Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Feeling Feelings


I can't believe she thought I was gonna leave her. I hate seeing her like this, but that just gives me all the more reason to stay with her. I can help her get better, we can reach her full potential together.

I keep staring at the irritated skin around her restraints, their bright red and puffy. It's making me want to just rip them off, but after talking the Grayson about just how mad he is about it. We both don't want her hurting herself, and its hospital protocol.

It's stupid is what it is. She's sound asleep right now. Honestly I don't know how she was even awake last night. They said that the sedative they gave her should have knocked her out for at least a day.

I knew we shouldn't have had that cookout so soon after her getting back. I suggested that we all just let Toni decide what she wanted to do, which would be resting, but apparently everyone else thought that was a lame idea because they wanted to see her.

"Are these really necessary?" I growl at the nurse who just walked in. I'm still staring at her wrist. "Y-yes sir. We have to k-keep them on until w-we have a psychiatrist come d-down to make sure she's stable."

Finding her on the bathroom floor like that yesterday nearly killed me. My sweet sweet pretty girl was hurting, and I couldn't do anything to help her. She has scratches going from the top of her eyebrows to the bottom of her eyelids.

It kills me to see her in pain. It's an illness that's never gonna go away, and It breaks me to see her like this. I promised her I'm not leaving, so I'm not. I'm a man of my word. I don't trust my mouth to talk anymore, so I just let her do her job, not lifting my eyes from Toni.

She stirs slightly, and lets out a barely audible groan. She's still recovering from her other injuries, and I wouldn't be surprised if she was in pain. "Hey baby, you wakin up?" I ask softly, stroking her hair to the side.

The nurse has left. Pretty sure I scared her to death, but I could care less. "Silas? What are you doing here? Wait, where am I?" Obviously she doesn't remember what happened last night. "You were admitted into the hospital, after having an episode. They're sending a physiatrist down in a little to clear you."

I'm not very sure if she even hears me, because her gaze stays focused on her wrists that are currently squeezed into tight fists. I unwind them with my hands, causing her to jolt back almost as if she forgot I was here.

I hate this for her.

"You with me Amada?" She nods her head, still not muttering another word. I attempt to help her sit up, but she only coils away from me in retaliation. "What's wrong?" She just shakes her head, and stares at the puke bucket at my feet.

I quirk my eyebrow and ask the simple question of "Do you feel sick?" Her head jerks up and down as her eyes widen. I lift it quickly just in time for her to start spilling up whatever is left from dinner yesterday.

Once she's done, she leans back in the bed exhausted, her chest heaving up and down rapidly, her arms slaking at her side, and her face pale with sweat dripping from it. This is awful. Completely and utterly awful.

I feel tears spring to my eyes as her eyes flutter shut. Physically straining to push them back, I suck in a tight breath, and release it slowly. I lift a water cup with a straw to her mouth that she gladly takes huge gulps of.

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