Chapter Thirty-Six

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I have to pee, but Silas is currently crushing me. Not literally crushing me, but like his body is in between my legs, and he's following good measures to keep from hurting me. There's a pillow on my stomach where his head is, and his arms are wrapped around me, holding my butt.

It's the middle of the night, and I'm still awake. I can't sleep. Every time I fall asleep I have horrible nightmares. The doctor prescribed me some sleeping meds, but they make me feel nauseous, and I sleep through the whole day.

Silas though, on the other hand needs the sleep. He's been a walking zombie ever since I've been here, afraid something might happen to me. So he paid off one of the nurses for him to stay after hours because apparently the only way he'd sleep is if I was right next to him.

Clingy bastard.

I'm about to worm my way out of his grip to give my damn blatter a release, when there's a faint knock on my door, and my nurse, Ms.Kelly is peeking her head in. I think she's in her late 20's, but that's just my guess, I could be wrong. She walks in more before she realizes I'm awake and furrows her eyebrows.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" She asks quietly to keep from awaking the beast. I may have gossiped just a little to her one night when I wasn't sleeping. She's my night nurse that has to change my fluids, and make sure I'm still breathing and shit.

I usually fake sleeping when she comes in, but I really have to fucking pee right now. "You know me, just staring at my boyfriend while he sleeps." I joke, and she rolls her eyes. "Toni, you should be resting."

"I know I know, I was gonna sleep, but then this book I'm reading on my phone just got too good to put down." I say dramatically, and hug my phone to my chest. She laughs again, and starts doing her job.

"He must be special." She stares at me with a smile as I look down at Silas' loaf of blonde hair. His chest moves slowly up and down showing that he's asleep as a small snore sounds from his mouth.

"He is." I agree, and run my fingers through his hair. "I'm holding my pee in for this bastard." I whisper up at her and she laughs silently. She finishes up what she normally does, and makes her way to the door.

The last thing she says is "Sleep." Then leaves the room with a soft click of the door.

I succeed in getting out from under Silas without waking him up and slide my feet onto the floor. My joints aren't as useable as they used to be. I can feel them, they just don't work. I stare at the walker thats stationary next to my bed before I just decide to fuck it, and walk to the bathroom.

I already have to bring my pole thing because it's connected to me so I'll just support myself on that.

Now, I know what you're thinking. Toni what if you get hurt. Yes I could get hurt, but this has been one of my exercises my PT doctor is helping me with. I walk to the bathroom and back with no help.

I guess during that I have people watching me, but if I really need help Silas is right there, so really I'm fine. I made it to the bathroom successfully with little struggle. It lifts a smile onto my face.

I've been in the hospital for 2 weeks. The first week I wasn't awake. For the second week I've been working my ass off to get better. I've had a lot of lows, but I always enjoy the highs. Like right now as I unload the liquid from within me.

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