Chapter Eleven

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It goes back a forth a couple times so pay attention. It gets a little freaky.


I'm angry, I'm pissed, I'm beyond pissed. God Satan would be scared of me right now. I'm pacing around my dorm room freaking the fuck out. What do I do, I can't just-

My father couldn't have picked a more inconvenient time to call me. Tell me what my mission is, what I have to do. I grab a bottle of whisky and chuck it at the open wall in front of me. I don't usually have feelings for people like this. I don't usually feel like this ever.

Toni has made me feel.. Like, I don't even know. Happy? I enjoy my time with her, I forget who I am and what I do for a living. Brazilian, mafia don. Technically I'm not yet, but everyone calls me it because I'm next in line after my father either passes it to me or dies.

She's mysterious, luring almost. She's like the cake that every little kid begs their parents for to which they never oblige. Yet there aren't any parents this time and I'm not asking, I'm taking.

I know for a fact my family would not approve of her speaking of who she is, nor would her family. Hell, if she knew who I was she wouldn't want me. The thing about her is I feel like I've known her forever.

Theo was always constantly talking about her, and I grew annoyed with her. He made her out to be the most perfect little flower in the pod, yet she's not. She's so fucking far from it. Every fucking time I see her all I see is the facade she's putting on.

I didn't miss the scars crawling up her back at the football game party. I didn't miss the outlines of finger nail imprintings on her palms, or the scratches and scabs on her arms. Every damn thing that could make her imperfect.

I feel so stupid for judging, and being annoyed at her. All I want is to know her now, yet she seems so hell bent on not telling me. She's scared I'll be the one running for the hills.

When we bumped into one another on the day before school started I couldn't help but admire her eyes at our close proximity. I didn't mean to be rude, truly. I had just had another phone call with my dad about the situation.

I was a total ass and deserved the snarky comment from her. Let me tell you though if she wasn't her, I would have had my hands around their throat in seconds for talking to me like that.

She walked away too quickly for me to get a real good look at her eyes. They were light yet so  dark and alluring, they are what had me drawn to her and frozen in place for a couple seconds. Her hair, her freckles.

I didn't even know who she was and I wanted to know her. Figure out all of her. I tried to shake it off for the rest of that day, but she never left my mind, Her eyes never left my mind once.

Seeing her dance that day was another story. I had been trying to blow off some steam when I heard her music playing. I know the owner pretty well, Anna. The sweetest woman I've ever met.

She would always tell me stories about her dancing, and how she was saving the room for someone special. Toni is special, Toni is beyond special. She looked at peace with herself while dancing.

I had tried to draw my gaze away from her moving figure, but I couldn't. The way her body became one with the music, and how she moved like it was a natural instinct for her.

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