Bonus Chapter 2

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Dear Anna



Dear Anna,
I haven't written in so long. The last time I remember doing it was the beginning of school. I guess I just lost my touch when everything went down. When I met Silas, and you, and Austin, Maddie. I just didn't prioritise writing as much as I used to.
Finding out that you died was one of the hardest things I had to go through.
I mean I watched Leon die, then you died, and I guess I just felt like I died too. Since me and Silas have been back in New York, and we just finished the school year, we've had a lot of free time.
Obviously he's still working in his family business, and you'll be happy to hear that I took over the dance studio! I've been teaching young girls how to dance. The fun way of course. I miss you.
I still do. It's only been 2 months, and I guess the wound is just still open. I've been seeing this amazing therapist. I told her how I used to write, and she suggested I write letters to you. It helps in grieving patients apparently.
Oh, also me and Silas got our own place together! And Bella lives with us. His sister. You used to give the best advice. I can't thank you enough for everything you did. You were always there to talk, and never afraid to speak the truth.
That's what I liked about you.
You knew what to say at the right time. I think you knew my Nonna too. She talks about you a lot now too. She said you guys travelled the world together before you settled down.
Anyways, Silas should be back from work soon, so I should probably wrap it up.

Love, Toni


Dear Anna,
Life has been so freaking chaotic. I've been trying to write as much as I can, but even then I only get a little bit of info in. I've gotten so much better.
Bellas grew to be my actual best friend. Besides Sofia of course. Gosh, I wish you could've met her. She is the best person ever, and I bet you would've loved her. Although I'm sure it's like you meet her. I know you're watching.
I also know you are with your loved one. The one you told me about when we were talking about love. I'm writing to you in my childhood room right now.
Everyone's down stairs opening presents, but I decided to write to you first. Being home reminded me of you I guess.
It hasn't snowed yet, but it's definitely frighteningly cold outside. I saw this kitten outside in New York before me and Silas left, and I made him keep it.
I mean I was saving the poor things. Although, Silas does believe it's out to get him. We named her Anna. I hope that's ok with you, but she reminds me of you in a way.
She cuddles with me a lot, and is so crazy. Maybe it's what I imagine you'd be like when you were younger. It's still crazy to think of what happened last Christmas.
Ya know, I got kidnapped and all. Negative thoughts aside, I've kinda been warming up to the thought of having a baby. Silas, and I have only been together for a year and a half, so definitely not now. But I was talking to my therapist, the same one as last time, and she helped me understand that my illness shouldn't stand in the way of having a child, and I want one so bad Anna.
I want a little girl, or a little boy who looks like Silas and I. I can imagine how beautiful our child would be. Especially after doing that app where you merge your faces.
Silas thought it was creepy, but I think it was cute. They're calling me down stairs, gotta go.

Love, Toni


Dear Anna,
I can't talk long, because I have class in 10 minutes, but it's been nagging on me all day to write to you. I've been super busy with the girls lately, and dancing. Gosh I wish you could see the way your studio turned out.
How much people love dancing in it.
It's been a year since you died.
It's your death day. Is that how you say it? I don't know. I have therapy after this for that reason exactly. People tend to go off the rails on their loved ones' death dates.
Maybe it's just me, or the girls, but I feel oddly relaxed. I mean I know you're ok, and happy, and so I feel happy. It almost doesn't even feel like you're gone when I'm here all the time.
Sometimes I think I should sell it though. I know it holds memories of you, but a part of me wants to do something bigger. Be better.
Sometimes I feel like I haven't fully expected the fact that you're dead until I let this place go. I feel like I'm still holding on when I shouldn't.
Silas has been a real help though. It's 100/100 with us, not 50/50. We are each giving the same amount of love everyday. Well, sometimes when one of us is having a bad day, we let them only give 30, or 60 while the other gives 100.
It's love I guess.
Sometimes I show Silas the stuff I write to you, sometimes he actually writes to you too. He says it helps him cope too. I know your death didn't just take a toll on me.
I know you were like a mother to him as well. You just had that effect on people though. You couldn't not give someone advice, or inspiration. It was just you.
And I loved that about you.

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