explains why no one else is in here.

I have a major headache right now. My temples are throbbing, but for some reason I don't need to throw up. I walk over to the cake slowly, and pull a fork out of the drawer. I mean it's a cake, and I'm me, miswell eat it.

I take a seat on the stool and dig in. I moan when the taste hits my mouth. It tastes like heaven. Sof and I did an amazing job. I continue eating as I hear the birds begin the chirp louder and louder.

"Mind if I join you." I yelp and look up to spot my mom standing in the doorway frame. My mom and I haven't always had the best parent child relationship, but I still nod, and pull out a fork for her.

She eats some of the cake, and has the same reaction I did. "How are you feeling?" She asks. Oh, this is gonna be awkward. "Uh, good." I answer shortly. She sighs and stares at me. "I'm sorry. I never meant to be so distant with you. I always wanted a daughter, and I think everything that you had to go through just...scared me."

My eyes widened at her statement. I was not expecting her to say that. "It's not your fault, It's a pretty traumatising experience for a mom to have to watch their 7 year old go through." I agree. "I remember the day I found out I was having twins. Me and your father were so happy, even happier when we knew you were gonna be a girl."

She reaches over and tucks some hair behind my ear. "I love you so much. You know that right?" I rub my teary eyes and nod. "Yeah. I love you too mama." We share a meaningful hug until I remember the dream I had. "Oh! Oh my gosh mom I just remembered something that happened when I was in the hospital!"

She looks hesitant for a second before saying a wairy "Ok," giving me the right away to speak. "Before I woke up after I was kidnapped I had this really vivid dream where I was in this field of beautiful flowers. Then I met this woman, who was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my life." My mom leans on the kitchen counter still eating cake.

"She said her name was Morgan." My mom chokes on her cake, and ends up having to get up to get a cup of water. "You saw Morgan?" She asks, in complete disbelief. "I didn't believe it either, but she told me to tell you and Scarlet that what happened to her wasn't your fault, and that she has been, and always will be looking over us."

My mom looks like she wants to cry. So I pulled her into another hug. "Thank you." She whispers. "Even if that was just your imagination, I needed to hear that." We pull out of the hug when we hear heavy footsteps approaching the kitchen.

We start eating the cake again, because damn we gotta finish this before someone else comes in. "This is so fucking good." My mom mumbles, and I laugh, loudly, because I don't know if I've ever heard her cuss.

"Here comes your dad. Scarff down as much as you can before he gets here." I laugh again at her sarcasm. I'm so happy we cleared the air. I watch as my dad comes around the corner. He comes to a screeching halt when he sees us chowing down on the cake. He squints his eyes in disapproval.

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