Chapter Fourteen

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Two Feet & a Capri-Sun


"Aw, that feels so good Doc. Really appreciate it!" I flex my foot back and forth and watch as the doctor leaves the room laughing. "Why did you have to say it like that?" Rowen groans. "Like what?" I joke. "Like the doctor just gave you an orgasm"

"I think my foot had one if that's possible." I mumble and hop down from the seat. It feels like my foot got extremely light. I kinda wobble around and hold onto Rowens arm until I get used to it. Another doctor walks in, a female might I add. "Darn it he was cute."

"My husband is very cute" The other doctor remarks with a smirk. "Oh shit my bad-" The doctor starts laughing as does Rowen in the back. "I think what you said was very funny," She laughs.

She has really pretty long black curls with a slight tan to her skin. "It says right here you're a schizophrenic correct?" She lifts up a sheet of paper on a clipboard and looks up at me real quick when I don't answer. "Sadly" I answer.

"Ok, I just wanted to update your medication, and ask you a few personal questions." Rowen starts to stand up, knowing the drill. They only like it to be one on one with the person when it's about this type of stuff.

After the door closes she sits down in the spinny chair and I sit across from her. "Has it been any different from before?"

"Not really" I answer. "Can you elaborate on that please."

"I don't really know. Ever since my environment changed to New York it's been kinda like in control. Usually I can tell when a bad day will happen or something, but recently it's been all over the place, sometimes it just hits me all at once." She writes something down then looks back up at me.

"I'm gonna start you on Anit-depresents, and anxiety medication. They can usually help with things like this. You will also have your regular medication as well. I would suggest having positive people in your life that encourage you, having negative factors can make it worse."

She hands me a piece of paper to where I can pick up my medication. "Have you thought about killing yourself recently"

"No" Not since Silas. "Ok, here's a list of support groups you can join that have similar things as you." She hands me the list and then stands up to leave. "That will be all for now. I would like you to come back in about 2 months to see how the medications are going." With that she leaves and Rowen enters.

"She's starting me on anit-depresents and Anxiety shit" I grumble and stand up. I don't need it and I don't want it. "I don't know why I need it, I'm fine" I grumble again and push Rowen out of the way. I hate going to the doctor, there like. Here you need this and this. Like fuck off.

"I shouldn't have told her shit" Rowen runs into the elevator to catch up to me before it closes. "You know she's just trying to help-"

"I don't want her help. She makes me sound like I'm sick with some sotra disease. Like I'm crazy'' I mumble the last part and look down. I hate this, I hate this, I hate this. "Toni! Stop!" Rowen rips my hand from my arm and I open my eyes. There's blood seeping through my scabs.

I flex my hands and clear my throat. "Sorry" I whisper right as the elevator dings. We walk out of the building into the parking lot to the car. "Do you want to do anything?" Fuck yes. "I wanna dance"

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