Chapter One

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New Fucking York


"Get up. Toni, get up!" It goes silent again and I think, finally, peace and quiet. My sleep is quickly inturpted when I feel a cold, very fucking cold substance splatter all over me. I jolted awake looking at a very amused Rowen with an empty glass of what I assume was water.

I'm drenched, and cold. "Your fucking dead." I seethe and watch the color drain from his face. My twin takes off running out of my room as I'm left shivering in a puddle of cold water. Sometimes I wonder why I didn't eat him in the womb.

Usually Theo, my older brother, beats him up when he does things like this to me, but since he's gone Rowen thinks he gets to rule now. He's literally only 7 minutes older then me, yet he acts like my fucking dad.

Just kill him.

I shove my face into a pillow and groan, of course he had to ruin it. My fucking peace and quiet.

After a couple minutes when I realize that my bed isn't gonna dry itself. I make my way down stairs to finally beat up this prick. Of course I find him hiding behind my mom. My mom definitely has a soft spot for Rowen and always takes his side on everything.

I would like to say my dad has a soft spot for me, but that spot is already taken by none other than my mom. All I ever hear is how cool my parents are and how lucky I am to have them as my parents.

Trust me, whatever you have to say, I've heard it. That's why I stay quiet in school and only speak when spoken to. I don't put up with bullshit people have to say. Oh did I forget to mention my anger issues.

Thanks mom, thanks dad, I really appreciate it.

Just kill them all.

You know you want to.

I pull my hands to my head, pulling at my hair. Go the fuck away, and shut the fuck up. "Hey T you feeling better?" My mom's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I honestly forgot that my family was standing right infront of me.

Now they're all staring at me with worry evident in their eyes. "I will be after I kill this bitch" I charge at Rowen and hear him yelp after I tackle him to the ground. Before I can land a good throw to his nose my dad picks me up off of him and throws me over his shoulder.

"Antoni, we've been through this before, you're not allowed to attack Rowen." He sets me down on the couch making sure I can't leave, giving me the Grayson Smith/Dad stare, which for the record can be intimidating.

"But he's allowed to pour freezing cold water on me while I'm sleeping, very peacefully sleeping might I add." I yell back, feeling just as agitated. Now it's Rowens turn to get lasered eyed by dad.

"Rowen Kean, you're 19 for christ sake, almost 20, why the hell would you do that." I smirk, leaning back on the couch, watching the show. I need some popcorn now.

"You told me to get her because you needed to speak to us. She wouldn't get up, so I poured water on her, and looked. She's up" I scowl even harder at him, until I see my dad visibly tense.

My gaze draws to him as he clears his throat. "Right, well, dinners ready so let's all go eat." Seriously, he gets off just like that. I roll my eyes but comply, and follow him to the table.

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