Chapter Nineteen

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"That's him isn't it?" I jumped, startled at Sofia's voice right in my ear. I haven't talked much since Silas showed up, I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that he is in fact here, at my house.

My mom said they're gonna be staying in our guest house, which I don't find any better. Having the fact that my bedroom window looks directly into it. Shoot me now. "Who?" I ask, and Sophia just snickers to herself.

We are all practically scattered across our back lawn, just talking and eating food. Well I've been cowering in the corner while Sophia just chats my ear off about all her friends in Venice.

"Toni, you've been staring at him all night." She states and I look over at her to avoid making eye contact with Silas, again. "Yeah" I breathe and watch her face light up, then dim real quick.

"Oh, oh that's not good at all" Now it's her turn to sink down on the couch.

You made a mistake

It's ruined

Your a screw up

I flip my hood up and lean my head on Sofia's side. Practically laying on top of her. "Is it bad again?" She asks quietly and I nod slowly. I think the reason me and Sof get along so well is because when she's in her manic episodes it gets bad. Like she gets voices too.

That's not always a good thing though, like what if one day we both go team crazy and kill everyone.

I guess we can just relate in one way or another. "I think I'm just gonna take a nap" I whisper, but she doesn't respond so I figure it's ok.

I'm not sure how long I nap for, or if I ever really nap I just get woken up by Sofia tapping my side. I stir awake and open my eyes slightly. "I gotta go pee" I nod and she's off. I just lay down on the couch fully extending my body.

Only I hit someone's hard ass legs halfway through it. I peek an eye open to see Silas staring down at me, with a beer in his hand. Oh, I forgot he was old enough to drink. Without a word said he lifts my legs up and onto his lap.

Ok then

I just shrug it off and let him keep my feet warm. They were really cold.

"Amada, everyones going inside." I already know who it is but the electric shock his hands are leaving on my arm. Also that stupid nickname. I'm not exactly lucid so all I mumble is a small "ok" to which he laughs at.

"You gotta come inside, it's freezing out here." Well I'm pretty warm. I sit up slowly and open my eyes to see the back yard empty. How long did I sleep for?  "Did Theo ever come home?" I ask hoping to god he's laying in his bed sleeping.

When I don't get an answer from Silas my mind jumps to the worst. Oh god what if he's dead. Or was almost here and flipped his car. "Hey look at me, breathe for me darling. I promise he's ok." No no no, he's no-

"Toni" His stern voice has me looking straight into his eyes. "You're ok, breathe for me baby" He places my hand over his chest right above his heart. "Follow my heart beat" I do as he says and follow his extremely slow heartbeat.

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