Chapter Two

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"I can't wait to see you, I feel like we haven't hung out in person in so long." My best friend, Liam, spoke through the phone.

Continuing packing and ignoring his statement I change the subject. "So, are there any lucky men over there?" I can see his cheeks grow a fant rosy color. "Oh, my god, spill!" His lips pull into a smile and his eyes light up.

"Well, his name is Austin, and we've been talking for a while. We're actually going out tonight."

"No flipping way, I can't wait to meet him." I squeal "Ok, I've got to go, I'm about to leave, see ya soon." He gives me a small wave and hangs up the other line.

Ok. Underwear, bras, shirts, jackets, socks, jeans, leggings, sweats, my makeup, shoes. I think I got everything. Besides all my other essentials. I hear a faint knock on my door and see my mom stick her head in.

"Are you ready to go hunny?" She asks quietly. I give her a convincing smile and firm nod. Even though I'm dreading this. "How have you been lately?" I tense a little at her question. Like I said, she has a soft side for Rowen. I'm sure she loves me, it's just, we don't talk about my schizophrenia a lot.

"I'm doing good, todays been a pretty good day too." She seems to like this answer, because she loosens up a little and waves me towards the door.

The car ride to the airport is silent, and it's an awkward silence, not comfortable. I stay staring out the window, watching all the trees become a blur as we drive by them. I love the cold, and just everything about the 2nd half of the year.

Especially snow, we don't get a lot where we live, I've only seen snow once and it didn't even stick. Snow is calming, it's so pure and beautiful. My parents insisted they would drive us, so they know we get to the airport ok.

Which is bullshit. They care about how we get to the airport but then we're gonna be gone till thanksgiving. Which by the way is their fault. "You guys take care of yourself ok?" My mom whispers, hugging us both.

My dad gives Rowen a hug and whispers something into his ear that I don't understand. Then he comes to give me a hug. "I love you peanut, please take care of your self and don't do anything stupid."

He's lying he doesn't love you.

I clear my throat and pull away from him. "I love you too dad." Me and Rowen both leave them and enter onto the plane, some other guys took our luggage so we only have our carry on. Mine consist of 3 books, my phone and a charger.

Rowen just bought a sketch pad and his phone. Getting cozy in the couch chair thing I opened my first book and braced myself for this long 9 hour flight. We have the whole jet to ourselves but damn is this gonna be long.


After finishing all 3 books I start wandering around trying to find something comfier than the rock couch. I open a door in the back and see a bed in the middle of the room, untouched.

Looking around a little more I see there's a side table and a small lamp. I can feel my eyes growing heavier so I just walk over to the bed and plop right down in the middle of it. I won't lie, it is very comfy.

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