Chapter Twelve

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I hate my birthday. Complete and utter hate. Throughout my whole life I have not liked it. I mean, when I was a kid it was ok, but never have I once woke up and thought 'Yay it's my birthday'. Never.

I don't like sharing it, and since I'm the least favorite in the family I'm sure you can guess who's day it's really all about.

The older we got the less obligated I was to have a party so I stopped. Boy did that do anything to Rowen. He not only throws a party every year, but forces me to come saying 'it's our birthday and we will celebrate it together'

So here I am laying in bed, hoping for the love of god maybe, just maybe they forgot. My phone dinging a million miles a minute isn't proving anything.

I shouldn't have put their numbers in my phone. I just got it yesterday and was bumbarded with text when fucking Maddie gave my number out to everyone.

I haven't gotten any text from the unknown person, so I'm just hoping that they don't know my new number and move on.

Or it was Sarah and she realized that her prank had gone too far.

I got the phone yesterday and the incident happened two days ago. So now it's Saturday and my birthday.

"Toni, get out of bed! It's your birthday! We got things to do!" Maddie screams from down the hall.

"My birthday wish is to stay in bed" I yell back. I don't hear a response, just the door swinging open and Maddie waltzing in with a dress in hand. "Do you realize how out of place my boot will look in that?"

"Oh hush, you know you're hot no matter what you wear." She throws the dress on me and walks straight back out. I stand up and slip on the dress. I guess it doesn't look that bad.

It does

This will be fun. After getting dressed I slide on my shoes and see Maddie sitting on the couch with her phone. "I'm not going to the stupid party I know Rowens throwing." It's literally just my 20th birthday, nothing special.

"As if you have a choice." I'm gonna go die. She drags me out of our room and across the street to the place I find myself at everyday. We walk in and the first thing I see is a huge banner that reads 'happy fucking birthday bitches!' "There's the birthday girl." No fucking way.

I get lifted into the air and set down gently. "Dad oh my god how are you here!!?"

"Me and your mom got a last minute flight last night." I look over his shoulder and see the familiar redhead. She embraces me in a big hug as well. "I missed you! How have you been?"

"Good, I've actually made quite a few friends. This is Maddie." I introduce and they shake hands, a whole new side of Maddie coming out.​​ Theo and Rowen round the corner carrying boxes, with Anna following behind.

Rowen sets down the box and comes walking over to me. "Happy birthday!" I say. "I could say the same thing." He says. We laugh and hug.


After several hugs later we are now sitting at a long table all enjoying lunch. My eyes keep trailing off to a blonde headed hot head sitting to my left across the table. Me and Rowen are sitting next to each other, my dad to my right, my mom across from him, Liam's mom next to her with his dad besides her and Liam besides him. Theo sits next to Rowen and Silas sits across from Theo.

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