Chapter Seventeen

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Half Truth


I feel the figure underneath me shift slightly causing me to shift as well causing me to wake up a little. I open an eye and see Silas with both hands over his head admiring me. "Stop staring, it's weird" my voice is croaky and not at all pretty since it's my first words of the day.

I snuggle back into him and let a content smile rise on my lips. "Did you know that when you smile, like really smile, you get these cute dimples on the sides of your face." It sounds like he hasn't spoken at all today either, except I find his very sexy.

"Shut up" I mumble as another smile creeps its way across my lips. "You're cute when you're trying to be grumpy." I start to roll off of him when his arms instinctively wrap around me and hold me there. "No I'm sorry, please don't leave." He apologizes.

"You know everyone always talks about how you're grumpy and mean, but I've never seen you be anything but nice and fluffy." I comment and his cheeks flush slightly. "I am not fluffy." He grumbles and looks away from me.

"Oh you so are"

"Am not"


"Only with you" a giggle bubbles up from my throat causing him to smile down at me. "You're so whipped" I comment and his face reddens again. "So are you," that is very true, but I'd never admit that.

I stuff my face back into his neck and breathe in his scent. "You smelling me is weird." How the heck did he know I was smelling him?

"You smell good." I mumble and proceed to fall back asleep. "As much as I love this, we have things to do." As in things he means to talk about what happened the other day.

My dreams did not help me think about what I was gonna say. I ignore him and continue my peaceful 'sleep'. "Come on Amada" he sits up but I don't budge, so now I'm just straddling his lap.

I feel his chest vibrate a laugh to which I hold onto him tighter. He stands up, and I stay hooked to him. "Amada..." I don't know how he's holding me so well, I'm pretty heavy. He walks over to the bathroom and sets me down on the ground, but I keep my head on his chest.

"Take a shower, and when you're done come out to the kitchen." With that he leaves the bathroom and shuts the door. I look at myself in the mirror and laugh at my appearance. I look like a mess.

I set the water on to warm up and start the look around the bathroom for the essentials. I look under the sink and see the same perfume I use. Not only one, or two. But three bottles of perfume I use.

He has the same feminine products I use and the same facial products I use. If I was someone else I would think we were living together. I feel my heart tighten a little and get the sudden urge to cry.

How am I supposed to keep a secret so big after this shower from him when he cares so deeply for me. He got everything for me right here in his bathroom. what the actual fuck is happening.

My shower was quick. I was in and out in like 15 minutes, probably would have been shorter if I didn't have all my hair to wash. I will say that the Vanilla scented shampoo calmed me a good bit for this conversation.

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