Chapter Sixteen

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I know I need to talk to Silas, I just really really don't want to. I've been avoiding him severely. I have just about 100 missed calls from him that I have sent all to voicemail. 

I don't wanna hear him say we aren't gonna work, or he wants to back out. I just don't think my body can take it. For my sake though I need to talk to him, so we know where we stand and everything. I also need to explain to Austin what happened.

You know what, I'm gonna talk to Austin first.

I'm just currently laying in bed scrolling through Instagram. Like I've been doing for the past 2 days. It's Tuesday now and I've skipped two days of school which probably isn't good cause I'm so behind. My door echos a light knock and I mumble a small 'come it'. Maddie walks through the door with a cup of tea and a piece of toast with eggs on it. Mmm, my favorite.

"Hey babe, how ya feeling?" She asks slowly. I felt so bad that I scared her. I ruined the poor girl by making her watch me break down. I haven't had an episode in a while either. "Maddie, I'm really sorry you had to witness that, and I didn't like it anymore then you did, so can we just pretend that it never happened and go back to normal. I want the normal Maddie back."

"If it's what you need then sure. I'm just really worried about you." She lays the food in front of me and my tea on my nightstand. "Come out of your room today, we can go do something fun." She smiles. "Actually, can you invite Austin over? I wanna explain everything to him. He deserves to know."

"Are you sure it's a good idea to tell everyone but Silas? What if someone slips up?" She looks hesitant as she pulls out her phone. "I doubt Silas even wants to be with me anymore." I grumble and take a bite of the toast. She scoffs and shakes her head. "What?" I ask.

"You're so oblivious, he's been keeping in touch with me because you are ignoring him. He cares about you T and I know you care about him. I know you're scared about Theo and your family, but you need to think about what's good for you." There's the Maddie I know. "Is he really good for me though?"

"I'm not trying to insinuate anything or get the wrong idea. But when it's love it's always good for you." Love, love, that's a big word. "Mads, he doesn't love me." I laugh even though it sounds like I'm trying to convince myself. "I just texted Austin and he said he'll be here in about 5 minutes." She gets up and opens the door to leave before turning around and smirking when she says,

"Maybe he doesn't love you T, but he's definitely in love with you." Then she shuts the door and leaves me with my thoughts. Silas, in love with me? No.

Austin engulfs me in a hug so tight I can barely breath. "Oh my god I'm so happy you're ok." He sighs until I pat his back and he lets go. "Ok so what'd you have to tell me?" He sits down on the edge of the couch and I sit directly next to him with Maddie next to me holding my hand. I take in a deep breath and start.

"When I was 7 years old I was diagnosed with Schizophrenia..." I start and explain the whole story to him. He sits there quietly and listens the whole time just like Maddie did. He doesn't look away from me just like Maddie did, and I'm starting to feel a little more confident about my relationship with Silas.

"Wait so what triggered your episode on Saturday?" I just think fuck it what do I have to lose. Or maybe I shouldn't say anything. Fuck it. "Well, me and Silas may or may not be seeing each other. We may or may not have been making out in the gym and then the voices got out of control and I freaked out."

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